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Meat, milk..and other things..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:55 pm
by bigbear
Well, It may not be for me. My sister (who is not diabetic) told me about this and said I should check it out..I had no idea how utterly restrictive it was. There are other ways to get where I want which is off my meds, this just logically or on its face does not appear to have the flexibility that I would need..thanks for the info..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:01 pm
by Rjay
Oh, I get it... The initial poster and bigbear are just playing a little game.

Enjoy your diet plan bigbear. Be sure to let us know how it works for you.

not so..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:04 pm
by bigbear
Rjay, I came here to seek info and I think I found out what I needed. I am going to ask my Dr however. Regardless of what you think, my goal to get off meds is what is most important and I simply have serious doubts that this diet would accomplish this..thanks for your concern....

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:15 pm
by Chumly
Good luck bigbear! I hope you find what you're looking for.


Calm down Jim......

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:39 pm
by f1jim
You can resist this!!! If you could keep from taking the bait with Heretic and JC you can resist this!!!!! This too will pass!!!!

Thankf geoffreylevens

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:58 pm
by bigbear
For an explanation that I can understand. The only problem I have is from my own experience..I can eat a ribeye steak and some veggies and check my blood glucose level 2-3 hours after eating and it is within normal range (which is between 94-120 for me) However, If I eat a baked potato with that same meal I get a massive spike that I feel (tired, ready to take a nap lethargic) and my BGL after 2-3 hours is upwards of 170 and doesn't seem to return to normal for another 2 hours or so..that is why I am asking these questions because my personal experience is exactly opposite of what is espoused here.

Calm down Jim...... what the heck is this about?


Seems obvious to me

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:54 pm
by SactoBob
Eat all the meats and oils and fats you can. Totally inhibit your insulin's ability to work right. Now eat a potato, and what do you know - your blood sugar spikes. Solution? Easy - keep eating the meets and oils and fats and avoid the carbohydrates. If you are more interested than numbers than health, go right ahead.

But diabetes is not just a blood sugar disease. It is the full equivalent of a diagnosis of heart disease. That is what my doc told me, and of course I didn't believe it until many years later when I developed the heart disease.

But I don't doubt that you can manage your blood sugar numbers with the Atkins diet - not as well as with what is recommended here. And you may be lucky enough to avoid the other health consequences, and you will still be enjoying the foods you like. Too bad about the environment we leave our kids.

And you will need luck. You might want to investigate the autopsy done on Dr. Atkins, which his family has done a great job in suppressing from public knowledge.

To my other friends here, I don't know why somebody who doesn't want to be confused by the facts generates such strong feelings. Everybody has choices in life, and if bigbear wants to try Atkins and thinks he has it figured it out, it is ok with me. It is a free country. I don't think he is aware of the facts, but again, it is his choice what to believe.

I really do hope that you are one of the lucky ones. I've watched people invest in too-good-to-be-true schemes and buy Yugo's etc. Nothing you can do if people don't want to know the facts, or if they choose to disbelieve what we believe we know.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:18 pm
by f1jim
What it's about is people not wanting to take control of their own health. "I enjoy a good smoke too much to quit even if I have to smoke through this hole in my throat" "I may be overweight and fighting diabetes but I choose to eat what I want and I am unwilling to make changes" We know diabetes II is a disease of diet and lifestyle. Choose not to make the necessary changes and suffer the consequences. Is the taste of a steak worth your health? Worth the effects of family and friends?
That is what I meant. Not angry, frustrated.

ask questions, get insulted..thanks a lot...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:27 pm
by bigbear
well, its not just the steak, the diet here eliminates entire food all enjoy yourselves on this and I hope you do well. This will not work for me tho. And as far as being concerned about my health, I would not be looking around and trying to get off my meds had I not been concerned about it. I have one thing to leave you with. If having all the carbohydrates that are touted on this diet is "healthy".. tell me why the inuit prior to adoptiing the SAD diet, had no incidences of cancer, diabetes etc yet the only food intake they really had was some form of meat...whether it be fish, whale, caribou..whatever..not many vegetables grow up in the arctic. Some of you people here remind me of the knotheads who followed Jim Jones..whatever.. .nuff said...adios..


PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:54 pm
by f1jim
Do a little bit of homework and find out how those food groups came to be. Did cavemen write them on the side of their dwelling? Were they written on tablets and given to man on the top of a mountain? Do they have political implications? You don't sound like you are terribly interested in learning so I agree with the others that this is probably not for you. Try Atkins, it did so much for his arteries!! Really, keep reading and learning and maybe we won't all come off as complete kooks. The number one killer of diabetics is heart disease. I am, unfortunately, quite up to speed on heart disease and have seen the results of giving something up I dearly loved. Dairy and meat were my foods of choice. I saw where 51 years of eating that way got me. I wish you better luck, better genes, or if that fails, a quick painless end in your sleep. That's all I have for you until you are in a better place. I can promise you this..If you try this for just 30 days you will be more in control of your blood sugar than you are today, you will be a lot closer to having to change your user name to just Bear, and you will feel as well as see the transformation in action. I have almost as many diabetics in my family as I have family and they all look like they are ready to explode! I was nearly there myself. Diabetes was the only thing I didn't have yet. Try it for 30 days and if you are not convinced I'll pay for your next Dr. visit.
Try me.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:05 pm
by ncyg46
Dr. Atkins is dead. period....My husband died in 1999, anyone want another plot in Las Vegas?
Seriously stop thinking in the "Meat Mentality". Dead is dead however you look at it.
Look I am not telling you what to do but I would read as much as you can on this site...and then decide.

I decided to live...and yes I cheat a bit with seafood, I admit it but I am still here after two bypasses. I was not diabetic, my dead husband was, along with all his relatives and his mom had both legs amputated to the point of not being able to sit in her wheelchair. It is not a pretty thing. I will leave it at that....and yes I am living with another diabetic but he is sorta listening, lost weight and is probably healthier than I am with the exception of his cholesterol. Please stay and read all you can on this program!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:34 pm
by lvixie

I respect your decision to decide if the McDougall solution to diabetes is for you or not. It sounds like you're going to try the Atkins plan.

Just remember us. When you're ready to reconsider something that will achieve what you want (getting of meds, restoring your health, make you feel good, whatever), we'll be here.

Best to you,



PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:33 pm
by bigbear
I appreciate your comments..unlike a lot of the fanatics on this site, you are reasonable. Thank you for not judging. It is a tough decision to make..Like I had said in previous posts, from my personal experience, carbohydrates in any form, whether oats, wheat, sugar, potatoes, you name it make me spike. I am not sure what I am going to do right now. I came to this site cause I promised my sister I would look at the plan. Whatever plan I decide, I will be back here to post results as that is what it is about.

ncyg46- contrary to what you may think or believe, I have read..a lot and since I do have diabetes, it's personal. Yes, Dr Atkins is what..does that mean that his thoughts, research, clinical evidence and studies are wrong, just because he had an accident and passed away from the complication of it?..Anyway, I just don't understand the total dislike, bordering on hatred for him. He was a good man and did a lot of good for not only his patients but a lot of other people. He was the pioneer in getting food companies to quit putting trans-fats in the food.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:18 am
by Steve
Hi Big Bear,

Listen to your sister. Listen to ScatoBob too, he is offering tough love, but most thank him after they finally get it. Also check out the Star McDougallars. Here is a link to Logan Griner a fellow diabetic. . I bet I ate as much meat and cheese as you ever did, until I made the change in my mid thirties. My Dad had diabetes. His Dad and Grandfather both died in their 40's from heart attacks. Dad lived a long life, but the last five years or so were in a wheel chair. I remember seeing him taking little green pills and eventually shots of insulin. He finally succumbed to congestive heart failure. I am now 53. I hope to avoid diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, you name it. If you need help getting started go to the McDougall 10 day program or the True North program. Your need to eat meat and cheese is understandable, but if you think about it, you sound like a heroin addict, only with food. You may need to go cold turkey. I sure did. The good news is that you lose the cravings for fat and meat in about 90 days. If you think you can eat like Eskimos go ahead and try it. These native folks were selected over centuries to eat more like Atkins, you and I do not have this genetic background.
Sorry for the rant. You are looking into this thing. That is commendable. It would not be easy to do, at least for the first week or two. But it could save your life. I sure think it saved mine.

Good luck,


Re: lvixie...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:51 am
by ncyg46
bigbear wrote: He was a good man and did a lot of good for not only his patients but a lot of other people. He was the pioneer in getting food companies to quit putting trans-fats in the food.

sorry i ranted but many people follow his program and most of his books are in the thrift stores. As far as getting transfats out of our foods, that sure hasn't worked or happened :D You follow whoever you like...i'll stick with Dr. McDougall.