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12 Day Plan Spreadsheet?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:37 am
by BillInInd
I plan on starting the 12 day plan on Monday. I need to go shopping for all the food that I need on Saturday. I was making out a grocery list for the 12 Day plan and I wondered if there was spreadsheet out there of everything that I will need. Some things I will probably have to pick up at a health food store and the closest one is 45 miles a way. Does such a spreadsheet exist? If not I'm going to try to come up with one.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:29 am
by hope101
I don't have what you are describing specifically, but it's a great idea. I made a grocery list on Excel a few years ago that has proven invaluable. I grouped the ingredients on the sheet by where they are in the store and would just check off items I need weekly. I used to post the list on my fridge and check long term pantry and household items off as they were used up. I was just thinking the other day that I need to redo my list because it is practically useless now that I McDougall. Kind of neat, however, to do away with the dairy and meat section.

Description of the 12-Day program?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:08 pm
by Burgess
Bill, I have been a McDougaller for a long time, but I don't recall talking to anyone who followed a 12-Day program. Could you describe a little what you are doing?

For example, are you following the menus Dr. McDougall suggests on pp. 60-64 of The McDougall Program book?

That sounds like a good approach especially for anyone new to the McDougall plan. Even if one is still learning the principles for selecting foods, he can simply follow the suggested menus as a starting point and then try other things later.

My only concern would be that if the person isn't accustomed to cooking, following that many new recipes might be a major challenge.

I would like to suggest an alternative that might work for some individuals: Keep it really simple, especially at first. I think of food in just three categories: fruits, vegs, starches. Basically, it's that simple (to start out with).

So, when I go to the grocery store for next week's food, I start with fruit and buy a variety of them: melon, berries, "tree fruit" (apples, oranges, and so forth), and others. Six or seven different kinds is plenty for the coming week. And I remind myself that I can buy them fresh in the produce section, I can buy them frozen, and I can even buy a few of them in canned form (to keep on the shelf, for emergencies).

I do the same thing for vegs: roots (like carrots) stalks (like celery), and leaves (like purple cabbage or "red" lettuce).

I do the same thing for starches -- although these don't typically come frozen or in cans (except beans and peas), but might come in bags (like rice) or boxes (noodles), I suppose.

Except for flavorings (spices), that is about all that is required to get started if one is taking the simplest possible approach.

Here is how simple a McDougall meal can be:
- Orange(s)
- Broccoli, chopped simmered or steamed.
- Big baked potato(es) with some healthy topping (like a healthy ketchup or a healthy bottled salsa).

No serious recipe-following or "cooking," except the simplest kinds!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:06 am
by Doris
BillInInd, I agree with Burgess, keep it simple. I started with The McDougall Program -12 Days to Dynamic Health. In the book, Pg. 60-64, there are menu suggestions for 12 days. I scanned the menus and picked a few that sounded good to me. I tended to repeat some and omitted some that just weren't for me. I realized I could do this when I closely read the food choices and menus that were actually used by the Waterman's in the daily posts (pages 122 -175). Also, Dr. McDougall addressed this on page 127 - Choosing Your Own Personal Menu Plan. He says it so well.

I wish you the best ! :)

Re: Description of the 12-Day program?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:57 am
by serenity
Burgess wrote:My only concern would be that if the person isn't accustomed to cooking, following that many new recipes might be a major challenge.

I am accustomed to cooking and, even so, found that the number of recipes in the 12 day menu plan and time they took to be overwhelming. I don't think I made it past 2 days. I"ve even tried it as an experienced McDougaller, and still can't make it work. I tend to do what Doris suggested, and scan for a couple of ideas that appeal to me.

So, Bill, it may be too late but I agree with Burgess and Doris. You may want to scale back. But if you attempt to follow the menus verbatim, and if you find it difficult, please don't be discouraged. There is a fairly steep learning curve for most of us. It takes time to become accustomed to the new food, to a new menu plan, and to new work (shopping, cooking) routines. Just keep trying and refining until you find a solution that works for you.

And please let us know how it goes.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:27 am
by BillInInd
Well I'm 7 days into the McDougall 12 day plan from the following link: I tried in the beginning to do all the menus, but I had too much leftovers so I started eating the supper leftovers for lunch the next day. My wife likes have the 12 plan layed out. She didn't have to decide what to cook for me and it helped that I was helping her every now and then with the cooking. She says me helping with the cooking is the best part of this diet.:)

Good for you...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:01 am
by Clary
What a positive, upbeat beginning, and great team work. Good for you both. :nod:

Is the link you posted above correct? I am aware the problem could be with my computer or connections and not the link. I get this message when I click on it:

404 - Document Not Found
The requested object or URL was not found on this server.

The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate or has moved.

Home Page
Site Map

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:11 am
by Doris
Clary, I also got the same message you did. I have accessed the free program and menus from the McDougall Home Page before. I plan to try that route in a few minutes. :)

Just went to the home page. I clicked on Free Program and everything is there. It is a great place to send new McDougallers. Lots of info Still don't understand why the link didn't work. It is all magic to me. :-D

Try this link

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:20 am
by scottp
The above link has a period "." at the end so it doesn't work. Try this one:

Re: Try this link

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:29 am
by Clary
scottp wrote:The above link has a period "." at the end so it doesn't work. Try this one:

Thanks. It worked.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:49 am
by BillInInd
Ahh the details. I was trying to figure out why the link didn't work. Thanks for the help.