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obesity in children

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:09 am
by mapat
"way more overweight adolescents are oblivious today to the fact that they ought to lose weight than were in decades past... parents are significantly less likely to realize that their child is obese than they were twenty years ago...Parents incorrectly believe their kids are healthy, they are less likely to take action, and so it increases the likelihood that their kids will become even less healthy...almost half of America's obese youth don't know they're obese

Yes, obesity is getting to be accepted as the new 'normal'. Seems like many people don't even relate obesity with ill health today.
But so sad to see little children too fat to even run and play as they should be. And many with health problems and no, the parents don't seem to realize that the obesity even affects the child's health.