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Pregnancy diet

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:12 pm
by zilly84
I'm pregnant with my fifth child and in my past pregnancies I've gained from 40-90 pounds. I'd really like to gain only what I need to, about 20-25 pounds since my BMI is healthy to start with. I'm trying to stay around 1600 calories cause that's what cronometer says I need to maintain. I plan to add extra calories after the first trimester. I've read that eating overt fats like avocado and nuts aren't necessary in pregnancy. That you can continue the same McDougall diet throughout. My only problem is that I've been craving fat. But I'm wondering if that's because I'm not eating enough starch. My diet hasn't been perfect. Do you think it's smarter to focus on eating a proper McDougall diet and not worry as much about total calorie amount? I've just been feeling pretty hungry all the time but I'm so worried about overeating and gaining too much.

I'm looking for any pointers you may have. Thank you.