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Iodine deficiency?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 9:56 am
by Oat

I've been a European vegan for over a decade now and have never supplemented iodine and during these years I also never ate iodized salt or seaweed.

Recently, at a doctor's appointment, the doctor noted my thyroid was quite obviously swollen on the right side and therefore he wanted me to get a blood test to test my TSH among other things and also get an ultrasound on my thyroid.

Well, the blood test is done and my TSH is technically in range (3.7) but I think it's quite high for someone in their 20s. The ultrasound is next week but I do in fact believe I have a goiter. Now that the doctor said it, I have actually noticed my neck was a bit swollen on the right side myself.

I know you don't give advice for people's specific health issues, but what would you generally suggest for a person in this situation? If I do start supplementing iodine, which I will probably do, how much do you think I should take to avoid taking too much?

Thanks in advance for any reply.