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Ideas for meal before swimming

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:05 am
by Fuzzy
Hi everyone, I am a regular swimmer (2-3 times per week, about 1-1.2 miles). In the last few swimming sessions I have experienced painful cramps in my calves and feet. I've been swimming for a year now, I haven't changed the pace or the distance, but after about 0.5 mile I get this cramps. What I have already tried is:
- changing from freestyle to breaststroke (doesn't make a difference, once the cramping has started)
- drinking more/less water before exercise
- eating more/less salt before exercise
- taking a break for a week (no swimming)
Nothing has made any difference. I am otherwise healthy, but this is getting pretty annoying. The last time I decided to just push through the pain, but that was a mistake. - I actually had trouble walking because of the pain in my calves for a couple of days after the swim session.
I do some biking and walking, I try to do some stretching but not really on a daily basis. I had problems with cramping when I began swimming, due to lack of strength, new movement ... But now I have the same routine for months, so this is very surprising and discouraging

I don't want to take calcium or magnesium tablets. Does anyone have any suggestions for meals before the swim. I don't feel well if I eat less than 3 hours before the swim. Usually I just have pasta and beans, some tomatoes. I tried rice, potatoes and vegetables but I think it's not caloric enough. Even if I eat as much as I can, I get hungry right before the swim and I would rather not do that.

Thank you for reading. And thank you for help!

Re: Ideas for meal before swimming

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:47 am
by Skip

Re: Ideas for meal before swimming

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 10:58 am
by sirdle
Skip wrote:After a quick google search, ... 2&mid=8712

Ha. I was going to say 'eat bananas and stretch'... but then decided that was just an old wives' tale.

Turns out some of those old wives were pretty savvy. :)

Re: Ideas for meal before swimming

PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:49 pm
by plant_eater

I eat bananas all the time, especially after a swim. Sometimes up to 8 bananas a day.

One other note, change up your routine as well.

I've been swimming for a year now, I haven't changed the pace or the distance

Learn to shift gears, so for instance on a 4x 200 session, go 1 200 easy 60-65% effort, then 1 200 hard 85-90% then 1 200 medium 70-75% and a 1 200 easy. etc...Everyones workouts look different.

Good Luck

Re: Ideas for meal before swimming

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:14 pm
by Fuzzy
Thank you!! So bananas are obviously a Thing :)

Yesterday I ate 3 bananas, one in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and I had a nice swimming session. First time after a couple of weeks. No cramps. I will repeat that tomorrow. I hope it wasn't an one time thing :).

By not changing the routine I meant that there weren't any major changes. I didn't go from 1000 meters to 1500 for example. But you are right plant_eater I should include some interval training or something like that. It's just that I'm still not a very efficient swimmer, so I'm just trying to work on my form and arm strength. I tried to do some quick bursts yesterday, but I don't know... I must be doing something wrong with freestyle stroke. If I'm trying really hard (and try to be as quick as I can) or if I try to glide more and just take it easy, it always comes up to about 60-65 seconds for 50 meters. A bit frustrating. So it's difficult to do intervals, because my speed doesn't vary very much ... :angry:

I did buy fins a while ago, I'm still thinking of how to include them into my routine.

I sure hope I got this cramp thing covered for a while now :)

Re: Ideas for meal before swimming

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:57 pm
by plant_eater
If I might make a product recommendation that I have been using for this year and am really seeing great results.

Take a look at 'Swim Speed Workouts' by Sheila Taormina published by Velopress. ... s-7531132/

Re: Ideas for meal before swimming

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:36 am
by Fuzzy
#plant_eater I know that there are a lot of exercise/drill videos available. Can you tell me a bit more about her approach? What did you find most helpful? Have you tried any other approach as well? I found a couple of clips on yt and I'm not sure if I like her way of explaining the technique.

At this point I can't afford a trainer or a swimming class. But you can only do so much on your own and with a study material. I hope I can progress. Right now I'm a bit stuck at 55-60 s for 50 m :( .
I started using short fins and small hand paddles. 1x week for each one and just for 300 meters. I'm still learning how to use them properly and I hope that they will help me get faster. I would love to enter an amateur swimming competition but at this point I'm just not fast enough. It's a bit discouraging when everyone in the pool is faster than you :\ :) :angry: