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Re: EASY Strength Training

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:39 pm
by DanTheYogi
vgpedlr wrote:Great story Dan! Thanks for sharing.

Love to hear about someone's success. It's funny that you wrote there weren't much strength gains, then go to explain how everything works better. That's the point. Keep practicing, and everything gets better.

Like Patthabi Jois used to say, right? "Do the practice and all is coming."

You most likely already understand the benefit of "little and often" regarding yoga practice. It works that way for most things, I've found. Most people are lacking a bit in some of the basic human movements, so filling in those gaps is a great benefit. For instance, yoga does not have any pulling. Pulling and hinging from the hips counteract the sitting we do too much of.

You may find Dan John's book Intervention interesting. Also his forum has quite a diverse crowd of folks with a lot of experience to share. I've learned a lot there.

What I meant by not noticing strength gains, was that the amount of weight I was using in my workouts didn't necessarily increase, but like you said, that isn't really the point! Back when I lifted more seriously in college though, that was always my goal: lift more weight. Of course, this didn't translate much to everyday use, but it was cool to be able to brag about benching "X" amount. Now that I care far less about what others think about me, and more about how I feel in everyday life and activities, these results are much more satisfying.

Thanks for the recommendations. I will checkout the book and the forum as well.

Re: EASY Strength Training

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:14 pm
by Skip
So I started reading Intervention and right off the bat the dietary advice isn't very good. I hope it gets better from here or it will be returned.

Here's a quote from the book:

Not long ago, a woman asked me about losing five pounds of bodyweight. I was kind and courteous and told her she probably wanted to lose five pounds of body fat, as losing five pounds of bodyweight is easy: Chop off part of a limb. My advice was safe and sane. It was the same basics I tell everyone: Lower your carbs, add some fish oil, drink more water and lift a few weights. It’s not sexy, and it certainly isn’t anything that gets the blood pumping. I admit it—I’m boring.

As I read on, this book just didn’t do it for me so I returned it...

Re: EASY Strength Training

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:30 am
by vgpedlr
Skip wrote:So I started reading Intervention and right off the bat the dietary advice isn't very good. I hope it gets better from here or it will be returned.

Neither is Maffetone's. That doesn't stop his work on aerobic fitness from being useful. Dan John is a strength coach. His dietary bias should not be a surprise. Treat it for what it is, a book primarily about movement, take what is useful, and leave the rest. If you hope that he will agree with on all lifestyle factors, I assure he won't, so if that's problematic, return it.

FWIW, his wider view on diet is the "different strokes" type. Some folks do best as vegan, some paleo, etc.

Re: EASY Strength Training

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:04 am
by Skip
vgpedlr wrote:Neither is Maffetone's. That doesn't stop his work on aerobic fitness from being useful.

Good point........

Re: EASY Strength Training

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:31 pm
by willboy1806
Hello Vegpedlr,

I am way remiss for not responding sooner, but I just wanted you to know that your Easy Strength Training regimen has been working so well for me. I am 67 and all of my previous attempts at strength training failed. Usually due to injury and I always felt spent afterwards. Since P. E. classes in junior high, the” No Pain, No Gain” idea was unquestioned. Now I look forward to my workout and feel lifted afterwards. I actually have more energy during the days I work out. With just a few inexpensive items—a few dumbbells and elastic tubes I can get a great workout. Your instructions worked beautifully. Some of the exercises I had never heard of, like Loaded Carry, but YouTube had plenty of examples. Thank you for sharing your routine on the forum!
