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Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:52 pm
by Dissolution
Hi again everybody!

Looks like I haven't posted since April, let me do a quick catch-up.

In mid May the wife had a boil like thing in her groin area. It persisted for a few days and she finally allowed me to take her to the ER. They diagnosed cellulitis, and admitted her. Since she doesn't take anything for her diabetes, her BS was 400+. They cut open the infected area and left a 6 inch wound in her groin that was as deep as 2 inches in places. They originally put her on a wound pump, but discontinued that when we told them we couldn't afford the $125 a day x 3 weeks for the pump. At some point they gave her vancomycin, which caused her kidneys to shut down. She went through a few dialysis treatments and 2 kidney doctors, but in the end her kidneys started working again. In all she spent 22 days in the hospital.

Once she got home I changed and packed the wound for her. She kept having abdominal pain. So I took her to a different hospital and they discovered a pocket of infected fluid behind her liver. They installed a tube with a drain pump and sent her home after two days. We went back a week later to have the tube removed.

All in all she's doing fairly well. She managing her diabetes better. She uses insulin and I wish she would use other medication. She was never diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but she was having lots of pain and most of her post hospital symptoms seem to be spot on for a fibromyalgia diagnoses. She's been to a doctor for it, but the doctor just gave her the pills she asked for, and I'm not sure those are the best ones for her. She's using gabapentin.

We went to New York for our anniversary in August. We ate once at the vegan restaurant Candle 79, and it was her favorite meal of the entire trip. That being said she's not aware that she is slowly (glacial) moving towards a more plant based diet. Matter of fact we were having a Thanksgiving day discussion and she asked if the Tofurkey she normally makes me is made out of the same stuff she had at Candle 79. I explained that seitan is the base, but it's pretty heavily processed. Then she started looking up seitan recipes. She had made herself ham last night and commented to me that she had spent most of the night in the bathroom. I'm making seitan now as I type this. I hope it works out ok.

I've used wheat gluten to firm up bean burgers or make faux Italian sausage, but I don't normally eat those things because I don't miss meat. But it's kinda fun to do every now and then when we have company over. Although, I never have gotten tired of that look on people's faces when they ask what you eat and you respond, "Plants!". So if Seitan will help her move away from meat I'm all in favor.

Two other big developments, I decided I wanted to get a motorcycle. The wife and I have had several heated discussions on this subject, and she has decided that she is going to get one also. We are taking the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course next weekend. Probably won't actually buy motorcycles until next spring but this is a big step.

The other thing is the wife is going to the gym, which allows me to go to the gym without fighting and arguments. I pretty much haven't gone since this time last year.

So the wife is feeling better, has agreed to us getting motorcycles and is going with me to the gym, and yet I still can't seem to control my eating. The walmart on the way to work (I don't normally go in until close to lunchtime) started having hot french bread for $1. I would buy and eat a whole loaf. Which is not by itself a horrible thing. The bread is vegan and low fat, at least that's what I kept telling myself. But then I would sometimes grab one on the way home too, and then still eat dinner. If they didn't have hot bread available, I could grab anything, donuts, cupcakes, cookies, etc.

I've just never recovered from this past Christmas and the wife's massive baking project. My cravings for sweets just can't seem to be appeased. I would eat fruit, sometimes several pieces and then still eat pop tarts or other things I shouldn't be eating. My planned meals are perfect, I eat a very strict McDougall/Esselstyn program.

Things came to head a couple of weeks ago, on the way back from the gym, the wife mentioned some goodie she was planning on making for Christmas. I said nothing, but must have made a face. She kept asking me what was wrong and I finally told her that the Christmas baking was hell/torture for me. This upset her very much, and I felt bad. She said she wouldn't bake this year and I told her it was ok, and that she should, but she refuses.

A couple of months ago I looked up Over Eaters Anonymous. I kept telling myself that if I didn't get my eating under control I would make myself go to a meeting. I kept delaying and finally informed my wife after our fight that I was going to go to OA.

I've been to 3 meetings and read the Blue book (The AA book). It follows the same 12-step program, and makes no dietary recommendations. What I have done so far is to define my abstinence from compulsive eating.

These are my rules for abstinence:

All food McDougall/Esselstyn compliant.

3 moderate meals a day.

No eating in the car.

No eating bread by itself.

When home I ONLY eat at the dining room table.

Once I sit down to eat, that's it. No more food allowed for that meal. So no going back for seconds or making another wrap, or an extra piece of fruit.

This is a modification of the OA 301 plan.
3 Meals a day
0 nothing in between
1 day at a time

This past year has been tough. I know what I'm supposed to be eating, I've done the hard part giving up the meat and cheese and fast food. I just haven't been able to control the beast, and he likes baked goods.

Anyways I'm back. My 3 year veganniversary was on 9/28. I'm sure my not posting was part of my problem. I had come to understand the science and nutrition of this way of eating, so I felt I didn't need the discussion board anymore. I felt like I was doing too much bitching about the wife. I felt sorry for myself. She would bake brownies for the boys, while I wouldn't eat any at home, I might buy a box of doughnuts the next time I was out. That's another side of OA. It's up to me to change and fix what is wrong with me.

For those interested, the lowest my weight ever got was 199. A couple of weeks ago I was at 248. I was sitting at 237 this morning.

That's probably enough for now. Time to go check the seitan.


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:08 pm
by Chile
Nice to see you posting. Sounds like lots of life challenges in the past few months but progress as well. Glad to hear your wife is recovering from her health challenges and perhaps moving towards healthier food, no matter how slow.

I'll be interested to read how you like the OA program over time, and whether returning to posting here helps you get and stay on track. Like you, I know the science and nutrition inside out. Like you, I continue to struggle anyway. Doug Lisle told me that community and social contact was the key to staying on track. Hope it helps you!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:46 am
by carollynne
HI Dissolution. It is great to see you posting again! So happy that your wife recovered as well as it sounds, and for a 400+ blood glucose that is wonderful, And the both of you going to the gym together, that is nice!
Take care of yourself. That is the key. I too, struggle with issues of overeating, especially any flour product. Way too tasty for me too. Of course I like to put something on that whole grain bread that my son loves to make us. :twisted:

Nice that she says she won't make all those Christmas goodies, may be is tired of it all too, and just looking of a good reason to stop. I'd say let her stop.

Good luck and we are all behind you here!! :-D

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:56 am
by nicoles
Welcome Back, Dissolution!

Way to go, looking out for yourself! Very happy for you. I find OA to be very grounding, there is something so relieving about being with people who are committed to sanity.

Really glad your wife is doing as well as she is despite everything. But what an ordeal for you both!

Also-WHOOOHOOO! Motorcycles!!! They are so fun!! I did a CA coastal road trip on a motorcycle when I was right out of college, it's up there as one of my life's great moments.


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:37 pm
by Katydid
Dis, great to see you posting again. It really does help keep you motivated. Glad to hear your wife is starting to get a clue. Don't feel too bad about the weight gain. It could be worse - remember the trucker from "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"? ... ounds.html


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:49 pm
by Dissolution
Chile One of the healthiest things the wife has done since leaving the hospital is she has lost her taste for coffee. At one point a year or two ago, I had calculated that she was consuming 900 calories a day of half-n-half, with her coffee. Her meat consumption is falling. She probably has a couple of vegetarian days a week now.

carollynne I'm honestly not sure where she stands on the Christmas goodies. I'd rather she didn't make them, but I'm not going to tell her that again. If she does, then I'll just have to deal with it.

nicoles I'm still not sure about the 12 steps, but I know I like to be around people that understand my struggles with food addiction.

Katydid Oh wow, that's a shame. I watched some of FS&ND, I think it was after FOK, and it looked like a good way to lose weight, but did not seem like a sustainable way of eating. Maybe I'm wrong, but something kept me from watching the whole movie.


Abstinence 7 days in a row. Struggled a little bit tonight. We went out for dinner for our oldest son's birthday. It was a French restaurant, and there were not starch options for me. I had ratatouille, which normally I enjoy, this one left a lot to be desired. Basically cubed eggplant and squash with canned tomatoes. It didn't have much seasoning. The struggle was after we got home and I was still hungry. I made some tea and occupied myself with other things.

Went to the gym this morning. Felt good. Better stronger faster.

Good night....

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:34 am
by Dissolution
Went to Thursday night OA. I'm still not sure about OA or this particular group. There seem to be several people in the group that are long time members, that are 150+lbs overweight. I guess it's good motivation to not let this way of eating down. I know this works, and if I would just stick to the plan and stop eating the bad stuff, I would be great. It's that simple.

Here's the question I posed to OA last night, that seemed to confuse them. The wife bought me a can of fat free vegetarian chili, I had it for dinner one night and it was fine. But I kept thinking to myself. This can was 380 calories, would it be better for me to make my own chilli using a 315 calorie can of kidney beans and a 105 calorie can of tomatoes and make my own chili? Sure it's an extra 40 calories, but it's TWICE as much. The bigger question is, am I just being smart or am I just being food obsessed?

I had presented this quandary during sharing time, so people aren't allowed to "crosstalk". After the meeting I asked the leader if she had any input on my chili question. I restated it for her and her first reply was, "Oh, you count calories?" I tried to explain that I don't really count, but I do like to be aware of calories. But in the end she never really seemed to understand the question. I would think any compulsive eater would understand it immediately. I'll spring it on my Friday night group next week.

Not going to OA tonight, the wife and I have the classroom portion of our motorcycle testing tonight.

Happy Friday all!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:00 pm
by Chile
I love questions like your chili question! It's too bad the group didn't seem to "get" it. Here's how I would have answered it.

Making your own chili is great if you have the ingredients on hand and don't mind taking the little bit of extra time to put it together as opposed to just opening a pre-made can. There is definitely an advantage to your own chili being about half the calorie density of the pre-made one, depending on whether volume eating is an issue for you. Would the pre-made chili fill you up or would you need to consume twice as much to feel full? Would you eat all of your homemade chili just because you can or only as much as needed to feel satisfied?

Another alternative is to take that pre-made can and add vegetables to it to lower the calorie density. I find that even the McDougall Ready-to-Serve Soups don't have as many vegetables in them as I prefer in a soup, so I add to them. It saves time using the pre-packaged product for those times that I'm in a hurry and it's not difficult to add chopped or frozen veggies to it. Pouring it over cooked potatoes also bulk it up without adding too many calories to the meal.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:37 pm
by Dissolution
Chile Feeling full is rare for me. The "satisfied" feeling is something I'm not really familiar with. Although, I've had a couple of surprising occurrences this weekend.


The wife and I took the MSF motorcycle course this weekend. She went down twice on the first day and decided it was best for her to not continue with the program at this time. She's a bit sore today and she's pretty down about failing to finish the course. I passed without too many problems. I do wish the wife and I had done a little bicycle riding before the course. Balancing at low speeds on two wheels was harder than expected on the first day. It has been 25 years since I was on a two wheeled vehicle of any sort.

Food wise I'm doing great! No snacks, nothing off plan. Cravings have been fairly minor and can normally be stifled with a cup of herbal tea. While not tracking calories, I am estimating and keeping a journal. I was originally planning on weighing in every Monday, but now I'm wondering if I should reconsider. I'm worried that if I haven't lost, it will upset my current abstinence.

The two occurrences were me not finishing all of the food I had prepared. Saturday morning I was up early to go to the MSF class and was eating a double portion of oatmeal, which I used to do all the time, but I've cut back to singles every other day since OA. The double portion was because I was probably looking at 6-8 hours until lunch and I had at least 5 hours of motorcycle time ahead of me. I got a little over halfway through it, and decided I'd had enough. That almost never happens to me, ever.

The second occurrence was this evening. I prepared a small head of romanesco broccoli and 16 ounces of potatoes. This is a reasonably common meal for me, and I sometimes eat as much as 1.5Lbs of potatoes this way. Near as I can figure, I got full. I wasn't stuffed, but I didn't want to eat anymore. Kinda weird.

I hope everybody had a good weekend...

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:15 pm
by fulenn
Nice to see you back here, though I wish things had gone better for you the past several months.


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:54 am
by Dissolution
fulenn Thanks. Could have been worse I guess, I could have gone back to meat.

LynnCS The Thursday night group specifically allows talking about food in their rules. The Friday night group does not. My intention last Thursday was to only listen, but the leader kinda coaxed me into sharing. I have lots of questions about the steps, but it seems like we read material, but don't discuss. We share, but since there is no crosstalk allowed, I can't see that resolving my step questions. I guess that's what sponsors are for?


So I did weigh myself Monday morning and was very pleased with the results.

I've stuck to my abstinence plan 13 days so far. I haven't really started any of the steps though. Maybe I'm at step 3, with no idea how to proceed. I won't be making it to the Thursday meeting this week, but I should be able to make the Friday night meeting, which is the smaller, healthier group in my opinion.

The wife is still really sore from her motorcycle crashes this weekend. So we haven't been to the gym this week. I won't push her this week, but next week I'm going with or without her.

Happy Wednesday all

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:05 pm
by Dissolution
Thursday night we went out for #3 son's birthday. I had a great meal $8.99 got me a salad, grilled vegetables, baked potato and baked sweet potato. I paid for the 4 of us, so it still cost me $110 before tip. Doesn't seem quite fair sometimes.

The puppies shredded a pillow this morning. After I cleaned that up, I woke the wife up. It was 10AM, but apparently she wasn't ready to be up. After a few minutes of her bitching about everything she could think of, she suggested I leave early for work (I only had 1, 4 hour appointment scheduled for today). This was the first time I would have to eat a meal out, by myself, since I started my OA abstinence.

I stopped by a local motorcycle dealer to do some looking. Then I had to decide where to go for lunch. I thought about Wendy's, but decided I might go there for dinner, so I opted for SubWay. After work, I had enough time before OA to stop and eat, but I wasn't really hungry and I didn't want to eat that early, but I don't like to eat late either. I decided to not eat when I wasn't hungry.

OA was very good tonight. Three of us stayed afterwards and talked a lot. I still don't have a sponsor. I was hoping one of the guys would be there tonight. I don't have anything against a female sponsor, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go over well with the wife.

15 days and counting of abstinence....

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:10 pm
by dlee
Hi Dis, Glad to see you back again. We all have stuff to work on . Right now I'm on day 3 of not getting a Chai soy latte.I quit cafe earlier this summer then started having lattes....very calorie dense Don't need it. So you've inspired me to commit to quitting. Thanks Dlee

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:33 am
by Dissolution
LynnCS The discussion Friday night after the meeting was very interesting. I t was nice to be able to talk to some of the long time members, without the constraints of the formal meeting.

dlee Thanks. The wife is currently not drinking coffee, so this would be a great time for me to quit. I had been using soy or almond milk to cream my coffee with, but switched to black earlier this year.


The wife is still not feeling well, since her motorcycle falls from the previous weekend. We needed to get a check in the bank, so I went to Frederick alone. There's an organic grocery store there and I was out of kale. They sell a red kale that I firmly believe is grown in old cocaine or opium just kidding, it's really good though. They also have a cafe. I bought my kale and ordered their tempeh sandwich, and sat down for a nice solo lunch.

After I got home, one of our sons called and wanted to meet us for lunch, in Frederick. We met at the mall and since neither my son or my wife had eaten, we went to her favorite diner. I had told them both before hand, that I didn't mind going, but I had already eaten lunch. They ordered their food and I ordered coffee. The wife actually got mad at me for not eating with them.

I assure you in the past I would have had no problem ordering a salad or something and then eating dinner later in the day. But those are not the rules of my abstinence. 3 meals and day and NOTHING in between. That's how I made it through day 17.

Monday I have to visit a client at one of their remote sites. The person I'm meeting up there is a long time friend and he's aware of my way of eating. I'm taking the wife with me, because there's a restaurant where he wants us to eat breakfast with him. Here's their website. Might be fun to order their veggie omelet and to hold the egg and cheese. It's frustrating though, to try and get a place like this to not use butter/oil/cooking spray when preparing a meal on a well seasoned cook top is almost impossible.

I've been thinking about the weighing myself thing. I read the Uncle Buck success tips that Katydid linked to in a lounge post, where he says to stay off the scales. One of the people at OA said she has not weighed herself in 10 years. She knows what size she is, but even at the doctor's office, she faces away from the front of the scale and asks them not to tell her the result. A couple of them also said that you need to surrender something to be successful in OA. The examples given are if you have always weighed your food and logged it, to stop. But if you have never tracked your input, to start.

Which left me wondering. I know when I was successfully losing weight, I was weighing and tracking regularly. Probably too often though. As I gained 40 pounds over the past year, I very rarely weighed myself. For now I guess I will continue to weigh, but only once a week. How's that...

Happy Sunday all..

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:39 pm
by Dissolution
I did my weigh-in on Monday. Down 2.7 pounds for the week. I'm pretty pleased about that.

We went to the restaurant on Monday morning. I had two bagels, toasted, plain. The wife had pancakes, and bought doughnuts to go. My friend/client had a ribeye steak topped with fried potatoes, onions, peppers, olives, ham and cheese, topped with two over easy eggs. He told me he was on a 1500 calorie a day diet, I told him I hoped he was done eating for the day. That evening my wife ate one of the doughnuts, she said she thought the used too much lard. I was too grossed out to know how she knew the difference between lard and shortening.

Today is 19 days of my abstinence plan, seems to be easier now. I probably look more forward to meals than I used to. I'm enjoying them more too. Because most of the time I am truly hungry when I eat. It's also mindful eating, I think that's the best way to describe it.

Tonight reminded me of my downfall this time last year. When I came home, the wife had a HUGE pot of cranberry sauce cooking. She's planning on canning it. So the stove was completely inaccessible. I ran into this a lot last year in November and December. She would also complain that anything I microwaved was going to contaminate her chocolate or whatever it was she was cooking at the time. This year, I will put a microwave and rice cooker in my computer room if I need to.

Good evening all...