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B12 on elimination diet

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:45 pm
by jamietwo
Hi Jeff - sorry to keep peppering you with questions! I haven't seen anything written about B12 on an elimination diet. Should I be testing it like a new food, or can I just take it? I haven't had any since I started my ED, and I'm thinking maybe I should!

Re: B12 on elimination diet

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 6:41 pm
by JeffN
I think the question is, is it possible to be reacting to any of the ingredientas in a supplement. The answer is a resounding yes.

Also, although it is very rare, there are some who do have a b12 allergy who get a skin type reaction (seems like acne mostly) though I have seen one with a “rash” so it is definitely possible ... itamin-b12

The person must have been getting B12 to date in their food before they were vegan so..

In Health

Re: B12 on elimination diet

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 6:52 pm
by jamietwo
Thank you! I will plan to test it then (not 3x a day!) after I have a few more foods on my safe list!