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MemphisRain1-New with RA and Ready to GO!!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:47 pm
by memphisrain1
Hi Everyone!

I am brand new to experiencing Rheumatoid Arthritis (diagnosed in November, 2017) and the absolute horrors of this entire experience. :cry: ; however, I have been at my computer for this entire New Years weekend, for days, (other than painfully walking my dog or walking to the store across the street) reading, studying, taking notes, watching the video' out the fridge (cupboards are tomorrow night) and purchasing enough food to get started on my NEW CHANCE today!!

I wasn't quite as perfect as I thought in my foodies today--cream with my coffee, cream cheese on my mini-bagel and six wheat thins (oil)..otherwise seltzer water, 2 red potato's no butter, yes to the salsa, thank you very much, and I have no idea (maybe some cold wheat cereal without moisture) for my "sweet" snack--gotta have something sweet because I quit smoking 18 months ago as well...

My RA feels like the flu most days along with the severe pain--and I made the decision NOT to take my methotrexate...I just couldn't--I was depressed, having bad thoughts about this being the end of my life with this horrible diagnosis and medication (I am 54 years young) and I have never been a pill person--not even Tylenol unless I had a bad toothache or something--I saw no way out--my inflammation is bad, even had swelling, massive pain in my knees, left thumb, my neck and deltoids--couldn't sleep--and it's just me--I have to work--some days I cried and cried off and on because I could barely walk, tie my shoes, put on a bra, etc.

The Rheumotologist, when I was first diagnosed a couple months ago, checked me for about an hour as well--and then we had a different meeting with him and the pharmacist--by the end of the meeting with the pharmacist, he (pharm guy) was suggesting I go to counseling (lol) because I was so scared of taking these horrible drugs (methotrexate)...they didn't get it. I am a person with common sense enough to know that taking a drug that destroys my immune system and fills my mouth with blisters and has the probability to destroy my lungs and liver is not a good thing. I have searched the internet only to be more scared with the things I read--even the Arthritis Foundation--

Then I found Dr. McDougall! I watched three testimony's of ladies that also have had RA--even worse than mine--around my age--and they did it! I HAVE to be ok--this HAS to work! For the first time in months, I am happy!

Additionally, even though I am still concerned as I sit here writing at the end of the day and I can feel the RA flu-like soreness creeping back in :( and my minimalist 2.5 mg's of steroid tablet and my Tylenol 3 wearing off that I took this morning, I realize I am writing, I am not bloated from my food, I can sit down and get up better than this morning--Please, please, I hope this works--it just has to and I am going to give 500% effort and be a Food Warrior to make sure I am successful!

I really appreciate this website--so boys (25 and 22) both live away from home, have their own households, jobs, girlfriends and are busy. We text during the week to stay in touch, but because of working full-time, finishing grad school (on my thesis class-last one!), and newly diagnosed with RA (and no partner), the support here means a lot--somewhere to engage and be validated and also hopefully, doing better and being able to support others down the road!!

Not sure, but I'm thinking Group Support is next...any advice, questions, sharing, ? Thank you either way. xoxoxoxox

Re: MemphisRain1-New with RA and Ready to GO!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:45 am
by Werner1950
Welcome. Please keep us up to date on your progress. There are many here who have experienced relief from RA. It's be great to hear of yet another who experiences relief. A life long acquaintance of mind is 69 years old, is obese and hobbles when he walks due to painful RA. I introduced the McDougall woe to him, and he said he would rather live with his RA than give up meat. Another acquaintance of mine developed osteoarthritis in her feet to the point where she was afraid she would have to quit her job, because she could not stand all day at work any longer. She learned about McDougall, and within 10 days, her symptoms disappeared and she was able to keep her job!

Re: MemphisRain1-New with RA and Ready to GO!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:15 am
by americaninca46
Hi Memphis, Welcome to the group. So glad to hear that your are taking a healthy approach to your illness. I am sure you will see improvements. I have such faith in this way of eating. May I recommend The Journey to plant based eating by Lani Muelrath and Dr. McDougall's Starch solution. These were the 2 best books I read to get started. I have a friend your age who has RA and has chosen the meds rather than give up her butter and eggs. She is suffering so much. All the best to you for your journey. Stay in touch. Rebia

Re: MemphisRain1-New with RA and Ready to GO!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:52 am
by Catmom
Hey there MemphisRain, thanks for writing, it is always so encouraging and inspiring to me to hear from people dedicated to improving their health through their own means.

I found a few articles for you (just used google), in hope of providing some more encouragement: ... gs.R1RX6JE ... -arthritis ... mcdougall/

It seems like sometimes folks with arthritis have to do some experimentation or elimination diets in order to find ALL the foods causing havoc. The last article includes someone whose arthritis is very very oil sensitive, which is interesting.

Since you've just found this plan, I'm thinking you'll be busy with making big and small adjustments, finding foods to eat and enjoy. What can use do about the cream in coffee, for example? Maybe use a plant-milk instead? Or maybe skip the coffee? I think coffee tastes nasty without sugar and fat added to it (and luckily I don't drink it regularly).

Do let us know if there are particular things you can use help with. I'm hoping you'll get lots more improvement soon.

Re: MemphisRain1-New with RA and Ready to GO!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:20 pm
by ranomore
I am always encouraged when I read others on this discussion board who have regained their health and I want to encourage you to keep up with this way of eating. I began the McDougal starch based life six months ago, and I can hardly remember how bad I felt before then. My RA pain was almost gone within a few weeks, energy returned and I could finally sleep at night. The fear of ever returning to constant pain and a new surprise problem every morning will keep me in line forever. My biggest problems come with eating out. My husband is a meat eater, but he respects what I am doing and supports me because he is astonished at the improvements in my health. I have cut my medication dose in half and will reduce it again soon with a goal of completely discontinuing all meds soon. My blood work no longer indicates inflammation, so I know this is confirmed and not just wishful thinking! Good luck and keep it up!

Re: MemphisRain1-New with RA and Ready to GO!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:00 pm
by memphisrain1
Hi All! Oh my gosh, I love you guys! Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me and thank you for the suggestions and new readings!! I have some anti-inflammatory books on their way as well to see where those come out at--and the coffee--catmom--I quit smoking 18 months ago, gave up drinking about 4 years ago and well, "you can pry my cold, dead fingers from my" . . .coffee, I drink very nice coffee...really dark, organic, fair trade, blah blah...and it tastes dreamy. I didn't know how I was going to get through even one cup without my 1/2 and 1/2...but I did! I just had the sugar and I did great! I could probably use rice milk or something, you're right,'s ok. :?

Everyone thank you for your support. I'm going to journal my foodies from little mistake accidentally but I hope and pray I will notice a difference in my pain tomorrow. Icing tonight and thankful for my energy today despite the pain...BIG difference and my tummy felt skinny all day! I love that feeling! :-D :-D

Thank you all, xoxoxx