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Help me Get Started?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:05 pm
by Shanti
Hi Everyone
I don't even know what the McDougall program is...I just googled vegan support group and this came up. I'm wanting to transition to veganism primarily as I am a strong animal advocate and believe this to be the best way for me to live in line with my moral beliefs.
Can anyone help me out? diet guidelines, etc? He is strictly vegan and not vegetarian? I love stir fried tofu and tofu burgers.... are these allowed? They are staples for me?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:33 pm
by serenity
This is not a vegan diet in the strict meaning of the word, and Dr. McDougall does not describe it as such. It is a health-supporting diet that excludes animal products, free oils, and many processed foods, and which will fit in with a vegan ethic very nicely. But, beware, you may find that some of your favorite vegan foods are not particularly healthy. :-D

For more information, click on the tab above to On the left side of his main page, you will find a link to his Free Program if you scroll down. It explains the basics. In addition, you will find newsletter archives that address a number of nutrition topics.

Weight Loss

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:36 pm
by Shanti
thanks serenity! I'm looking for posts on success in weight loss too.... by your name, have you found serenity in cleaning up your eating lifestyle?

Re: Help me Get Started?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:26 am
by Dale Jackson
Shanti wrote:Hi Everyone
I don't even know what the McDougall program is...I just googled vegan support group and this came up. I'm wanting to transition to veganism primarily as I am a strong animal advocate and believe this to be the best way for me to live in line with my moral beliefs.
Can anyone help me out? diet guidelines, etc? He is strictly vegan and not vegetarian? I love stir fried tofu and tofu burgers.... are these allowed? They are staples for me?

Welcome! :)

The best thing to do is to read Dr. McDougall's books:

The McDougall 12 Day Program (its called 12 day because that's how long it takes you body to respond to this way of eating)


Dr. McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss

Everything you need to know is one of those books. He has also published along with his wife 2 cookbooks.

You can order them online from this website or from or Barnes & Noble. Even though they were written several years ago, most of them are still in print.

Dr. McDougall's program is vegan in nature because NO animal products are allowed EVER. Many people can lose weight on the regular McDougall program which allows bread, flour products, nuts and more fruit. However if you can't lose weight on that you might try the stricter Maximum Weight Loss program. Of course if you are not trying to lose weight but simply want to eat healthy vegan-type meals, the regular McDougall program should be enough for you.

p.s. Tofu is allowed on the regular McDougall (12 Day) Program, but not on Maximum Weight Loss.