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Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:54 am
by bunsofaluminum
SW 240
GW 135
CW 229.5

Weight stayed the same. Feeling pretty meh about following anything today, but also can't think of any treats I'd go to. I'm no craving anything. Just in a "screw it" mood I guess. Thankfully I have rice made so I can fix meals easily. But I really don't care what I eat. Meh.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:00 am
by Ejeff
Since you aren’t craving anything, I would say that’s a very positive sign. To me it means your clean simple diet is working. I find the more simple I eat the less I have cravings and the better I feel. I hope that’s true for you also. Enjoy the day and the rice. :-)


Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:30 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Ejeff wrote:Since you aren’t craving anything, I would say that’s a very positive sign. To me it means your clean simple diet is working. I find the more simple I eat the less I have cravings and the better I feel. I hope that’s true for you also. Enjoy the day and the rice. :-)


That was my thought exactly. My attitude about food is meh? Rather amazing, actually.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:20 am
by bunsofaluminum
SW 240
GW 135
CW 230

Scale hovering around the 230 mark. It's Day 55 since starting my Rice Diet/MWL hybrid, and I've lost 10 lbs. and I'm enjoying being pain free. My feet not hurting caught my attention this morning. It's nice. The poundage might be slow to go, but the pain went REALLY fast, and I know it's from eliminating refined fats and processed foods. It's pretty nice, even if it takes forever to lose a single pound.

Just when I was getting into the swing of things with walking, our weather turned cold and I haven't walked since before Thanksgiving. Maybe I can give it a try. I don't like being cold, but if I wear my coat it might not be too bad. Walking will warm me up. I think doing so will make a diff in the pounds dropping. Meanwhile, keeping at it because I don't want to go back to hurting.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:58 am
by bunsofaluminum
SW 240
GW 135
CW 231

Quite the weekend. After a day of having zero cravings and feeling pretty meh about my food choices, I went nuts. Ate 440 extra calories in the form of a giant 4 serving Twix. That was on Friday. And I ATE CHICKEN on Saturday. :shock: Not a dish with chicken in it. Chicken thighs.

Okay, so I went off the rails. And now I'm back ON the rails. Yesterday was Sunday and I followed the plan to a T. *shrug* And following it today, as well. Weight stays about the same. Maybe today's low calorie day will move it downward. Meanwhile, I went shopping for an hour and a half yesterday with no foot pain. Well, I was slightly feeling it before we finished...but I had a wonderful time with my daughter and her little boy. And we learned our lesson about taking a three year old to a store that specializes in treats and sweets from all over Europe. And I'm talking a football field sized place, with 8 foot shelves PACKED with everything. Holiday specialties from Austria, Italy, Poland, Switzerland. Mexico, England, France, Russia. I ended up buying Wylie some gingerbread cookies from Germany, and for opening on Christmas, a box of chocolates with whiskey centers. :lol: I got myself a wedge of nougat with almonds in it. And! a jar of red sauerkraut. I want to make mashed potatoes to have with that. The treats are for THE Day, and staying away from them before then.

I'm bound and determined to maintain and not sabotage myself with Xmas goodies prior to Xmas. ON Xmas? Yeah, gonna have me some. And just a little bit. Not going to get gluttonous. :nod: putting a plan in place so I'm ready...just a little over a week at this point, eh?

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:53 am
by bunsofaluminum
SW 240
GW 135
CW 230

Dammit, it feels like depression is coming along again. Poop.

But let's think for a minute. Well, it's possible that depression IS coming along. I won't be surprised. BUT I also got like 5 hours of sleep last night, and Wylie and I were grumpy with each other yesterday. Maybe I just need more sleep.

Food is again meh today. Don't really care what I eat, as long as it's simple. Rice and veg or fruit.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:14 am
by Ejeff
I hope you can fend off the depression. I just wanted to let you know when I eat fatty foods like coconut milk or a meal out that has oil I will feel anxious a few hours later. Very strange feeling and I might have thought I was just imagining this, but my daughter notices the exact same thing. Could be you are feeling the after affects of higher fat food especially since you’ve been very low fat for a while.

Also, I have heard doctor McDougall say that eating a potato helps depression. Not sure if it’s the same with rice. You could try switching out one of your rice meals with potatoes see if that helps?


Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:08 am
by bunsofaluminum
Ejeff wrote:I hope you can fend off the depression. I just wanted to let you know when I eat fatty foods like coconut milk or a meal out that has oil I will feel anxious a few hours later. Very strange feeling and I might have thought I was just imagining this, but my daughter notices the exact same thing. Could be you are feeling the after affects of higher fat food especially since you’ve been very low fat for a while.

Also, I have heard doctor McDougall say that eating a potato helps depression. Not sure if it’s the same with rice. You could try switching out one of your rice meals with potatoes see if that helps?


Hm. I've been aware of the effect of fatty eating on my joints and bones, but it's worth noticing what it does to my emotional state. But certainly going berserk and eating chicken thighs contributes to my sense of self-disappointment (almost wrote self-loathing, but truly I'm not at that stage...seriously disappointed with myself and confused about myself going that far off base. SMH. But I think mostly it was "hangry" or H.A.L.T (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) after my PT shift and feeling sorry for's all ridiculous. Led around by the nose at the whim of my moods.

Thinking about it further, I think The Togetherness Project is REALLY screwing with me. Wylie has been miserable the last few weeks, and I haven't been careful about protecting my energy, so the past week has been At Home with the Bickersons and frankly I'm tired.

So...what can I do about it? I don't have to match pout for pout with my husband. Getting up and starting to get ready for toffee making perked me up first thing today. I'll finish up with that during my lunch break and get a care package ready to send to my son in Denver. The new windows are in, and we have MUCH more light coming in the place. I know that will help over the winter. And maybe I can put up some Christmas decorations. Something to cheer things up. And the Old Man can be as grumpy as he likes. I'm going to guard my own energy.

And a huge part of that is going to be keeping my eating good. Gotta keep it clean.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:33 pm
by taz432
I like The Togetherness Project, that was funny :-D

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:35 am
by bunsofaluminum
taz432 wrote:I like The Togetherness Project, that was funny :-D

I laugh about it to keep from crying or being cranky about it.

But seriously, I've been thinking about how incredibly introverted I'm becoming from the working at home. I'm already an introvert, highly valuing my alone time who loves it when plans are cancelled. :lol: but I like people and I'm not shy at all. However, I'm no good at gathering people around me. If I want some people action, I have to go to things like concerts or parties...or even just family gatherings on holidays. Annnnnd thank you, Covid, we haven't had ANY of that this past year. Also, I don't even get to see my coworkers, and if I were a church goer, that would be kaput as well. During my cranky few days this past week, I found myself not wanting to be around anyone AT ALL. Like...Go away, housemates. Leave me alone. Don't want anybody else in my space.

But that's not healthy. I mean, yes I need my alone time. One of the reasons I get up early is to be alone before anyone else wakes up. It's the main means of maintaining my sanity, and feeds my soul with solitude and calm. However, going to the office daily at least brought me into contact with other human beings. Having a huge family St Patrick's Day celebration, the cousin reunion every July, the big bday party in June, going to see Santana in an outdoor arena with hundreds of other people...etc...those times of togetherness also feed my soul. I'm more cheerful in life when I get to say "hey" to folks in the elevator or stand shoulders up with another groupie at a geriatric rock concert. This prolonged home-staying is making me old. And being here all alone wouldn't make it better in the long run. So yes, The Togetherness Project can end any time, but it's preferable to being home all the time with absolutely no one else around.

And Covid can go away. Vaccines arriving. Maybe next summer we'll have a huge 4th of July celebration with EVERYONE!


The scale is way up this morning. From 231 to 236...ugh. I ate carefully yesterday. Trying to think if it was high sodium. Did. Not. Eat. Nuts. I'm still feeling it in my gut today. IBS is still a thing, though eating this way has relieved me of most of the symptoms. But yeah, I didn't do myself any favors consuming that many nuts. I'll be careful to stay on plan today. Hopefully I won't feel hungry all day long. That's been a thing the past few days, too. Eating to satiation has been leaving me hungry again in 90 minutes. Need to remember that I don't NEED a snack. As sedentary as I am, I don't EVER need a snack :lol:

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 3:56 pm
by bunsofaluminum
SW 240
GW 135
CW 232

Good day today. I made toffee and finally got Wylie something for Xmas. He's hard to shop for. Also the scale came down a few lbs. Still haven't touched nuts...still feeling it in my gut, pooping every half hour with maybe 1/4 c volume, but feeling like I have to poop all the time. IBS symptom for sure. Nuts, man. :| I love em but they don't love me.

Making toffee, with Christmas music on in the background. Wylie had his phone connected to the bluetooth speaker, and we could hear it all through the house. Melted my heart when he played Perfect by Ed Sheeran

I found a love for me
Oh darlin', just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waitin' for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowin' what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darlin', just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holdin' mine
Baby, I'm dancin' in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listenin' to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darlin', you look perfect tonight
Well I found a man, stronger than anyone I know
He shares my dreams, I hope that someday we'll share a home

I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fightin' against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time

Darlin', just hold my hand
Be your girl, you'll be my man
And I see my future in your eyes
Well baby, I'm dancin' in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, while listenin' to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, lookin' so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darlin', you look perfect tonight
Baby, I'm dancin' in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, while listenin' to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
And he looks perfect
No I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

So sweet. He came upstairs and wrapped his arms around me and we stood there just listening to this awesome song and loving each other. Then I left for work early enough to shop, and found him a gift card to a model train shop, and found a little stone bowl for my daughter...a little thing to put on her dresser top that "doesn't hold anything" :lol: and who of us doesn't have some sweet tiny boxes with one piece of jewelry in it, or a single note folded up and tucked in?

Made toffee, listened to Christmas music, connected with my husband, shopped a little bit, and came to work. Tomorrow I will wrap gifts :nod: ... things are feeling pretty good.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:38 am
by bunsofaluminum
SW 240
GW 135
CW 231

Whew, that surge up 6 lbs is going back down again. I've been careful with meals, but also had some chocolate covered espresso beans on Sat and Sun...lemme part time job is incredibly boring. This side gig is as a captioning agent for telephone conversations. That is, when two people are on the phone and one of them is deaf, I say verbatim what the person talking TO the deaf person is saying. I don't hear what the deaf person says, only what their interlocutor is saying. And I say it exactly as I hear it and Dragon software prints it up as text for the deaf person to read. Thus, on a regular phone (not TTY or requiring any specialized equipment on the other side) a deaf person can converse with anyone.

The job consists of sitting with a screen up, speaking in a monotone voice (so the Dragon can better understand and translate to text) and saying exactly what I'm hearing. If an error appears in the text, I correct it. But let's face it...I'm pretty good at this and consistently get scores in the 98-99% range on our quality control test calls.

My shifts are five hours, Fri, Sat, and Sun evenings. It pays well enough to cover the monthly debts that necessitated getting the job in the first place, but baby is it boring! So, to perk me up and sort of boost my own morale, I take along a little treat. Currently enjoying chocolate covered espresso beans, but also have used starlight mints, Altoids, Skittles. Just a bit, less than a palmful for all three shifts. And I don't have them any other day of the week.

But isn't this strange. Today is a weekday, so I won't be having any of those treats, and I'm glad. The Sunday few I had weren't as enjoyable as those I had on Friday. Hmmmm. I'm ready to eat simple humble food again. My stomach is looking forward to it! :lol:

Today is the WINTER SOLSTICE!!!!! My favorite day OF THE YEAR!
From now on, the days get longer as the sun begins to come back to us! Thank goodness it comes when it does, right when days are short and it's so cold and bleak out. :nod: yep.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:39 am
by bunsofaluminum
SW 240
GW 135
CW 232

I am super gassy the past few days. I think it might be the barley in my not chicken soup that I made the other day and have been having a big bowlful every day. It’s the only thing I can think that might cause this. And today it is FOUL. It’s been pretty odorless until this morning but today I’m feeling the bloating and smelling the stench. Do not want.

Taking it easy and giving my gut a break today :? Simple humble food

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:11 pm
by SilverDollar*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love reading your posts,so real & down to earth, :) RAS

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 5:12 pm
by bunsofaluminum

I figure if I can't talk about gas and BM's on a website dedicated to high fiber, low fat eating, where can I? :lol:


Sure enough, I ate whatever on Christmas Eve and Christmas, and kinda a little bit today and danged if my foot isn't KILLING ME! I am convinced more than ever that eating SAD is absolutely toxic and causes me pain. I'm off the processed. Period. It isn't worth it. Including refined fats. That does it.

I'm also up a few pounds, but the gas went away. Did I mention praying about it and singing a hymn in the car? 8) Well I did, and eliminated whatever it was that had been fouling up my gut for however many days. I mean, the gas stopped that day. The following day I evacuated whatever stinky rot was in my gut and it hasn't been back. And believe me when I say I didn't cut anything out...well, there was nothing unusual at all in what I ate the day or so before it all started, and certainly not while it was uncomfortable. When you blame the barley in your soup, you know the ick isn't from McDougall's revenge.

Anyway, it's over. And today "McDougall's Revenge" is the pain sock on my left foot. Not surprised. But definitely determined to get it back together. BACK TO RICE AND FRUIT/VEG. Simple, humble foods.