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Can VLC 700kcal be done on McDougall?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:42 pm
by Branson
I was reading your thread

All I know about is that Newcastle study.

Then I wondered if you could devise a diet whole food plant based at 700kcal to use for a couple months?

250 a cup of beans
100 a few servings of veggies
350 starch of choice I mean how bad could that be for short term?

Dr. Barnards study showed improved A1C, but the results werent THAT good. Good vs ADA diet. But no way up against the VLC diets that are going around.

Most of these diets have some chemical slurry concoction, not real food for calories. Seems to me McDougalls might do better faster in these studies. :unibrow:

Re: Can VLC 700kcal be done on McDougall?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:14 pm
by JeffN
In regard to these studies, this is what I recommend ....


In Health