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Target Heart Rates

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:38 am
by Sawiab
Hi all,

I went to the gym yesterday and had to think about heart rates.
During my moderate warm up on the cross trainer I had a heart rate of 177. (after 10 mins)

At the end of my training I went on the cross trainer again. Though I started moderate, my heart rate
was 192 only after 4 minutes. :shock: I didn't feel uncomfortable, but my face was red and I was
sweating like hell. :? Last time it was lower than yesterday, but still quite high. (168 and 175)

Is my overweight causing this higher heart rates during my training?
And shall I ignore it or shall I stop then?

Re: Target Heart Rates

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:00 am
by vgpedlr
Sawiab wrote:Is my overweight causing this higher heart rates during my training?
And shall I ignore it or shall I stop then?

Yes. And lack of fitness. You're asking your heart to do way more work than it has been accustomed to. It is not adapted to. Excess weight increases the demands on the heart even further. Think of driving up a long mountain grade in an empty car versus one loaded with all your worldly possessions. The good news is that consistent training will change all that.

The important thing to remember is that heart rate numbers don't mean much by themselves. They are highly variable by individual, and change within an individual due to exercise. For instance my max HR is probably still around 200 BPM. I haven't measured it in years, because there is no point, but occasionally in races have seen how high it can go. My lactate threshold is between 175-180 BPM, which is the highest average rate I can sustain for somewhere between 30-60 minutes. Since HR is so variable, I only mention this because my heart rate for everything runs higher than most other athletes I know. That is probably genetic.

From my experience, your heart rates are not moderate, as you hit my LT and close to my max in a few minutes. My advice is to slow down. A lot. But you should discuss with your trainer, and take the advice of some anonymous knucklehead on an internet discussion forum with a grain of salt.

I advocate for the Maffetone Method of low heart rate training. It is very safe, very enjoyable, and still very effective at building fitness. Leave the high intensity for the racers and cross fitters.

Re: Target Heart Rates

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:00 am
by Sawiab
I'm just afraid I will knock out myself before it will change, vgpedlr :D

Maybe I should simply use another equip for my warm up and my concluding training.
The selection is great, I just was to afraid to use something else. :oops:

I was told that the number could be higher for the first weeks, but when I reached 192 there was something like my internal alarm. I just felt something is not okay, though I still could go on. Then I saw the number and was afraid, because for the final training my trainer told me to stay around 139. How shall I stay on 139 when I start at 160 and higher? :(

My heart's racing since my youth.
Even my resting heart rate is too high - it has always been like that, not only since I am overweight.
My pulse rate for example starts at 90 and is usually 100.

Re: Target Heart Rates

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:11 am
by Ampin Up
Sawiab wrote:Maybe I should simply use another equip for my warm up and my concluding training.
The selection is great, I just was to afraid to use something else. :oops:

my trainer told me to stay around 139. How shall I stay on 139 when I start at 160 and higher? :(

My heart's racing since my youth.
Even my resting heart rate is too high - it has always been like that, not only since I am overweight.
My pulse rate for example starts at 90 and is usually 100.

Your trainer probably computed your target rate based on age. You should target that rate and in general, not exceed it. Since your resting rate is 90 to 100, a target of 139 is fine. If your warm up is pushing your heart rate to 160, you are working too hard. If you are lifting weights, your heart rate may exceed 139, but for continuous cardio you should not.

Over the long run, if you follow Dr. McDougall's Starch Solution and continue working out at that rate, your resting pulse will come down as will your weight. You should not push yourself beyond that even if you think you can. You are trying to achieve long term health not compete in a cardio event. If you need to slow down or use different equipment to stay under a 140 heart rate, then do so.

Re: Target Heart Rates

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:19 am
by vgpedlr
Stick to walking. It is the safest and still very effective. Do whatever you can, stopping as needed, to keep that heart rate down. Resting heart usually goes down as fitness improves, but the effects are highly variable. Your high RHR could be genetic, like max HR, or just the result of your lifestyle until now. Probably some of both.