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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:14 am
by bunsofaluminum
Today is the first of a new month, and change is in the air. September has long been a time of anticipation and stress (as in, excitement? desire? expectation? and a little bit of fear or trepidation...things are changing right now...but changing into WHAT?)

I am committing to MWL 100%. That is, like Debbie a month or so ago, I am going to make 30 days of 100% MWL compliance my goal. For one thing, I need to break popcorn's hold on me. Ha! But seriously, I've been slack for a long time, allowing myself nibbles and tastes. It's time to re-set to default. *whew* That already set up a craving. I better be strict with myself and feed myself aplenty, to avoid the munchies.

Another cool thing is, on the 7th it will be ONE SOLID YEAR of McDougalling! woot! and 45 lbs lighter AND the first time EVER that I've stuck with an "eating plan" for more than about six months. I think making it a year proves that this is a lifestyle for me and not a diet nor any temporary thing. :nod: I'm doin it! woot!

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:03 pm
by mtns
Good for you. I have been having trouble with munching as well. I would like to join you on the MWL as well. I probably will have some peach cobbler though when my mom comes this weekend. I will make a healthy version though. That is awesome that you have lost all that weight.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:20 am
by bunsofaluminum
Hi Debbie...I thought you did a 30 day MWL...but McD for 30 days ROCKS, too! I actually have been pretty compliant to McD (except the popcorn, which is right outta there) and I'm frustrated with the stuck scale, so I'm going for max here and see if the lbs come off. I'll probably do a full scale scouring of the cupboards, too. I don't want unhealthy or off plan stuff here, to "just grab" and I AM going to plan ahead and not have a day when there isn't something in MWL for me to eat. And I'm going to take food with me.

In fact, taking a huge lunch, and not finishing it at noon, was my salvation yesterday at Junk Food Client's house...when I got the munchies, I ran and got my lunch box and finished the sugar snap peas and the savory garbanzos. It SAVED me, believe it.

Today's Plan:

B: quinoa and frozen banana; apple
L: corn, black bean, tomato salad over spinach; baked potatoes; sugar snap peas; garden tomatoes; carrot stix;
D: garbanzo dip with carrot stix, cucumber spears, romaine leaves;
S: frozen grapes? spinach?

I will also have a bite of food at the rescue mission. The cook there very kindly always has a vegetarian dish, or side, for me to taste. I volunteer on Thursdays, and last week he even made the main dish vegetarian because he knew I'd be way am I going to turn it down. But only one bite, while focusing on MWL.

Feeling really good, here. I don't know if one day of compliance can do it, but I find my energy and focus to be wonderful, and yesterday I had Mr M, who is extremely hyper...he had me up and down the stairs, going on walks, and generally running around like anything...not a problem. I can run up the stairs at work without even a hint of getting winded :) Or anyway, I DID. so...

here goes DAY TWO!

debbie wrote:Good for you. My 30 day one was just McD period. I couldnt get over my 14 days of compliance. Now I am starting a MWL100% for 15 day challenge. Staying on MWL for 30 days has been very very tough, so I am starting small. I know now I can stay McD, now to work on staying MWL longer. Baby steps:-)

I too have been letting too much flour products in, just a little here and there, but those little bits sure add up faster than we think. :)

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:54 am
by bunsofaluminum
Hm, I didn't end up having a taste of anything at the Mission on Thursday. It was chicken tamale pie and nothing in it was on MWL, so...

I have been sort of sticking to the idea of not eating anything past 6:00 so last night, as I was at work until 6:00...I didn't eat any dinner, and then it carried over into a fast for this morning. That's one way I can fast: by skipping dinner and then brekkie. It's doable, because I know I'll have lunch. Hey, when you've been led around by your appetite all your life, sometimes it takes baby steps. Steve Nicholls who used to post here, does frequent 10 day fasts...I have never done anything LIKE that many days. I don't think I want to go that long without food...however, I think it isn't entirely unhealthy to go without food now and then. Human beings have eaten that way for many generations: famine, food, food, famine...etc. I have enough fat stored to live many days without eating...

and, this time anyway, it was the Lord's I followed. LOL

so, breaking my fast right now with an apple, and thinking about what I want to fix for lunch. something with black beans, since my kid opened a can and left them sitting in a bowl. ;-) and I have rice already made...hmmm...

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:39 pm
by bunsofaluminum
well, I was thinking menopause was hitting this month, because I've been feeling dizzy and cranky...and now I've got a titch of sore throat and a bit stuffy, and dizzy still...It's a cold. :\

going to bed early.

I am doing REALLY WELL on the MWL, even so far as making blueberry muffins at work today with a client, and not having any of it at all. I'm proud of me.

tomorrow's another day. I really need to sleep now, though. Please, Lord let it be a full night's sleep, and wake totally NOT catching this cold. Amen.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:26 am
by bunsofaluminum
this feels REALLY GOOD...that is, I am down a pound :D Because I fast on Mondays, I decided to report my weight on Tuesdays :lol: good plan, eh?

seems I've left the 200's in my DUST ha! and the 190's are fading slowly into the distance, as well. When was it that I hit 198? beginning of summer, I guess?

Still feeling like a cold is catching me: tired, headache, hot eyes, woke w/a sore throat that went away as soon as I swallowed. However, my MWL plan goes forward, regardless :nod:

Today's Plan:

B: oatmeal cooked w/banana and cinnamon, topped w/peaches
L: baked potato w/savory garbanzo topper; steamed broccoli; spinach salad w/lemon juice for dressing; carrot sticks; tomato;
D: spinach and rice w/vegan brown gravy; cooked carrots
S: frozen grapes

I am praying that my system successfully fights this off. Taking airborne for sure. Wishing I had a job that I could take a paid sick day.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:10 am
by bunsofaluminum
this is very cool. Yesterday, when Mr C dashed off from the group while on an outing, I had to sprint after him for about 25 yards or so...I ran as fast as I could, from zero to ??? in three seconds. :)

and didn't even get winded! And I am NOT working out at this point. Just eating healthy and taking the occasional walk. I can also run upstairs without catching my breath.

kewl, eh? Is it possible to be more fit simply by losing weight and having a store of glycogen because of how I'm eating? Feels pretty good.

Yesterday I ate two handfuls of micro popcorn :\ which took me from 100% compliance and I'm not happy with myself. It was nasty, too. not worth it.

otherwise, sticking to it and feeling terrific!

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:32 am
by Anna Green
That is kewl and you are kewl! You are doing well and it's good to see. Being able to chase down a client is the kind of reward I like.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:34 am
by bunsofaluminum
well, I'm still sticking to MWL but only after a big slip up on Friday: pretzels dipped in melted chocolate. And strawberries w/drizzled chocolate.

Those are the only slip ups, but I guess they took me off MWL enough to say I didn't make 30 days, as I wanted to. I felt like absolute crap emotionally on Friday, and physically I was off, yesterday, so I ate what I wanted and phooey on the "diet" :cry: but I'm back on track again today. Except I woke up two hours before my alarm, and with a stuffed nose.

I've been fighting this cold for a week, with everything in me, and it's still getting me. :angry: more rest today, I guess. Ugh. Maybe I'll try to sleep some before my day officially begins.

B: baked pots w/savory garbanzos and spinach
L: ??? something on plan
D: ??? refried bean soup *slurp*

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:11 am
by bunsofaluminum
Another day. It's Monday, which is a fasting day for me, but I'm thinking I will majorly modify it, as the head cold is making me cranky and tired, and I don't want to add low blood sugar tiredness and dizziness to it. Maybe fruit? and I will eat at dinner time.

Or maybe I'll just eat, and fast off of Facebook ha! that's a sacrifice :lol:

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:00 am
by bunsofaluminum
yah! down two pounds this week! yahoooo! from 188 to 186 :D

this, btw, is TREMENDOUS motivation to stick to MWL this week. :nod:

Today's Plan:

B: spinach and rice; fresh garden tomatoes
L: veggie stix and garbanzo dip/hummus
D: refried bean soup *slurp* (my new favorite recipe)
S: frozen grapes; banana

Here goes! back on track :thumbsup:

Oh, almost forgot: One More Pound and I will have lost 50 (FIFTY) pounds. ayayayaayayayay!

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:59 am
by kirstykay
Buns, I'm so proud of you!!!! And excited for you!!!! You are doing so great!!! What a testimony to just sticking with the plan!!! It's fun to watch your ticker keep going lower and lower!!! Hopefully mine will follow soon!!! :-D

BTW, what's the recipe for that refried bean soup?????

Have an awesome day!

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:13 am
by ncyg46
way to go! :D

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:31 pm
by mtns
Wow!!!!! Great job. You are doing so good. You give me great motivation to do this and do it the right way. Thankyou for your inspiration.

Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:33 pm
by bunsofaluminum
mmm, refried bean soup...

1 lg onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can (14.5 oz) diced toms w/chilis (or not)
1 can refried beans
1 c frozen corn kernels
Cumin to taste
chopped cilantro if you have it
You could also add cayenne pepper or other peppers, if you like heat (I don't)

in a sauce pan, put the onion, garlic and canned tomatoes and simmer together until soft (about 10 min). Add the beans and corn, and simmer on medium until hot, about another ten minutes.

One recipe I saw calls for strips of corn tortillas in there, but I've never used them. This is terrific, and so fast and really delicious. The tomatoes with chilis already added really do make a difference, but it's good without, too.

This soup is good over baked potatoes or rice. It's also very good just eaten with a spoon out of a bowl. :thumbsup:

It is very cool to be losing again :) It helps me at work. For instance, when we made caramel corn yesterday. I had a nibble, and then walked away. There was a lot left over today, and others were munching it...not I! It was absolutely NO temptation at all. Neither were the little "fun size" candy bars. I just thought "I'm losing weight again because I'm eating sanely and very healthily. Why screw it up?" And even when confronted with the pretzel M&M's and
Reese's miniatures, I just said "two lbs, two lbs" and successfully resisted :nod:


On my way to pick up a client in the mornings, there is a table near the road, which some days has fresh garden produce on it, and a sign "FREE"...twice I've...oh, wait...THREE times now, I've stopped and gotten yellow crook neck squash, and once, some tomatoes. So today there were four lovely yellow squash that I grabbed. Then, on my way up the road to get another client, there had been an onion spill. So I pulled over and gleaned about a dozen VERY LARGE onions. They and the squash are about to be saute'd into a lovely vegetable topper for rice and spinach! ta daaaa!

God is so good. Free food. yeah!