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Nutrtional Excess?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:13 pm
by abit

Re: Nutrtional Excess?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:25 am
by JeffN
abit wrote: Jeff,
I understand that lack of nutrition can be a problem.

We mostly see this in inner cities, drug/alcohol addiction and undeveloped/impoverished areas.

abit wrote:What about the other end of the spectrum?

The major cause of disease in developed nations.

I speak of this often in my forum

In nutrition and health, we need an adequate amount of certain things (air, water, activity, nutrients, etc). A little more (or a little less) may be a little better but a lot more is not and most of the time, worse for us. More, above and beyond adequate, is not better when it comes to health and nutrition. There are many problems caused by excess, which can occur on a healthy diet too depending on how one defines that, even a WFPB Diet.

Most of our health problems today are caused by excess calories mostly from calorie dense and/or high fat food and food products. One can easily become overweight on WFPB calorie dense foods, which in itself can lead to other concerns (diabetes, CVD, etc).

abit wrote:I've noticed in the online 'daily meal trackers' the nutrients can often go very deep into the red.

I don't know what tracker you are using or what number they are using to define the red zone but many nutrients have Tolerable Upper Limits (UL) and for most, its a good idea not to exceed them. We know that excess zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, Vit E, saturated fat omega 6, etc can be toxic even when coming from foods.

abit wrote: If one is eating a 100% compliant WFPB Starch centered diet is there any possibility/scenario of getting too much nutrition?

When one follows the program as we outline here, it is much harder but it is still possible. And, everyone defines 100% compliant differently.

In Health