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Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:39 am
by bunsofaluminum
Not much to report today.

The scale is coming down again after a couple pounds up right after the off plan evening. Met with the cardiologist yesterday. They're going to schedule a heart ultrasound, probably not a stress test, as during exertion there's no symptoms per se. No heart pain or pressure, no breathlessness. She told me they did measure PVC's during my ER visit, and there are medical therapies for it, which I really don't want. I'm going to ask her about ablation. If that fixes it, and I don't have to do drugs... She also recommended more activity, so I'm going to do two 20-30 minute walks every day. During lunch, and after work? First thing in the morning and during lunch? That actually sounds pretty good, first thing in the morning.

Well anyways. That's about it. Eating soup before every meal, monitoring my arrhythmias, feeling generally pretty good. The energy is amazing.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:27 am
by Susan5
Will you be able to get the cauterization done for your heart? My mother and father-in-law both had that procedure done, and it made a huge difference for both of them.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:04 am
by bunsofaluminum
Okay, that does it. I'm off coffee.

This morning, I didn't have a cup first thing. Instead, I was up three or four hours before making myself a cup. Also, all morning my heart was 100% normal. Not a peep. So I made a cup of coffee and within the first two sips, I had palpitations, and they've continued since then. I ended up having maybe three sips, but my body's immediate response to the adrenal jolt is telling me I do not want caffeine.

Something similar happened back in '09 when I'd been on the McDougall plan for a little less than two weeks. I was a "pot a day" coffee drinker, with three mugs in the morning, and after work a pick me up mug, which pretty much took care of one full Mr. Coffee style coffee maker. Then one afternoon I didn't feel like I needed the after work mug, and the next day I made my coffee and could only finish half of one mug. The very next day I had one sip of my morning coffee, and my system said NOPE!...jitters, upset stomach, crawling skin. I dropped coffee that day, no withdrawal. And I've continued with maybe two cups a month just for the taste but in the past year or so I got back in the daily habit...but two weeks now into this full on MWL 100% commitment, and looky there, my body is doing similar with the caffeine. Imagine that. My diet has healed my systems enough that I don't need the adrenaline rush, and in fact it's doing me bad.

Bye-bye coffee.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:40 am
by bunsofaluminum
Oops...I took headache medicine. Two pills have 130mg of caffeine, around the same amount as a 12 oz cup of coffee (my standard each morning, until yesterday)...and sure enough, 20 minutes later, my heart is going nuts. Damn...whew. It's pretty bad. Making me dizzy and breathless, almost the level that sent me to the ER last week.

Ugh. Live and learn. NO caffeine!

Otherwise, doing dandy. Spring is springing and my energy is terrific. Weight back to where it was last Friday, after a 3 lb hike during the week. Maybe I'll be down one for the MWL weigh in tomorrow.

Still front loading with soup, eating zero processed. Following 100% as much as possible.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 9:42 am
by Ejeff
It’s interesting how we become so caffeine sensitive once we stop it. I can’t have it at all, my heart doesn’t race but I won’t sleep. Cocoa is bad also. I had an Aunt who was the same couldn’t tolerate any caffeine.

Good to understand our bodies and how various things affect us.


Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:59 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Ejeff wrote:It’s interesting how we become so caffeine sensitive once we stop it. I can’t have it at all, my heart doesn’t race but I won’t sleep. Cocoa is bad also. I had an Aunt who was the same couldn’t tolerate any caffeine.

Good to understand our bodies and how various things affect us.


Hi Erin,

I'm more than happy to live without it, for sure. It's gonna be fun to tell my cardiologist about it. She and the ER cardiologist both told me caffeine exacerbates the symptoms, and I kept drinking coffee until that day. The heart monitor reading is going to show lots of activity for days, and then a lot of nothing. But hey, I don't mind. It's WAAAAAY better than dealing with my head emptying of all blood and getting all breathless and anxious.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:21 pm
by bunsofaluminum

Tomorrow I take off the heart monitor and send it in. It's left a row of itchy bumps under where the strip is adhered to my chest, and I'll be more than happy to see the end of it. Very curious what the cardiologist will say. Her first question's going to be "What happened on Friday the 19th? You went from all day, every day flutters and skips, to maybe once a day skips." and I'll say "I took your advice, and the ER cardiologist's advice, and the nurse who took my virtual vitals before our virtual meeting advice: Caffeine makes it worse" because when I gave up coffee, the constant, wearing, exhausting arrhythmias almost entirely went away. I had a headache and was tired the first day, but otherwise, dropping coffee hasn't been a problem. However, when it does act up, which it does at least once a day, it's a DOOZY. Breathless, dizzy, tired, sometimes weepy. It's not good. I don't like it. BUT it's worlds better than the non-stop ugh I was dealing with.

Weight has gone down 11 lbs so far in March. I expect to see about a pound a week loss from here on out, as the first six lbs were in the first week. Still eating soup before all my meals. In fact, breakfast IS soup. Last night's dinner was just soup with rice in it. Filled me up and kept me there all night long. :nod: It means I'm making soup frequently but that's okay.

Today I plan on roasting cauliflower! yummmmy! That's gonna be my half plate of non starchy and my snack, and my other snack.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:58 pm
by Principality
Look at you go rocking the calorie density like a star. I just finished rewatching Jeff’s calorie density vid from the MWL and you are the poster child for it this month. It’s soup for me too tonight too. I want in on all that weight loss action come Friday, so bulk is my newest best friend.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:56 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Principality wrote:Look at you go rocking the calorie density like a star. I just finished rewatching Jeff’s calorie density vid from the MWL and you are the poster child for it this month. It’s soup for me too tonight too. I want in on all that weight loss action come Friday, so bulk is my newest best friend.

Hi Principality
Yess! Get that fiber in, and keep it low calorie density!


So, the scale is hovering right now, no surprise. It shot up two lbs a day or so ago, and is now at the same weight as last Friday. Maybe it will be down for weigh-in tomorrow. Meanwhile, scale or no scale, I'm enjoying the energy and stamina. Yesterday I took a walk for 40 minutes, doubling my usual 20 minute walk. Felt GREAT! Also, not long after that I scrubbed the kitchen countertops. Got everything off completely, sprayed with a disinfectant cleaner, wiped everything that lives on the countertop, got the grime off the stove (hubby and mom both still use oil in their cooking, so it was a sticky mess)...that took about a half hour and it looks so lovely and clean now. LOVE IT.

I had a day or two of flat out boredom about food, so I made stir-fry noodles...flour product. And that lasted for three meals, but I wonder if that's why the scale went up. Other than noodles, everything I've eaten is solid MWL. I'm actually tickled that noodles broke me out of a food rut :lol: I made them for dinner one night, enough for two meals but couldn't finish either time, so I combined the plate for lunch on the third day. So, noodles ARE a flour product, but they're low in calorie density so I'm not bummed about it or anything. HOWEVER...the scale did go up. But that's whatever. Scale goes up and down on the daily anyway. *shrug*

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:27 am
by bunsofaluminum
Happy Monday!

The ole scale is stuck again, at 225. This is five lbs lower than when it got stuck while I was trying the basic Rice Diet thang...but it's still stuck.

However, I'm going to continue with MWL, and signing up for April for sure. In the month of March, I've had sushi twice, had one big evening where I did indulge in high fat hors d'oeuvres and a piece of cake. Noodle stir fry for some "flour product" for a few meals. Other than those, I ate on plan, front loading with soup, for all meals. Breakfast was soup every time but once, when I had rice and canned sliced peaches.

In April there's a holiday planned. We're driving to Oceanside California and spending a couple of nights near the ocean. This is going to take some planning, because it's pretty much five days away from home. Ample opportunities for restaurant aka greasy cooked in oil food. I'll be bringing food with me for sure, but I also know I'm gonna have something treat-ish FOR SURE.

I entered a challenge at work for 2,000 steps per day, and now I'm doubling that for 4,000 steps per day. This means longer walks, and that's just fine with me. But it also means putting my phone in my pocket EVERY TIME I get up. But yeah, it's a good time of year to be taking longer walks, and I'm holding up pretty well. Standing is what kills my feet. Walking I do okay, and we have a river walkway at the west end of our street, so why not. I get up early enough in the morning to take a walk before work, then a walk during lunch...yep.

Also being more active outdoors, with planting my garden. I put peas, carrots, and beets in the ground yesterday. Potatoes today. :nod: excited! I'm going to get the seed potatoes today, and want to add chard for early planting. We have zucchini seeds. I want to grow English cucumbers, or there is a huge variety of cucumber that is lemony and scrumptious. The Armenian cucumber is as big as one of those giant zucchinis and a pale green skin with deep furrows. Delicious!

I'd also love to grow a pumpkin plant :)

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:23 am
by bunsofaluminum
We should rename the activity from Dining Out to Dying Out

Another month draws to a close! Congratulations to all our March participants for your dedicated efforts! Onward to April!

Dining out has been a frequent topic of our discussion here, so I think it makes sense to share some recent additions to Jeff's thread on Dining Out, in case anyone missed seeing them.

Association Between Frequency of Eating Away-From-Home Meals and Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality
Published:March 25, 2021

During 291,475 person-years of follow-up, 2,781 deaths occurred, including 511 deaths from cardiovascular disease and 638 death from cancer. After adjustment for age, sex, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, dietary and lifestyle factors, and body mass index, the hazard ratio of mortality among participants who ate meals prepared away from home very frequently (2 meals or more per day) compared with those who seldom ate meals prepared away from home (fewer than 1 meal/wk) was 1.49 (95% CI 1.05 to 2.13) for all-cause mortality, 1.18 (95% CI 0.55 to 2.55) for cardiovascular mortality, and 1.67 (95% CI 0.87 to 3.21) for cancer mortality.

Frequent consumption of meals prepared away from home is significantly associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality. The association of eating meals prepared away from home with cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality warrants additional investigation.
JeffN wrote:
‘Healthy’ Plant Based Meals Drowning in Salt (and high in saturated fat)

- New survey by Action on Salt exposes shocking reality of many ‘healthy’ sounding plant based and vegan meals served at UK restaurants, fast food and coffee chains – with some containing more salt than 8 McDonald’s Hamburgers

- Nearly half (45%) of meals eaten out of the home contain 3g or more salt in just a single meal – that’s half the maximum daily limit for an adult

- Additionally, over one in five dishes provide more than half an adult’s maximum daily recommendation for saturated fat
As Jeff pithily observed,
JeffN wrote:
We should rename the activity from Dining Out to Dying Out

Over on the MWL, lo! and behold! Just in time for my beginning to think about our vacation and what to do about restaurant food, Mark posted an article that Jeff posted, yeah. Turns out, restaurant food is bad for you, in a similar fashion to fast food. High in sodium and cooked in fat FOR SURE. Now I'm double motivated to make good choices on our little adventure.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:23 am
by fulenn
I am glad that you found out that caffeine is a big culprit with the heart issues. I am also interested in what the nurse/doctor have to say about the heart monitor results. Glad you are five pounds down! At least the scale is getting stuck lower.


Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:09 am
by bunsofaluminum
fulenn wrote:I am glad that you found out that caffeine is a big culprit with the heart issues. I am also interested in what the nurse/doctor have to say about the heart monitor results. Glad you are five pounds down! At least the scale is getting stuck lower.


Hi Fullen! ltns :)

I mean, I'd rather not get stuck at one weight, but it is 5 lbs lower than the last time it stuck so...And yes, it's wonderful not dealing with the skipped beats and the dizzy breathlessness that goes along with it. Something tells me that my episode at the beginning of March ties in with cyclical hormones. Since I'm in menopause I have no simple way to test "is this a female thing?" but it does seem to cluster around a few days a month, and this most recent was exacerbated by caffeine. I'm going to bet that some time in the next couple of weeks, I'll have a day or two of it, but not as bad without coffee.

Meanwhile I'm a bundle of energy this morning. Cleaned the cat fountain thoroughly first thing, then up and made soup before my work shift started. And now I'm eyeballing this cluttered mess that I call a desk. Going to take care of that right now, while I wait for my first call. :nod: I've upped my daily steps goal from 2,000 to 4,000. I know that a walk during my morning break, and a longer walk at lunchtime gets me there just fine. I'm enjoying it a lot, since I didn't walk for the longest time when my feet were in agony. When I got strict about zero refined fats, and cut the processed stuff, long before any weight dropped off, my feet started feeling better right away. That enabled me to take short walks, like to the corner and back, and now I've built it up to two walks a day and it's wonderful! Jeez, remembering back to the foot pain days...ugh. Never going there again. Thank you Dr. McDougall!

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:56 pm
by bunsofaluminum
The scale is slowly creeping downward, so I'm at 224 this morning! Hopefully it will be there or lower for tomorrow's MWL weigh-in. Meanwhile, super enjoying the daily walks. I doubled my goal to 4,000 steps, up from 2,000. And while on my morning walk today, I got to thinking about my visit to the foot doctor a few years ago.

I was suffering daily with what I call "pain socks"...pain from the tips of my toes to my ankles. Random. Some days worse than others, some days one foot or the other, and some days both feet. Some days would be just fine and suddenly BAM a foot would collapse just while standing in the kitchen. That is, just standing there and suddenly my foot would not bear any weight at all. It was just horrible. So I went to the foot doc. He found slight calcifications in my left ankle. The beginning of a bone spur in one heel. No fractures. I weighed in at about 245 lbs and was eating vegan junk food frequently: high in sodium, sugar, and fat. Like potato chips, cookies, store bought hummus on store bought crackers or pita...etc. IOW, not eating healthy.

And my doctor told me not to walk. He told me to make sure and sit with my feet elevated above the level of my heart for 60 minutes every day. He told me to wear shoes ALL the time. If I wasn't in bed or the shower, good supportive shoes on my feet. Period. Shoe inserts. Period. Can't remember what else he advised, but I took all his advice. Stopped walking except when necessary. In fact, during this phase of my life, I was using store scooters often. Wylie had to push me around in a non-motorized wheelchair when we went shopping for a bedroom set. I just couldn't. My feet were killing me and I would never have been able to stroll slowly around Ikea's cement floored meandering mega store.

Anywayzzzz...So I didn't take walks, but I couldn't have anyway. Not further than a few steps, honestly. Sitting with my feet above heart level every day helped a lot. Wearing shoes all the time also helped. Still does. These days I don't sit with my feet elevated every day, and I DO WALK. Every Day.

What day was it that I committed fully to leaving processed oils out? Some time last summer after my sister's diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia. I stopped adding fats to my food, and within a couple of days my aches and pains, including The Pain Socks, went away. I started taking short walks amounting to the near end of my street and back. Then to the far end of the street, and there's a river walkway further down from the far end, so I started going there once in a while. There's an incline on the way home from that one, which is nice for an elevated heart rate. Lately, I've been going past the close end of the street and up a block or two for new neighborhoods to walk through. I now know where two more Little Libraries are, and have a book from one of them. I also know where a squirrel is making a nest ;)

It's almost like I'm getting my old walking habit back and I love it! And my foot doctor couldn't advise me to quit refined oils. He might have mentioned losing weight, but I think I did it before he could, but he didn't press it. So I'm grateful that a friend at church in 1995 had discovered The McDougall Plan, long before the word vegan had appeared in our Rural Idaho vocabulary, and I picked up a copy of the yellow book for myself and followed it, then dropped it ...and years later, in 2009, knowing I needed to get serious and lose some dang weight, thinking back on what I'd like to do I remembered McDougall and got back on in earnest. Labor Day, 2009. And even though I strayed again, I never did go back to eating animal flesh, but yeah the oils and fats crept back in, and the sweets. The trifecta of food addiction: fat, salt, and sweet...and frequently tbh. So the weight came back on and with it SO MANY aches and pains...

And I learned some things, one of which is "Refined foods are not food. They are bad for my health. Do not eat processed." This along with my long-term "no animal proteins" ... well, if I eat dairy I pay for it immediately. If I eat refined I pay for that as well. And it's too bad my foot doctor didn't have that advice. "Eliminate refined foods, especially fats, from your diet" would have resonated with me. Maybe I would have been motivated those years ago to do what I finally got around to doing this past year: no fats, nothing processed. But that's okay. I'm 20 lbs down from that 245 when I visited the foot doctor, and currently 11 lbs down from March 1. It's happening.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:24 am
by bunsofaluminum
Went back over my journal to find the entry about the Maverik dude. Because his blood got on me, I went in for HIV testing and they weighed me. I went in a second time a month later for a follow up blood panel and they weighed me again and I was four lbs down! This was in Feb 2018, not that long after I started posting here again, and starting to get serious again about McDougalling. Anyway, I didn't post the number here, but I do remember my weight the first time was 249, and it must've been 245 the second time because that's 4 lbs down from 249. I remember THAT number, because it wasn't 250 :lol: which was pretty much my default weight in my 30's. More at times, less at times, but I believed that my "set point" was pretty much 250 lbs.

At that point, in a matter of a very short time, I had gained back the 55 lbs I lost in the first year plus 10. :( and was back to my "default". I mean, I was happy that I was 4 lbs down at the time, but so disappointed in myself, back wearing a jeans size I never thought to see again and with the flabby fat on my belly and huge ass. BUT check it out! That was in Feb 2018. I weighed 246. Today, some three years later plus change, and I am at 222. That is 24 lbs down in three years. And for most of that time, it's been me trying to get my mind in the game and take it seriously.

July of 2020 was a wake up call with my sister's cholesterol diagnosis, and January of this year with Wylie's heart attack I also snapped to. So that finally, by mid February I was ready to commit to MWL and 14 of those 24 lbs came off in the month of March. It took me a few years, but I'm back. And I'm kind of pleased to realize that even the half-hearted nonsense I was doing made a small difference. At least I stopped gaining at 249, eh? :lol: