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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:15 am
by Dragonfly
slugmom wrote:I'm eating mine now. I would say it's not bad, but **if you don't like nutritional yeast** cut back or omit. I wanted to follow the recipe as written, so I did not, and it tastes very nutritional yeasty to me.

I think I'll make it again another time without.

Nutritional yeast really is an acquired taste. I used to hate it and would cut way back on it in recipes. Now I love it and I don't hesitate to use the entire amount in recipes. And in recipes where it is not the focal point, it adds that "heartiness" or "meatiness" to the recipe, like in gravies and stews.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:09 am
by vgnwitch
Nutritional yeast is definitely an acquired taste. I have never been able to like the stuff, no matter how hard I try. Yuck. :(

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:44 am
by Mandy_Sav
For me, it is hit or miss with nutritional yeast. The first container I ever bought was fabulous. However, the second one was nasty... and I'm having a hard time finishing it off. I'm so hesitant to use it now because this batch is gross. It's got a slightly darker hue than the first batch I purchased, which makes no sense to me, because it is the exact same brand that I purchased the first time.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:21 am
by Kai
I've been using Kal. Everybody raves about Red Star but I've never seen it when it was time to buy. Maybe when this batch is gone. I'm sure it'll go fast now that I've discovered this recipe.
The first jar I ever bought was my favorite then shortly after buying that brand a second time I took another look at the label and it had whey in it. I'm not sure how I missed that but I was so upset. It did help me learn my lesson though.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:22 pm
by Quiver0f10
I made this tonight and it was a HUGE hit! My kids raved about it LOL.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:37 pm
by Mandy_Sav
Looks like I might have to try this soup!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:45 pm
by vgnwitch
Kai wrote:I've been using Kal. Everybody raves about Red Star but I've never seen it when it was time to buy.

I read somewhere, and I can't for the life of me remember where, that the nutritional yeast sold under the Kal label is actually Red Star. I have no idea whether this is true or not.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:46 am
by Carol
I, too, made the soup over the weekend and even brought some in to work today. YUM-MY :nod: Thanks for the post.

The first time I tried nutitional yeast it did have a not-so-pleasant smell, but I must have gotten used to it. Last night my DH opened a container of parmesan cheese and I could smell it from the other side of the kitchen. PEE-U So I guess nutritional yeast isn't so stinky after all. :lol:

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:45 pm
by petalpusher
I tried it!!!!m-m-m-m. I decided I would cut down on the nutritional yeast when I first tried it, but today, when I ate the leftovers on top of a baked potato, it did not seem too yeasty.

Thanks for another recipe to add to my collection!

additional endorsement

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:03 pm
by fiddler3
I made this on Sunday and had a bowl for supper. I backed off the nutritional yeast to 1/3 cup, and added about 1 T lemon juice. I thought it still tasted a bit yeasty, good, but no big deal.

Tonight, I heated up the leftovers. Having had a chance to "marry" the flavors by a stay in the fridge, I am amazed!! The taste is terrific, and there is an improved "mouth feel", the sort of grainy texture of a cheese sauce (like a rarebit) and no yeasty aftertaste.

I really think this is good!


PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:01 pm
by DeAnn
Wow! That was a fabulous recipe - this coming from a trying-to-reform-cheesaholic. I buy Red Star nooch yeast and I have to come to love the flavor of cheeze sauces. This will be perfect over potatoes - I like a little potato with my sauce!
Thanks again for the recipe.

Thanks Kai and DeAnn

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:37 am
by auntemmy
Okay, I'm convinced! I'm gonna make this today! If a cheese-aholic (me too) likes it... then it's worth a shot. I'll report back.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:41 am
by DeAnn
thanks for trying this recipe = I'll be interested in your take on it. My SAD husband had this over a potato last night and thought it was great so I think we're on to something. Wondering tho, if this could be frozen in muffin cups like I do the rest of my soups.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:20 am
by Kai
DeAnn, I found it took on a grainy texture when I ate the leftovers.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:35 am
by DeAnn
Thanks for the info - it made a boatload and I'm struggling with the leftovers.