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BCG Vaccine at 14 days of age

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:00 am
by mredz
My newborn and I are in the Philippines where he was born just over a week ago. They want to give a BCG (Tuberculosis) vaccine this weekend. Is this absolutely necessary to give a such a young age? I plan to have my wife & son back in Australia within 6 months.

Re: BCG Vaccine at 14 days of age

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:43 am
by Vegankit
I had the BCG vaccine as a child. Under certain conditions it is wise to vaccinate.

Here are the current recommendations from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - they do discuss certain conditions under which is would be recommended. There are also links to the World Health Organization.

Here is the Austrialian governments position:$FILE/cdi3001e.pdf

Re: BCG Vaccine at 14 days of age

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:30 am
by TerriT
My daughter had the BCG at 3 days old. We live in a part of London with a very diverse population and lots of international visitors, so the hospital she was born at offers the jab to all newborns if parents want it.

She had no severe reactions, but did develop a blister at the site of the injection which lasted about a week, I think. It is standard to give it on the upper arm (I've heard this is so medical professionals can quickly identify those who have been vaccinated) but if I had known it would leave a scar, I would have asked for it to be given under her arm so it would be less visible.

Re: BCG Vaccine at 14 days of age

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:36 pm
by Vegankit
TerriT - mine was on my thigh - and I'm thankful it wasn't on my arm. They should have explained the potential for scarring before administrating it to your child.

Re: BCG Vaccine at 14 days of age

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:03 pm
by TerriT
I agree, they should have mentioned it might scar! Luckily, it doesn't bother her, just me.