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So far, so good!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:01 am
by Ellyloo
Hey guys! Just popping in as a newbie still to tell everyone where I'm at.
(BTW: Werner1950 is my dad!)

I've been doing the Starch Diet for 2 weeks now, since I have been diagnosed with Diabetes.
I had been having night sweats, frequent urination (especially at night) and was just SOO tired all the time.
Also, that thirst thing is REAL.

So, I was diagnosed after the blood test showed I had blood glucose of 21mm o/l (over 375mg/dl)
I also had a blood pressure of 160 over 90.
Of course, the prescriptions got prescribed for metformin and a low dose Diavan (?)

I went on the Starch diet immediately, and stopped taking metformin (after I stopped testing every time I ate and freaking out about spikes)
I stopped the diavan (for blood pressure) after a week - it DID help with the urination.

I test now in the mornings, and I've had consistant levels between 9 and 10 every morning. (162-180)
This is along with a 10lb loss so far. My cravings aren't there anymore! I love being able to be free of the PULL that boxes of chocobars at work used to have. And my tastes have changed! I walked past a box of decadent truffles at eye height today and I slipped up, grabbed a chocolate (it was more reflex, not a craving) bit into it and as the chocolate covered my tongue, so did the oils. ew. And then I remembered that I was diabetic too. DUh.
That helped me. Now I know it won't taste as good as my brain thinks it remembers.

My husband is on it too, as much as he can. We are starting out, so we don't ahve all the prep and cooking skills etc, but we're working toward it. My last experiment was tortillas with masa Harina... it was a good turn out! Tummies were happy.
We'll have to learn a good bean filling though.

I love the energy too. :)
I'm getting squishier. I am 5'4" and started at 268.
I'm pretty happy with this so far! I'll learn more about which recipes work for us, and we'll do well.

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:43 am
by americaninca46
Welcome Elly, Sounds like you are off to an amazing start. You will get a lot of support here. You are fortunate to have a supportive husband. All the best to you both. Rebia

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:41 pm
by calvin
You might find Mastering Diabetes informative.

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:52 pm
by Ellyloo
Thanks for your input Calvin, I've watched some of their informative videos on YouTube, but don't see why I would need to spend 29$ a month at this point in time.

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:20 pm
by calvin
I find that their operation has the following in common with Dr. McDougall does have books, 3day weekends, intensives, and maybe someday more cruises. But, as he points out, everything in those paid services except rubbing elbows with fellow McDougallers is available for free on the website, including research reference links. Unless you want to post to the discussion boards, you don't even have to generate a user name and password to access it all. I always point this out to newbies. The website is an international treasure.

Similarly, the Mastering Diabetes webinars contain for free everything a diabetic needs to learn. I'm not diabetic but, having followed their webinars, now understand what diabetes is, why the current paradigm does not work long term, how the myths around diabetes are debunked, and how simple and understandable the truth is, etc. It is clear that anyone on the SAD is at least Pre prediabetic, even though symptoms may not yet have manifested and why diabetes on the rise. But, yes, for those who feel the need for handholding, that does cost, as well it should.

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:07 pm
by Ellyloo

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:03 pm
by Werner1950
WooHoo!! I wanted to shout it out to the forum that my daughter is on board, and is experiencing good success in the first weeks of her journey with MacDougalism, but I restrained myself because, well just because I was waiting for her to do it! Way to go, EllyLoo!!!!!
(OK, I will try not to embarrass you as an over-enthusiastic father!)

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:33 pm
by frozenveg
Welcome, Ellyloo! Werner, you are very lucky to have a loved one join you in this way of eating! I so wish I could get my husband to stay with it, but so far, no go.

Ellyloo, you are going to get so much benefit out of eating like this--I hope you are looking forward to lots of weight loss, lots of good health, and lots of support here at the site!

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:51 am
by Ellyloo
Ok, so I still have sweats at night, but my fasting blood sugar is between 9 and 10 every morning. Is there something I can do better to eliminate the sweats?

Also, I'm losing that why my love handles are so freaking itchy?

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:28 pm
by Ellyloo
The internet research says that the night sweats are caused by a drop to low blood sugar.
Is there a slow release type food that will stop them?

I'll test though, and make sure it is low.

Re: So far, so good!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:45 pm
by Ellyloo
Guess I should also stop having Dave's killer bread and a bit of jam before bed too. Or cereal and berries. *sigh*