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Glyphosate and hummus - Redux

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:38 pm
by dynodan62
Near the end of Lyndzie’s second linked article,


there is another link to an African study stating that cider vinegar breaks down glyphosate, but it is unclear how that remedy might be applied (before or after consumption?). I routinely soak washed canned chickpeas (added to salads) in cider vinegar to delay spoilage. As organic canned garbanzos are 4 times the cost of discounted/non-organic brands, and since glyphosate levels in organic brands are still significant, I only buy the cheaper non-organic garbanzos, but am now wondering if I should pre-soak (in cider vinegar) even the washed/canned chickpeas I use to make hummus (assuming the effort/expense is scientifically justified)? Can you determine (possibly from other available data) how this chemical (vinegar) action occurs in practice?

Re: Glyphosate and hummus - Redux

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:04 am
by JeffN
Perhaps you can find some evidence, other then peoples comments, that this is true. I can't. Not in Pubmed

In health

Re: Glyphosate and hummus - Redux

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:04 pm
by dynodan62
Thanks. I appreciate the effort.
Galling though, that producers likely don’t think twice about poisoning their customers with a potentially dangerous systemic herbicide merely to save a few pennies on drying costs (it isn’t like Roundup is cheap to begin with). It’s bad enough that the public (until recently) has turned a blind eye toward glyphosate’s groundwater/environmental contamination in order to keep farm production costs/food prices low. A possible antidote to it’s harmful physicalogical effects would indeed be welcome, since I am not optimistic our ‘industry handmaiden’ gov. consumer protection agencies will come to the rescue anytime soon.

Re: Glyphosate and hummus - Redux

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:52 pm
by JeffN
This is what worries me...

600,000K Americans die every year from heart disease.

Another 330,000 from Stroke, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes

Over 90% of that is preventable with 5 lifestyle factors..

Another 6000,000K from cancer.

Over 70% of that is preventable with the same 5 lifestyle factors.

That is almost 4,200 a day, 127,500 per month, who die from easily preventable lifestyle disease, mostly from eating ourselves to death. That is over 2x the US death total in Vietnam, each month

Yet less then 5% of Americans follow those behaviors, and the amount who do has dropped 30-50% in 20 years and the amount who meet the dietary recommendations is less then 1% and as low as .1%

Yet, we now have a "vegan" heart attack burger.

I call this Distracted Health

This is what worries me.

In Health