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Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:14 pm
by LoriJenny
A good day here, I just love the blackbean good :)Now that it is summer I do seem to be focusing more on salads and cut vegies than on the chili and spagetti like I was in the winter. I took Bear on a walk this evening, it was so nice and cool out. Tomorrow morning is the Farmer's fun!!

Christine...Good luck with the job at Whole Foods!! That would be a fun place to work, and super to get a discount there! I wish they would build one here in my town, but then again, we have a pretty good health foods store, locally owned, and I'd hate to see them suffer at all.

Off to bed now!! PILLOW!!!

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:18 pm
by carollynne
Hey Christine, I hope the depression could has lifted up some, that is a bummer, I feel for you.
a new job sounds so cool! whole food, or is it whole paycheck??
All is wlel here, but I did eat off plan today. but had been so compliant all week,eating all kinds of soup with a lot of collards, corn, and brown rice.

then I have also been juicing up a mean, green fresh drink with my juicer machine. I am making it up with a lot of garden fresh items, plus a friend gave a nice stack of gorgeous collard greens again. Her collard plant looks shiny and a lighter green limey color. Not the usual collard at all. then I added some Kale today, which is tastless and adds a lot of good nutrients to mix.
I add whatever I can, and then a 1/2 lemon minus the rind, and a chunk of ginger too, it is a great drink. DS loved it and it gives a nice burst of energy to me. The clean up leaves a lot to be desired, but I take all the peel-grinds out to our mulch pit, so it does go back to replenish the earth. I have a nice container in frig now of it. If I can juust keep this up til at least my appt with cardiologist on Tues. Perhaps it will help me lost wt!! I am pretty much cleaned out anyway, with all the veggies I eat!!
I was invited to vegan/vegetarian potluck on Friday, and I did go, bring some quinoa and bulgar wheat and she brought potatoes, that I showed her to make up. IN an oven bag with spices, and they came out great. The dishes were not McD really, but I only sampled a tiny bit of a few of them the ones with no cheese for sure. then we watched a cool dvd on ice cream and then they all had some Ben and Jerry's and I had my water. not even a cone. which had some choc dipped on it. Most of them were thin, but I cannot complain, the atmosphere was nice, and they were so positive to me. a nice mix of people too. The house was lovely, and that was almost the best part, what a huge kitchen, with huge high windows. Itis a once a month event. perhaps when they get to know me a bit, I can feel comfortable joining in with them too. My friend mentioned to one of them that I had lost a lot of wt!@! cool beans there. Nice!! I was telling this one lady why I am such a picky vegan eater, how it started with my high liver enz with the suspected fatty liver and how eating this way, had cured my enz prob and then my gallbladder was too horrid, and then it cleared up and all tests were totally neg, and I had to go for some tests at the digestive disturbance clinic, then srugeon had told me he was very surprised and so glad he did not take out my gall bladder right away...... hope it never happens again. My sister in law in Ca just had hers out, and she did have the stones. My neice who is like 29 had hers out too. It is getting to be very common in younger and younger women it seems. I hope to keep mine, of course.
Hey at Walmart, today, I was surprised that the check out line with all the candy, did not call to me again. I may have passed that hurdle for real now. I mean who cares about the snickers bars, the peppermint patties and Hershey's bars there... I really mean this is like the biggest hurdle of my life, no more candy, cookies even crackers, or grahams who cares about them?? just let me have some potatoes, or oatmeals with my fruit, and an apple and I am happy as a clam, or a pig in the pit@@ LOL
have a good night then to all and asunder out there!
Any rate, the sun ins going down!! tomorrow is another day again.

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:31 am
by Christine in Cali
Thanks Carollynne....The sadness seems to go as quick as it comes now a yes I am feeling better. Walking and being in Nature really helps that.

How did you meet those Vegetarian peeps. How fun to have like minded people to meet with once a month. Hope it works out to where you really like them.....

What kind of juicer do you have? Keep it up I am sure you will drop the weight doing mostly that. DH needs to join in the fun.

Have an incredible day, wish I didn't have to work at the Deli today, I am always so temped with all that junk....

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:51 pm
by carollynne
Christine, so glad you hear that you are up again, in spirit!! My juicer is a jack la lane one, and it has worked for me for at least 7 yrs, I think.... but I have not juiced consistently all this time, I just drag it out for a while each summer, and then not even every summer. But after that doc Fat, Sick and nearly dead, I thgt, why not see if it still works? Eric and I just saw it, him for the first time, and me, #3! It is still very interesting and inspiring to me!!
It has been so hot here again, but I did a bit of watering and trimming back in the heat. Now once again, I am inside!!
A Deli for your work environment? I would be sunk for sure. Big time!!

At times I have not nearly enough will power, and so....
but have been pretty good, and hope to show a wt loss at doctor's office on Tuesday. I do not remember what I weighed last time, but I will say, that their huge scale was lower than mine at home!! cool beans there...
I am trying to be done eating anything at all today, since I did have 3 bowls of eric lentil curry soup with onion and brown rice, and my oatmeal and blueberries and the mean green juice too.
Id like to do teh juice fast, but will have to wait til I get enough veggies on hand to start it. Plus my car is in shop,l now it is the brakes.
OH, yes, how did I meet up with these other veggie types? A friend of mine, from where I had worked for 7 yrs, has been inviting me to go with her for a yr now. It is sponsored by her church, but it is not a recruitment effort at all. Nice ppl, but not exactly MWL McD fare. Too much was cheese, and oil. I resisted it all!!

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:51 pm
by LoriJenny
Christine...So glad you are feeling better :) I have struggled also with depressed moods on and off for a long time since my divorce, but lately it does seem like I stay in them for a shorter period of time...maybe it's because our bodies are just healthier now?? In any case, I'm glad you are feeling better, and I hope it went well for you at the deli today!!
Carollynne...Good luck with the dr. apt on Tuesday! I bet the dr. will be so impressed with the progress you have made!
Oh...Christine, I never answered about a pic of me at the wedding...I didn't post one because every pic has someone else in the photo and I'm not sure about posting pics of others here...maybe I can find a way to crop them out :)
A nice quiet day here, started off with walking Bear 2 miles, then some lunch out with a friend, we went to a place where half of the menu is vegetarian. I should have been more proactive about asking if the dish was prepared with oil...I think it was though because of the stomach ache that followed...but I did have a really nice time with my friend and the stomach ache did not start until I left the restuarant. I'm wearing a shirt today that was previously too small, that is a good feeling, and hey, I like this shirt, so comfy now! I just finished preparing my "vegie bags" for the week. I just like to cut up various vegies and put them into sandwich baggies, so I can just grab a little baggie whenever I want a snack, and the kids do to so I'm really glad to do it. The thing is...we tend to do what is easy, so I try to do this to make it easy to make a healthy choice.
Growing up I was a gymnast, I got to wondering today if I dare to try a cartwheel again :) I might just have to give it a try. I'll let you know how it turns out...LOL!

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:40 pm
by sksamboots
Sounds like lots of walks and enjoying our lives in this journal. I think juicing can be beneficial and I tried it before after I watched the same video but then when i heard jeff explain calorie density and he posed this question: if I took the exact same fruits and veggies that I was juicing and ate them all, could I eat them all? And the answer was "no." I think it's just important to understand calorie density and how everything may affect our weight loss. Keep it up ladies :nod:

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:41 pm
by Christine in Cali
Hey my Circle friends......

Well, my truck is acting up. It has been for awhile now but I have been driving it real nice and not pushing it, although today after just getting off the freeway going up the over ramp it started to hickup quit a bit. I do not have the money to go and spend on my truck, but I can't make money unless I have my truck....sheesh what's a poor gal to do? :? When I made it to the deli I was frustrated and I ate some bad things!! I am definitely an emotional eater.... it didn't last long though.

I made a batch of veggie burgers for the deli to sell, it's been about a month since I have made them, and low and behold the one guy that orders them, shows up and is so happy to have em again. He said they are the best in town. Makes me feel good.

I may have found a juicer off of Craigslist for $30 bucks, she said she has only used it a couple of times and she is emptying out her storage unit so she needs to let it go....I would think juice fasting you would lose weight faster, even though you were consuming more calories, per say. But isn't it good to get your veggies in even if it was juiced? I think it's worth trying for awhile. I like food too much to stop eating completely.

Oh also I found a great mini food processor at a yard sale for only 2 doll-hairs. Love it!

K night all TTFN


Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:41 am
by Rosey
Hi everyone. I had a blast yesterday spending my anniversary with hubby and family. My family get together was on our anniversary and we couldn't get our BnB till next weekend so we spent our anniversary with family it was a blast. My mom is McDougall'ing as well so there was plenty there for her and I to eat with us both bringing 2 dishes each and others bringing raw veggies and fruits.

I think I told you all I got a Flex Step Spirit this weekend at a garage sale. My oh my didn't realize how many different muscles it would use compared to walking and biking. Only 5 min of it and my legs were complaining. Probably doesn't help that I'm at the top weight it allows so the tension for me is added to by my weight. But I will get better at it. I'm determined.

If you look at my journal there is a pic of me and my mom and some of me and my sweetie yesterday.

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:09 am
by carollynne
Christine, you are really on top of the world. congrats on everything you got at a great price. When my juicer dies, I will have to get another one for sure. I love the juices I am making.
Here is the recipe I am doing (the basics)The more fruit the better is will taste
1 or 2 granny smith apples quartered, and no seeds
one giant collard green leave( from a friend, it is huge)
2-3 stalks of kale ( the most nutrient dense plant there is)
4 stalks of celery
1-2 carrots
lettuce from garden, or red, romaine what ever you have on hand)
smallish cuke or zucc (from garden)
1/2 lemon, no rind
1/2 inch chunk of fresh ginger, with peel
It is great. But no, I am not only juicing food still tastes great to me too

Rosey how wonderful that you have a supportive mom and she is McDing too. Congrats to her on her WOE. You will both get so healthy together now that is cool beans!
did 50 min again on the wii, gardened, a lot even in this heat of 93 + and dug up some plants I am tired of and tossed them in the burn ring, then water from my sink water , dish pan, and walked dog.
I should be getting my car back, ( sorry about your trk Christine, what a bummer it is ) so I can go see that Card. doc again, Hope to hear some good news from him.

having a good day here. and loving this WOE
I did love being out wiht other veggie types on Friday, but they were not Mcd types at all, and that is a bummer!! I wish I may, I wish I might find some McD'errs here this night!! hah!
My Ds is one, but he will cheat a lot!! wish I had that luxury, but do not at my age. HBP etc.

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:39 am
by Rosey
carollynne wrote: Rosey how wonderful that you have a supportive mom and she is McDing too. Congrats to her on her WOE. You will both get so healthy together now that is cool beans!

My Ds is one, but he will cheat a lot!! wish I had that luxury, but do not at my age. HBP etc.

Yeah it is great to have a mom eating this way too. Both of us are doing it for our health. We get really sick when we are eating meat and dairy.

My DH and my FIL both are eating this way with me at home and are eating less and less of the foods that are cheats the longer they are eating it at home.

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:56 pm
by carollynne
That is just so cool for you all, to be getting healthy and tog. My DH, hwo is older than I by a few yrs, insists he will not fully join me. I hope that health issues never force him to admit he was wrong. But by example I am leading the way to better health and that much he can see with his own eyes. I insist on doing this, no matter what. Truly I just can't go to any resturants anymore, Phooey on them and the expense of it anyway. this way I can buy more of the good veggies and fruits, that I want at the farmer's stand here, and at Walmart too.
I have it down pact now. Unless you truly believe in the starched based WOE like McD talks of, you cannot possibly understand why I am doing this. My DH just is too stubborn. But he loves his veggies too. Just not as many as I have to have.

well on to the rest of my day! Thanks for sharing that new photo Rosie. How do you get a new pic for the little avatar on the side?
Good luck to the whole family too.
I made up a nice pot of potatoes, red and white, on stove top and have been eating out of it. Plus finished up the last serving of my collard green corn, soup over brown rice. You would think that I am about collard greened out! But I am not. Love it!

BTw, my total for the wii is 15.7 hrs, or something like that. will I get a bigger piggy bank at the 20 yrs mark?? I am really looking so forward to it every morning now!! that and the gardening, watering, and walking dog around yard a few times.

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:06 pm
by Rosey
carollynne wrote:Thanks for sharing that new photo Rosie. How do you get a new pic for the little avatar on the side?
Good luck to the whole family too.
I made up a nice pot of potatoes, red and white, on stove top and have been eating out of it. Plus finished up the last serving of my collard green corn, soup over brown rice. You would think that I am about collard greened out! But I am not. Love it!

Yeah mine like the beans and rice dishes more then they do the others so far working on that but at least they are eating healthy.

I make a copy of the picture and then use the Paint program that is on almost all computers to resize the picture so that it's small enough. then I go to user controls on here then edit avatar and browse my computer get the resized picture and put it up. This current one I also painted on it to make the back ground tan so that it took out the other people in the picture.

I love collard greens too don't know why I haven't been eating them more then I have.

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:19 am
by LoriJenny
Good Morning!! I was on here last night and wrote a long entry...then somehow poof it was gone and I was too tired to redo it. It is a beautiful and cooler morning here than we have had in a while, so I'm gonna go do some yardwork when I finish up my bowl of oatmeal.

Christine...I hope you are able to get your truck fixed soon! What a deal on the juicer though...I think I'm gonna look on Craig's List and see what I can find too!

Rosey...Thanks so much for sharing the wedding pics!! Those were so fun to see, you both look so happy :) just keep upping the minutes you are doing your wii!! At least your DH is eating better than he would have even if he is not McD-ing 100%!

I had a nice day yesterday...I did that cartwheel and I'm still alive to tell about it, actually I was fine and did not hurt myself at all. I realized when I was holding 2 apples in my left hand and not thinking about it, that I could not do that last year at this time...I was having too much pain and weakness in my hand and hurray for that!!!

Bear is full of beans this my mom used to always say. He's running around the yard and playing in his little baby pool and running back in the house and grabbing toys...yep...I guess I better go take him on a walk first thing. We are going to head to a little park near us that has a lake for fishing and lots of ducks and trees. Then I can do the yard work later since it is actually pleasant out today :) Hope everyone has a peaceful day!

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:59 am
by carollynne
Thanks for that info.l on the resizing. I will have to try that here.
today I had my appt with Cardio doc, and had only dropped one pound since alst apt! phooey, but he said he had no sympathy for me, as he had 60 lbs on me!! He did not look heavy!! But is so sweet to all patients, and very cordial, polite, and a nice appt all around.
He gave me 2 months of sample to try that is my med with a water pill. I thgt Id try that too. McD always rec. the water pill, to get HBP down. So I will try it, but last time I did, it was not good for me. Got too low Potassium, and etc. doc says that will not happen on this med however.
oh, I need to lose wt, in the next 2 months, I sure hope I can too.
Came home ( it was an 815 appt) and then worked outside digging up a few more plants that I am done with, and moved 4 of my cement tree rounds that are stepping stones in my garden... then I really was done!! it is just too hot outside to do such work. I did not feel well when I came in,and had to eat, and drink water etc. I mean, I was nuts to do that much hvy shoveling outside today, and now I will stay in. How do ppl work outside on days like today??
Here's what I dug up the in burn pit:
carpet rose, way too big and icky now, and gets a black spot on it, and I am tired of getting stuck with stickers too
lemon balm huge plant, it will come back again...
a overly large sedum plant, and truly I have too many of them- cannot even give them away --- and several colors
a large lovage plant that I never liked
then I moved the stepping cement rounds, put all the dirt and mulch all around the area so it looked ok, and moved the plants to fire area .... too much for me today!! But once I start, I hate to stop too.
you all have a good day out there@!!

Re: Circle of Friends

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:34 am
by Rosey
LoriJenny wrote:Good Morning!! I was on here last night and wrote a long entry...then somehow poof it was gone and I was too tired to redo it. It is a beautiful and cooler morning here than we have had in a while, so I'm gonna go do some yardwork when I finish up my bowl of oatmeal.

Christine...I hope you are able to get your truck fixed soon! What a deal on the juicer though...I think I'm gonna look on Craig's List and see what I can find too!

Rosey...Thanks so much for sharing the wedding pics!! Those were so fun to see, you both look so happy :) just keep upping the minutes you are doing your wii!! At least your DH is eating better than he would have even if he is not McD-ing 100%!

I had a nice day yesterday...I did that cartwheel and I'm still alive to tell about it, actually I was fine and did not hurt myself at all. I realized when I was holding 2 apples in my left hand and not thinking about it, that I could not do that last year at this time...I was having too much pain and weakness in my hand and hurray for that!!!

Bear is full of beans this my mom used to always say. He's running around the yard and playing in his little baby pool and running back in the house and grabbing toys...yep...I guess I better go take him on a walk first thing. We are going to head to a little park near us that has a lake for fishing and lots of ducks and trees. Then I can do the yard work later since it is actually pleasant out today :) Hope everyone has a peaceful day!

your welcome I love showing them. Also love taking walks in parks that have water a lot of ours have rivers, creeks and ponds.