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PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:58 am
by 50spark
Okay...I initially lost a good amount of weight, but now I've been stuck at around 223/224 for weeks. The scale is not moving.

I have learned through my research of The McDougall Plan that I am sabotaging my efforts through the use of oils...I am working on eating foods without olive oil and other oils (this is a real effort for me). And, I am beginning to incorporate modest exercise into my daily regime (again, I work too much and am looking for the opportunity to walk during the day).

Finally, I think I've identified another culprit in my diet: caffeine! It is a monster that has owned me for many years. It calls my name at all hours of the day!

The journey is worth it...but it is hard.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:28 am
by Letha
Getting the oil out and keeping it out is the primary transition for most of us, especially if we were already vegan.

I’m not saying caffeine is good, but coffee has no calories. If you want to lose weight, the oil thing is far more important than the caffeine thing.

I’m just saying. :)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:15 am
by hope101
Have you read the links on food density in the sticky at the top of Jeff's forum? If not, I highly recommend you do. It's very basic science, but probably the most helpful tool for weight management I've seen. People, it turns out, consume food for a specific weight rather than caloric intake. So guess what happens, when you eat oil at 4000 calories per pound, rather than fruit, at 300 calories a pound? It's good stuff!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:59 am
by Faith in DC
Hang in there. We all go through a series of changing and we also have to re-evaluate periodically. I know I get 'sloppy' at times. But the oil is a big one with 9 calories to a gram. It's so easy to add on hundreds of calories.

I gave it a try: food without oil

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:43 pm
by 50spark
Stir fried without oil...taste was great. It was different for me. I wanted to pour on Sea Salt, Soy Sauce, and other flavors...I did put a little on...but I wanted to pour it on. Feel like I'm going to miss out.

It was a good baby step. I had no idea about the oil. Wow! No wonder I got stuck!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:31 am
by Faith in DC
I also put soy sauce on my stir fries. Oh and if you are into spicy, chili paste mixed in is good.