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Newbie to forum, I started this on Sunday..

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:25 pm
by cowgirrlup
Hi, I'm a newbie to this forum and to the McDougall Weight Loss Diet...

I started the diet on Sunday, so far so good... :)

Anything I should watch out for or ????

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:05 pm
by Love the Lorax
Welcome!! I'm just above you in sunny Nevada!

As far as what to watch out for..... whew.... what a loaded question!

Do you have support at home for this change? My hubby has no intention of eating the McDougall way, even though his health is not good. :cry: It is hard to stay true to the program while having SAD foods staring me in the face, but it can be done. If you have support you are definitely off to a good start! The support on these boards can be invaluable also. I don't really post a lot, but reading the posts can really help me to stay true.

Try to always have legal foods available, and not get too hungry. Sounds simple, but usually if I mess up it is because I didn't plan ahead.

How much are you exercising? If you are a couch potato, try to start getting in a few walks a week, just to get the blood moving. It is amazing how much better a person can feel doing just that much! If you already work out a lot, then excellent! Just try not to overdo it right away.

If possible, try to have a few books around that you can turn to - recipe books are fine, but also books that tell you WHY you want to keep eating this way. I have several that I have read countless times, because reading them helps me stay focused on the health benefits of what I am doing.

Let's see - remember that if you do fall off and eat something off the plan, it is only a slip-up and not a reason to jump back into the SAD for the next two months. That may sound like I'm overstating the issue, but I've been there and done that. Even a few days of eating junk - while not good or recommended! LOL! - isn't a reason to call yourself hopeless and walk away. Just get back to it.

And as far as how often to weigh yourself - whew! - there's a question where you can find many opinions. Just remember that weight's fluctuate,
and women can really have a few days a month where the scales are depressing, but what you are looking for is the overall trend. Sometimes it is really hard to step on the scales and not see the desired result right away, but it will come along.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:55 am
by cowgirrlup
Well, Howdy neighbor!

My hubby wouldn't eat this way either and trust me, he needs it. I can deal with that since I have been cooking 2 different meals almost every night anyways...I cannot stand meat and he is a huge meat eater.

I usually work out about 3 or 4 times a week..this past week has been difficult since I have had company staying here and I am getting ready to move my Mom here from Calif...but I figure I have been pretty busy, so that has some benefit.. :) ...the down side has been going out to eat since they want to sample the local restaurants.

I love cookbooks! I am trying to change of few of my vegetarian recipes to be "legal" for the MWL program and I think most of them will work...I have my fingers crossed!

I always say I will only weigh myself once a week, but I automatically head for the scale every morning...its a hard habit to break. :D

Thank you so much for the welcome and all the excellent advice. I intend on making this work for me!

I am down 4lbs this week, so I am hoping to keep this losing streak going.. :-D

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:40 am
by Faith in DC
When I'm stuck eating out, I remind myself, this is not a celebration. That happens infrequently, like holidays and birthdays. I remind myself, all this restaurant meal is to me is a subsitute meal. When I think of it that way, then I usually go for something like I would normally eat.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:46 am
by cowgirrlup
Faith in DC wrote:When I'm stuck eating out, I remind myself, this is not a celebration. That happens infrequently, like holidays and birthdays. I remind myself, all this restaurant meal is to me is a subsitute meal. When I think of it that way, then I usually go for something like I would normally eat.

That's what I have been trying to do with the restaurants....we live in a resort area that is also a big ranching area, so the emphasis is on beef...I usually have to order something and ask them to leave the meat off of it for me..LOL..I get some weird looks, but its all worth it.

You are 100% right though. It isn't always a celebration, its just another meal. That's an excellent suggestion! Thank you for sharing that.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:20 pm
by talkingmountain
As for good advice, I thought this posting by Hasanismom was terrific

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:12 pm
by cowgirrlup
talkingmountain wrote:As for good advice, I thought this posting by Hasanismom was terrific

Yes, it is. Thanks for sharing that. I'm going to start the mini plan today and I am excited about it.....I have to finish up the butternut squash I just baked, but then I am going to switch to potatoes...YUM!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:25 pm
by Piper
test, test, test.....sorry folks, just testing. Having trouble posting.