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Question about hunger and lack of fats/proteins

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:22 pm
by rooney
I was under the impression that protein and fat in meals is what helps with satiety. I have an issue of becoming hungry pretty quickly after meals. I'm worried that if I limit fats and protein and center my diet mainly on starches, I'll be hungry all the time.

For example -- let's say I eat a meal of whole wheat pasta and vegetables. Sure, I'll be full right afterward, but an hour or so later, I'm hungry again. Or, a meal of rice and vegetables. Same deal.


Re: Question about hunger and lack of fats/proteins

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:18 am
by frozenveg
Have you actually experienced the hunger you describe, or are you simply guessing that that will occur, based on what you have read or people have said? Actually, it is fiber, more than any other component of a meal, that provides satiety, not fat or protein.

I find this discussion by Jeff Novick--about Calorie Density--to be the best-laid-out explanation of how to eat this way, not be hungry, and lose weight (if you need to) with the best nutrition possible.

(Edited to add: if you ARE hungry an hour later, the solution might be to eat again--or to plan to eat more at each meal, so you aren't hungry.)

Since you are a newbie, I suggest that you take some time to read the newsletter articles: ... /archives/

and look at Jeff Novick's discussion forum, especially the FAQs and Hot Topics: viewforum.php?f=22

Re: Question about hunger and lack of fats/proteins

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:34 pm
by c107
Sometimes you can eat enough so that you're sort of full, but not truly full. I can't explain it, but I do know that people tend to undereat on this diet. I guess it's sort of like when you eat a banana and your hunger is gone, but you know one banana isn't going to keep you full for long.

Chef AJ says: If people aren't freaking out about how much food you have on your plate, you're probably not eating enough.

Grandma is always baffled when she sees a tiny guy like me eating a mountain of mashed potatoes and gravy.

Re: Question about hunger and lack of fats/proteins

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:04 pm
by roundcoconut
I think that sometimes people have a psychological issue with certain meals. Like, if there isn’t a blob of meat on their plate, then it doesn’t really “count” and they’re entitled to a REAL dinner goddammit. This feeling of “If it doesn’t include a protein, then I’m not gonna be happy” of course has nothing to do with the volume or the caloric content of the food consumed.

Of course, knowing that you have to compare “apples to apples”, (sorry for the food metaphor which seems to confuse matters more than necessary!) is important. If you compare the satiety of a chicken and cheese burrito, up against the satiety of a no-oil brown-rice-n-veggies burrito OF EQUAL CALORIC VALUE — then I highly doubt if you’d be telling me that the first burrito fills you up better and lasts you longer. The first one is pretty much absent of any water or fiber, and takes up little volume in your stomach (or on your plate) while the second is hella full of water and fiber, and takes up a crap ton of volume in your stomach.

Then again, if you were to eat a whole foods diet with no added oil, and be “hungry” in an hour (psychologically, because there’s no way you’re passing out from weakness after a big brown-rice-n-veggies burrito!), you could probably eat a potato or a piece of fruit, and STILL your heart would be in better shape, than if you were to stuff chicken breasts and olive oil down your piehole.

Of course, if you are interested in getting the benefits of this way of eating, you’ll do great and figure out some awesome meals for yourself. If you’re looking for a way out, you honestly don’t need a reason — you can just do your own thing and follow your own heart. Both ways are available to you! :)