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Frustrated !

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:49 am
by mcfruitarian
It is now a week since I gave up oils and fats after having giving up nuts and seeds 3 months ago after watching Jeff's DVD's. 3 days ago, I reduced my fruit intake. Past 3 days, I have been on lentil soup & spanish, brown rice & green beans & grapes. Yet, I have not lost a gram. I still eat a lot, 3 servings per meal. What is different is that between meals, I feel full like never before. I am considering start skipping meals to help me shed the extra weight. I should be weighing between 65 and 68 kg. Currently, my weight is around 74 kg.

This week, I am reading the starch solution but I am not new to MD. I studied his DVD's when I turned vegan 10 years. Though I enjoyed a healthy life in terms of no visit to doctors except for the physio and chiro because of sport injuries, I remained fat and 10% above my ideal weight level. Prior to last week, I was high on fruit and prior to 3 months ago, I was high on fat ( olive oil, Avo and nuts & seeds). Actually, I had few spells of living on fruit only but I could not sustain them for longer than 2 weeks.

I appreciate your feedback on what I am doing wrong.

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:06 pm
by pinkrose
How about exercise, Mc? :?:

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:59 pm
by mcfruitarian
I swim daily and I cycle, run and paddle (kayaking) weekly.

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:22 pm
by pinkrose
mcfruitarian wrote:I swim daily and I cycle, run and paddle (kayaking) weekly.

Probably enough! :eek:

I think you will be able to fix this and do well! :D

Calculate the ratio of low starch veggies/starches you are now eating and increase it. :!:

For example, if your plate or bowl contains half low starch veggies and half starches, increase the ratio from 1:1 to 2:1--2/3 low starch veggies and 1/3 starches. If you are a fast eater, you may also find that slowing down and enjoying every bite will prevent over stuffing.

Also, you did not say how many grapes you are eating. I suppose a cup of grapes is about servings and Dr. McDougall recommends a maximum of two servings/pieces of fruit on the MWL plan.

Keep us posted on your progress, Mc! :-D

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:59 pm
by mcfruitarian
I am not sure what calculation you refer to, as I live on home cooking food.

Is it enough that for every one cup of starch (say), I top it with 2 cups of vegies (in my mind all vegies are low starch)?

At the moment, roughly speaking, my vegies outweigh the main starch dish.

I used to eat a lot of fruit and have been reducing over the past week.

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:25 pm
by pinkrose
mcfruitarian wrote:I am not sure what calculation you refer to, as I live on home cooking food.

Is it enough that for every one cup of starch (say), I top it with 2 cups of vegies (in my mind all vegies are low starch)?

At the moment, roughly speaking, my vegies outweigh the main starch dish.

I used to eat a lot of fruit and have been reducing over the past week.

I think you are on the right track, Mc! Enjoy your veggies and starches!

We look forward to sharing your good results with you! :-D

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:31 pm
by Faith in DC
When you say you eat three servings each meal, is each of those serving a cup of rice and the two cups of veggies?? So at lunch (and dinner) you are eating three cups of rice and six cups of veggies?

I can't imagine eating three servings at each meal, well not the size of my servings.

You also say you are really full between meals.

I'm wondeirng if you are eating to satisfaction (not hungry) or if you are feeling stuffed. Maybe paying more attention to how you body feels. I do take a midway break so signals can get working. Even Dr. Lisle has talked about that before.

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:19 pm
by mcfruitarian
For instance, yesterday I had 2 servings for lunch and 2 servings for dinner. I do not measure. I fill up my plate and eat, half rice and half Vegies. That is why I am overweight.

Good point. I will start paying more attention to how I feel.

When I said I feel full, I am expressing a new sensation since I switched from high fruit diet to starch diet.

BTW, I am 10 % overweight. My ideal weight is 65-68 kg. currently I weigh 73kg. I lost 1 kg in 10 days since I gave up oils and avocados.

Currently, my only food sin is salt. Overtime, I will be reducing my salt intake.

Any further thoughts on how I can lose weight without starving myself.

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:19 pm
by mcfruitarian
For instance, yesterday I had 2 servings for lunch and 2 servings for dinner. I do not measure. I fill up my plate and eat, half rice and half Vegies. That is why I am overweight.

Good point. I will start paying more attention to how I feel.

When I said I feel full, I am expressing a new sensation since I switched from high fruit diet to starch diet.

BTW, I am 10 % overweight. My ideal weight is 65-68 kg. currently I weigh 73kg. I lost 1 kg in 10 days since I gave up oils and avocados.

Currently, my only food sin is salt. Overtime, I will be reducing my salt intake.

Any further thoughts on how I can lose weight without starving myself.

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:32 am
by bestbatchyet
Looks like you are doing fine. A kg in 10 days is about average for someone following this plan. As pinkrose suggested, change your plate to 1/3 rice and 2/3 veggies.

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:59 pm
by mcfruitarian
This is new for me. I would expect a much faster weightloss rate. Is there any explanation for this snail rate?

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:38 pm
by pinkrose
mcfruitarian wrote:This is new for me. I would expect a much faster weightloss rate. Is there any explanation for this snail rate?

In the long run--thinking about living the rest of your life after you reach your goal--how important is it if you lose the excess weight in four months or two months? :?: Many of us found that the last pounds did not go quickly.

While you are losing the excess weight, you are adapting mentally and physically to this way of eating. :!: Patience! :nod:

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:02 pm
by mcfruitarian
you are right pinkrose...

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:05 am
by frozenveg
mcfruitarian wrote:This is new for me. I would expect a much faster weightloss rate. Is there any explanation for this snail rate?

You do need to consider that you are very close to your goal weight and have very little to lose, compared to those of us who had so much to lose! It's hard to be patient and not be discouraged by losses that you may have read or heard on this board! Remember I told you I lost 7 pounds (3.2kg) the first week, and then only 1.75 lbs (.8 kg) the following weeks? When I was was down to only 16 lbs. (8 kg) to lose, I was averaging less than .75 pounds (.34 kg) a week, and not in a straight line, with gains, etc.

You have to be patient and look at this in the long term, as pinkrose says. Your payoff in the long run is so wonderful and this is the way to eat for your whole life! Stop weighing yourself every day if it is causing you discouragement. Weigh yourself once a week, or once a month. This is for the lifetime!

Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:32 pm
by mcfruitarian
I agree. It is a long term journey. However, it is now 3 weeks since I adhere to the plant-based McDougall eating solution. And I have not lost any weight and my loss rate is nil. I remain 8 kg over weight. I know that I could kick my loss rate if I intensify my exercises....

Do you think if I start counting and tracking my daily calories consumption will provide me insight into the root cause? On the one hand, I am not too keen on calories counting as I am not sure how to do the actual counting for home prepared food from basic ingredients.
On the other, calories counting might provide me with better understanding of the drivers for my weight stubborness.

On balance, we behave the way we are measured. Through my counting, I might change my behaviour. I would to hear your views on calories counting and recording as a driver for eating behavioural change.
