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Losing weight and healthy bones in postmenopausal women

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:26 pm
by Suebee
Not too long ago I read that any woman who weighs less than 127 pounds is at increased risk for osteoporosis and that any weight-loss diet also results in loss of bone mass. Now I am afraid to lose weight. I am almost 60 and postmenopausal but I still get hot flashes. I weigh perhaps 10 pounds more than I should if I want to be at a low weight for my height, which is 5'4" and weigh about 134 pounds. Would losing weight slowly save my bones? Is it only rapid weight loss that is to be feared or is ANY weight loss a blow to the bones?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:54 pm
by Birdy
Doing strength training can prevent bone loss and even increase bone strength when you lose weight. I use Miriam Nelson's books and really like them. Her first book is titled Strong Women Stay Young. It's a great basic program. She also has a book specifically for bone health in the Strong Women series. You can find her books on Amazon or possibly in your public library if you just want to read through them before buying one.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:07 pm
by Suebee
Thank you for the suggestion but I hope Jeff addresses this question from a medical literature point of view. I'm still concerned.