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SIBO And Elimination Diets?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 3:11 pm
by RusticBohemian
If someone on a long term whole foods vegan diet has been diagnosed with SIBO and told to go on a low fodmap diet, does it make sense to still try the elimination diet you suggest?

If three days of just trying to eat sweet potatoes has not yielded a decrease in gas and bloating, is there hope that a longer period of trying?

What does one do if even the elimination diet causes problems?

Re: SIBO And Elimination Diets?

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 7:44 am
by JeffN
The FODMAP approach has not been shown to be more effective then the standard elimination diet


Dr McDougall on SIBO

I would recommend reading this thread on the elimination diet & remember, while there are foods that have been found to be less reactive, there is no guaranteed safe food. It is not always an easy process.


In Health