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Glyphosate and hummus

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:46 pm
by Lyndzie
Hi Jeff.

My husband sent me these test results that someone posted online about glyphosate in hummus. ... 1535490012
I’m trying to figure out if they mean anything. Results are in ng/g, but I can only find toxicity related info in ppm.

Here is the article the report came from. It reads a bit alarmist for my tastes, but says that glyphosate is sprayed on chickpeas before harvest. If that is true, then even homemade hummus would have glyphosate in it. ... eed_killer

As more studies come out like this, what is the best course of action? Avoid hummus and chickpeas, or avoid reading the articles?


Re: Glyphosate and hummus

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:53 am
by JeffN