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Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:05 am
by TominTN
Wonderful that your brother is being so supportive! A little support at the right time can make all the difference sometimes. Enjoy the 5K. Sounds like you've been putting out a lot for others and it's time for you to enjoy some success for yourself. I hope you have fun with it.

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:56 am
by Jubilee
Thank you for the encouragement Tom. I really am looking forward to the 5k. I'll post how it goes...

I am going faster. Of course "faster" is a relative term. Not to be confused with "fast". Anyhow, I took 2 mins. off of my neighborhood 5K walking time today. That's FASTER. Yippee!

I didn't even try the past 2 days due to rainy cold weather. Maybe taking breaks is a good thing. I wonder if I should I do my usual neighborhood loop on Friday morning, or not (before the 5k on Sat.)?


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:43 pm
by TominTN
I'm not an exercise expert by any means. Lani might be able to help with a recommendation if you wanted to post in her forum. My opinion would be to take an easy walk on Friday, maybe not the full distance and at an easy pace, just to stay limbered up without tiring yourself out so you'll be fresh for Saturday.

Congratulations on your speed improvement! Any faster is faster and it counts. Hope you and your brother have fun together during the event. I'll look forward to hearing about it.

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:03 am
by Jubilee
Well, I walked/jogged my 5k last Saturday. This is the 3rd one I've done. And it was GREAT!

I set my own personal best time- 4 mins. faster than the 5k 2 years ago, and 6 mins. faster than last fall. I'm totally thrilled. (Remember "faster" doesn't mean fast- I still got beat by 2 strollers, and was last in my age group!) I had hoped to take at least 1 min. off my time. My brother walked/jogged with me, and the last mile he kind of pushed me a which is what I was hoping for. By the 2 mile point I was 2 mins. ahead, so I expect he helped me gain at least one, and maybe both of the other 2 mins. that I took off my old time.

And the best part- I wasn't in severe pain the next day, let alone for weeks afterwards like I've been in the past. That alone is HUGE!

So, thanks once again to Dr. McDougall's woe, another happy milestone has been reached in my life that would have been unthinkable before.


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:31 pm
by Jubilee
I'm still here. I see that I haven't posted since my 5k. I've kept up walking in the neighborhood in the mornings (when I'm home), but haven't been jogging like I was before the 5k. I'm presently re-reading SPARK to get my motivation back up to a higher level.

I haven't wanted to post much because I don't want to sound like I'm complaining about the things going on in my life that make it hard for me to stay 100%. I'm doing what I can to hang in there, and still manage what's going on in my life. I honestly don't resent any of it, but it does make eating healthy challenging.

Was out of state most of June, including cooking SAD for 11 days for a whole mission team. That was a fun trip, but definitely not McD-friendly. I served salads with lunch and dinner every day and that helped.

Among other things on my agenda, I have a 92yo grandmother dying of liver cancer 7 hours away in another state, and I'm the only close family other than one neice. So, I spend a lot of time running back and forth and I have little or no internet access when I'm there. That's why I haven't been posting- Well, that and the fact that I have a terrible time eating McD when traveling, so I have a (slightly) guilty conscience during those times too. I do the best that I can, but it's often just ok, not great.

On a positive note, I had a follow-up appt. in May, for my urology test results (I posted about them in the testimonials section). I'd seen the results already, and was thrilled, but it was fun to go to an appt. and have them explain them to me. They were literally shocked at the improvement in my labs- :-D all the kidney stone indicators were in the normal range, with NO MEDS!!! One young resident actually said he was my "biggest fan", and was very interested in my diet changes! Goodness, I've never had a fan before- of any size! So, yes, I'm still here, and still know this is the best woe that I could be doing. And yes, it's still hard for me.

I've been thinking about how the body ages a lot lately, and the connnections to diet and exercise. Sitting in a nursing home with my Grandma is sure eye-opening. Watching all the stroke patients struggling to get down the hall, the med cart with gallon sized containers of Mira-lax, and on and on. I sit there thinking that I so don't want to be one of those poor miserable patients when I'm that age, and I know full well that it largely depends on what I put in my mouth today. It's also sad to see that most of the nurses and aides who work there are also extremely overweight and unhealthy looking. All in all, though it's one of the best nursing homes in the area, it's such a sad picture of what most Americans have to look forward to.

Thank God for Dr. McDougall showing us a better way...


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:45 am
by TominTN
A belated congratulations on your 5K, Jubilee! :)

With regard to eating on the road: I always find that to be a struggle, too. I'm impressed that you're doing as well as you are with all the challenges you face. Count me as a fan, too.

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:33 am
by Jubilee
Thanks Tom!

Wow, 2 fans in 2 months. I've never had any fans before in my life, having never been an athlete, or rock star, or anything else particularly fan-worthy.

Your encouragment is always a blessing.


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:11 pm
by Jubilee
Well, I'm back from another trip to my Grandmother's. She continues to decline and is on huge doses of morphine now as part of her hospice care. Lots of pain. Once again, sitting in that nursing home hour after hour is such an harsh education in why I need to take care of my body. It's got to be one of the most depressing, hopeless places in the whole city- and I don't want to end up in that condition that I require those services!!!

It's been terribly hot lately- temps in the high 90's and low 100's, plus the midwest humidity to boot. I haven't been walking as much in the mornings because I get so sweaty, I have to completely shower and change before going to work. I guess I could just get up earlier but I haven't.

I tried walking last night at 8pm (and it was still in the high 80's). I had a shower when getting home, which was much nicer than when I'm in a hurry to get out the door in the a.m., but then I couldn't get to sleep very well. Maybe my body will adjust to the evening walking. If it keeps me awake every time, though, I'll stop.

I had a fairly good day eating-wise. Had my breakfast fruit and veggie smoothie (aka "swamp juice" according to my family), then cold baked potato and salad for lunch, and chick peas for dinner. I had a headache this evening and didn't feel like eating (or cooking), so I just opened a can of chick peas and ate part of them. Snacks were a plum, cucumber from my garden, a slice of ww bread that my daughter made, a fresh dill pickle, and ... um...well... a Little Debbie cookie with my student. That was a bad choice. I guess I justified it by not going to fast food, which he wanted. I do need some snacks available that are portable so I can have them ready at a student's house, or in the car. I also seem to be craving salt for some reason, and added it to my potato and chick peas, plus the salty pickle. Not good for my kidneys, and usually not a problem. Not sure why I'm wanting it now.

I'm enjoying the produce from my garden, even though the recent high temps are holding everything at a standstill. Still, I've had cherry tomatoes that are as sweet as candy, loads of cucumbers, and have canned pickles, eggplant, peppers, herbs, and more. The spinach and lettuces are long gone but I'll plant a fall crop too. I've canned peach jam (not very healthy, but I don't eat much- I enjoy canning it more than eating it) and eaten sweet fresh peaches with the juices running down my arm. Tomorrow I'll get a load of Iowa sweet corn to process for the freezer. We'll put up a year's worth, plus enjoy lots of fresh corn the next few days. Not adding butter and salt will be a challenge, but I'm up for it. Anyhow, I'm thankful for the summer bounty that the Lord has provided, and am enjoying the canning season.

Please Dear Father, help me to eat healthily tomorrow, to Your glory! Thank You for Your healthy and delicious provision. In Jesus' name. Amen.


Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:23 pm
by Jubilee
I'm back.

One week ago today, my Grandma passed away. It has been a sad week, but her suffering is over. I'd been to her place 3 times in the previous 3 weeks, even though it is a long trip, so I have no regrets that way. I will miss her so much, and though I can no longer hold her hand, or see her smile, I am thankful that she is in Heaven, and that her long months of pain are ended. I'll see that smile again one day.

There were all kinds of extended family issues to deal with during the funeral and travels, but I made it through them all. And, I'm glad it's all behind me! Looking forward to brighter days...

And now, after eating so much off-plan food during all these travels, tomorrow I get to stay in my own home. I get to cook in my own kitchen, and eat my own home-grown organic veggies, and climb back in the McDougall saddle 100%.

Thank you Lord that you are my strength and my song.

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:52 pm
by Jubilee
Thank you Debbie. I appreciate it.

Blessings to you,

Re: Jubilee's Journey

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:04 pm
by Jubilee
Fitness Year In Review:

Well, at Christmas 2011 I was officially 20 pounds lighter than I had been at Christmas 2010. YIPPEE! I had more than that to lose, but am so thankful for that much, and have hope for more of the same in 2012. For all the years of struggling with my weight, I can only say that has happened once before and that was also following McDougall's program.

I've had a somewhat difficult and emotional year with 2 deaths close to me, monthly travels, surgeries and family health issues, ever-changing work, and so many other day to day issues that threaten to derail, or at least distract me from my health goals. I live with 3 SAD eating adults who always have every kind of temptation in the house, some of which they buy specifically for me, so I cannot just stay away from those SAD landmines. And yet, by God's grace, I've managed to hang onto those 20 pounds. I've followed the program carefully only part of the time, and then whenever I was care-giver from my Grandmother, or in the hospital with others, or traveling week after week to do those things, my eating (and self-control) would fall apart. And when I got home, I'd jump back in and start paddling like crazy all over again, trying to swim upstream against the tide.

I walked/jogged my 4th 5k and took 4 mins. off of my time. I got into the habit of walking in my neighborhood for exercise, and even started a water exercise class in the fall that led to me joining our local YMCA. The class is 2 hour twice a week, and afterwards I also swim laps for a while. I used to love swimming as a kid, and had forgotten how much fun it is to be in the water! I feel like a kid again! For the first time in my life, I have arranged my work schedule specifically to have time to exercise and am enjoying it immensely. I'm also not letting my self-consciousness about my overweight body keep me from these activities like I used to do, and even that is progress.

For 2012 I hope to continue to lose weight following the McDougall program, now more strictly since the holidays and their many temptations and events are past. I plan to run at least 3 5ks this year, hoping to increase my time by at least 1 min. per race. I still need to be better about preparing food in advance so that when I get home from work at 7pm and am very hungry, there is something ready that supports my weight-loss and health goals. I also hope, hope, hope to be able to attend the 10-day program this year, or next, thanks to my dear Grandmother who included me in her will. That has always been a dream of mine, but so far unaffordable. Maybe this year it'll come about when her will is settled. It's not clear yet when or how much that will be, but if the Lord works it out, I'll be there!

I have great hope for 2012, and may it be a healthy and joyful year for each one of us on this forum!
