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Blood thinning and not able to eat greens

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:47 am
by amgmmg
I have a question here. My dad is 81 He has many problems and not sure about all of them. But he has been taking medication fr years (maybe 40), and he takes lots of medications. When I see him he probably has 10 pills a day.

I am not sure what. He has a pace maker which probably was put in error.
He has high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and lots of pain in her legs and not sure what else.

He already eats without salt, and he cannot eat any greens because he takes medication for thinning his blood ( I think this was related to pacemaker).

I do not know all the details as I live in different countries, and it put me offs that he takes medication for everything. If I get a cold the first thing he asks is : "have you been to the doctor, are you taking anything?'

Now he tells me the pain in his leg is caused by his vertebrae. His vertebrae are all joined which interferes with his posture. He is now going to see a doctor that perhaps can inject him to cancel (not sure of exact term) some of the vertebrae.

Now I am not sure if this WOE can help him. He already eats little meat, and no greens, and no salt. But he does eat some cheese, little meat and fish, and oils.
But probably many of his conditions are also caused by medication.
He had has a back operation many years go, probably 400 years ago. Now they said if this doe snot work, he might need another operation, which he says he will not do.

Can diet help him? What could he eat, if he cannot eat greens. I am not sure he is much overweight. I need to ask him. He always looked after his weight, perhaps he has 10 kilos more than needed, but not more than that.
He gets bored easily with diet, and my mum is very frustrated when it comes to cook for him, as he cannot eat many things.

Will cutting diary and oil help him at all?

Funny enough my mum also suffers from calcification. His vertebrae are also totally calcified. Even she had a heart op last year because her aorta was calcified. She does not take much medication, only some after her op, but she takes sweetener ad she has taken it for years. .


Re: Blood thinning and not able to eat greens

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:23 am
by Joseph65
He can eat greens, they just have to be considered in his diet and his medication adjusted. Whether diet will "cure" his well progressed bone problems is another story. A dietary change certainly wouldn't hurt and might make living with his problems easier.