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Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:15 pm
by fulenn
bunsofaluminum wrote:
What day was it that I committed fully to leaving processed oils out? Some time last summer after my sister's diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia. I stopped adding fats to my food, and within a couple of days my aches and pains, including The Pain Socks, went away. I started taking short walks amounting to the near end of my street and back. Then to the far end of the street, and there's a river walkway further down from the far end, so I started going there once in a while. There's an incline on the way home from that one, which is nice for an elevated heart rate. Lately, I've been going past the close end of the street and up a block or two for new neighborhoods to walk through. I now know where two more Little Libraries are, and have a book from one of them. I also know where a squirrel is making a nest ;)

I had a Little Library at my last house! My daughter won it from the Organization when she told them that we did not have one in our town. Then she moved. I had a great time with that library. I am thinking that I will get one here, too. Nice to hear that you found more of them near you.


Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:31 am
by bunsofaluminum
fulenn wrote:
bunsofaluminum wrote:
What day was it that I committed fully to leaving processed oils out? Some time last summer after my sister's diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia. I stopped adding fats to my food, and within a couple of days my aches and pains, including The Pain Socks, went away. I started taking short walks amounting to the near end of my street and back. Then to the far end of the street, and there's a river walkway further down from the far end, so I started going there once in a while. There's an incline on the way home from that one, which is nice for an elevated heart rate. Lately, I've been going past the close end of the street and up a block or two for new neighborhoods to walk through. I now know where two more Little Libraries are, and have a book from one of them. I also know where a squirrel is making a nest ;)

I had a Little Library at my last house! My daughter won it from the Organization when she told them that we did not have one in our town. Then she moved. I had a great time with that library. I am thinking that I will get one here, too. Nice to hear that you found more of them near you.


Hi Fullen,

That's so cool! I walked past the two new discovered little libraries the other day. One seems to be better kept than the other. I found dead leaves and a book in there so old that it had no cover and pages were randomly scattered inside. Like someone needs to get in there and refresh things a bit. The other one, and the one on our street, are very nice. I've gotten a couple of real page turners, and they carry recent books/best selling authors. I have a Margaret Atwood book that I got there. I've put several books in myself, including a Russell Brand book and The Rice Diet Solution. Russell Brand disappeared quickly. Rice Diet is still there :lol: If there weren't already a little library so close by, I'd put one up in our front yard.

Yesterday was snowy and really cold so I didn't go for a walk. But I did walk all over the house during breaks. Got over 1,000 steps. But today, weather be damned, I'm going out walking. Period.

Garden. The bulbs we planted last fall are coming up and hyacinths are blooming, along with daffodils galore. I need to get a trellis for my peas, and now to wait for everything to start busting from the soil. I love seeds. You put them in the soil, and leave them. They bust apart and send out roots, stems, and leaves. Leaving them alone is the thing. You can't dig them back up to find out their progress without destroying them.

And another thing. Each seed has a plant in it, and when the plant is mature, it produces flowers and seeds...LOTS of seeds. Each seed with so many more seeds in it. And each seed must self-destruct in order to bring forth the plant. SOOOOO COOL. I'm most excited about the potatoes, but I'm sure looking forward to beets :D Beet root, beet greens. YUM.

Okay, I've been strictly following MWL since March 1, and have lost more than 10 lbs. And I'm starting to sneak little things in...a palmful of raw almonds, a couple of tastes of my hubby's chocolate pudding one evening, a few starbursts last night...and so forth. Nothing outrageous, just it's happening and I can't let myself get derailed. Stick to plan, Heidi.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:41 pm
by bunsofaluminum
This morning I pulled a nice scoop neck t-shirt out of the back of my closet. It's bright white with navy blue random patterns on it, like batik meets tie dye. I bought it in January. Because the store fitting rooms were closed due to Covid, I didn't try it on until I got home, and found it too small. It was really tight around my upper arms, and fit way too snug around my middle. So I put it on a hanger and stuck it in the back of my closet.

And this morning I pulled it out of the closet, and put it on and IT FITS! Yay! Similar to a pair of jeans that I did try on and they JUST BARELY didn't zip up, back quite a ways, probably in 2019 or something. They've been hanging there unused for a long time and the other day, I put them right on, zipped up just fine, and comfy to boot! :nod: Now I want to try on the uncomfortable-weird-in-the-crotch jeans. See if losing weight fixed that. I did put on some low cut, Britney Spears bell bottom hip huggers, and they fit, and they were SO uncomfortable...I put them in the giveaway because I don't have a tramp stamp and I don't want one. :lol:

IOW, I'm now going through the skinny jeans I've had set aside "until I lose weight" and I'm PUTTING THEM ON. And it's good.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:52 pm
by bunsofaluminum

Me=Wearing skinny jeans, down one size! woo hoo! The jeans I couldn't get past my thighs in January, or even when I bought them are now on me and I'm sitting down, and they're comfy, not binding or squeezing or anything! yeee haw! So glad this is happening!

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 7:52 am
by bunsofaluminum
Feeling pretty good today. I had my first shot on Monday, felt tired and a bit hot yesterday, and doing great today. I had my echo cardiogram yesterday morning which was hella cool. I got to see the screen, and wow is the heart always moving, or what. Seriously, the chambers and valves...neato! And every time it missed a beat, all of that motion would completely stop for a second or two. :shock: But I had the rest of the morning off which was enjoyable. Got a chance to putter around and do nothing. My plans were to get books back out of their boxes, because we have two lovely large bookcases now...Wylie found them sitting out with a FREE sign on them, and they're very high quality pieces. Substantial. So I wanted to put the books out, that we boxed up when tearing out the built in book case where they had been...but I felt so worn out I cancelled that. But it's on my to-do list today FOR SURE. I'm excited to have the space for them again, and ample for even pictures and knick knacks, etc.

AND finally all the storage boxes have a home so they're not piled up in front of my china hutch anymore and I AM going to dust that puppy today. I have my afternoon work cut out for me :nod:

Lately on the weekends I've been having sushi, and at the beginning of the week my weight has been up a few lbs. This is why I'm hovering between 222 and 225. It goes up to 225 on Monday, and SLOWLY creeps back down to 222 by MWL weigh in Fridays. Well that stops NOW. Sometimes I choose a vegan sushi option, but a few times I've had sushi with fish, and I just need to stop it. That's the only off plan eating but it's enough, innit? My body is a lipidophile organism :lol: Super efficient metabolism SMH

Walking is awesome. I've been doing at least 4,000 steps a day and usually going into the 6,000 range between two short walks plus just the steps around the house. Feels good to be active. To be honest, my knees do tell me about it more frequently with this uptick in steps, but I'm walking anyway. Things will improve as the weight goes down.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:31 am
by bunsofaluminum
Well, we got our book boxes unpacked and on some very nice book cases that Wylie found for free, in front of a house that's moving this month. NICE book cases. Solid. Probably the best quality I've seen, to tell the truth. No, they're not solid wood, but they're substantial and quite high quality. For free. We set them up on the back wall and got family pictures and books on them and they look so good. We cleaned and oiled the china only antique, used to belong to my gramma, and it's the prettiest piece with my china and some interesting or pretty things inside. Glass and walnut stained wood. And when we closed our storage unit account, we piled scores of boxes in front of it. Since Fall of 2019, it's looked like a warehouse in here. And my beautiful antique china hutch behind all these boxes, collecting dust and random clutter on the edges. Then Wylie kicked butt building a shelf where we can store some of those boxes, and we got them out of there. Gosh it's nice to have those boxes gone! Love my husband. He's been busy with all kinds of arranging and stashing, like a bower bird, making a little nest for him and his wifey. :lol:

Down two lbs this week! I kept to MWL very strictly all week, and plan on continuing that indefinitely. There's been a few glitches along the way. Sushi, some pecan pralines one time. Avocado toast the other morning when a friend surprised me with a visit. But overall, the soup before every meal, plus sticking very close to "zero processed" on top of the no animal/no added fats of the standard Starch Solution is really making a difference. I got a chance to look at pictures from 2014, when I was maintaining at about 180 lbs and was JUST starting to maybe gain a little since getting in a relationship. So 2013 and early 2014 were really good years for me. What year was it that SactoBob did that first "zero processed" challenge and I got below 190...eventually during that time, I got into the 170's. I think 2011 or maybe 2012 I was doing DDP Yoga, and buzzing with energy. Walking everywhere, couldn't hardly sit still. I have some pics from that era. LORD my skinny-ness! I lost 55 lbs within the first nine-ish months of McDougalling, but the yoga and walking amped up my energy so much, and I dropped pounds like they were hot.

Seeing those pictures reminded me of how great it was to have flabby arms instead of fat arms, and how nice it was that I had only stretch marks, not fat and stretch marks on my belly...and I'm getting there again. Wearing clothes that I couldn't put on at the beginning of this year, ample energy and stamina to do whatever needs doing, optimistic and motivated to keep on going with this. It is different from when I first started in 2009. Then, I just followed the regular McDougall Plan and didn't worry TOO much about MWL, and the weight came off just fine. But I was in my late 40's, not my late 50's and hadn't gone into menopause yet. I spent my early 50's at the best fitness level of my entire life.

Well anyway. Finally seeing the scale going down, and feeling as good as I feel...even with this ridiculous arrhythmia...and my hope is way up. It feels like I will get to my goal weight of 135 lbs. Might take a few years, but DANG it's going to feel good, when I get there, and it'll feel good along the way.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:46 am
by moonlight
Congratulations, Buns! You are an inspiration. I feel like I am dragging a big ball and chain around. Every day I think this will be the day I’m back on track. It feels so good to be there. You are on your way to being so very healthy!

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:48 am
by bunsofaluminum
moonlight wrote:Congratulations, Buns! You are an inspiration. I feel like I am dragging a big ball and chain around. Every day I think this will be the day I’m back on track. It feels so good to be there. You are on your way to being so very healthy!

Hi Moonlight

It took me the LONGEST time to finally click my mind in place. I came back on these forums in 2018 and it was March 1, 2021 when I FINALLY settled into the mindset. Having your head in the game is so important. However, do not despair. Looking back to early 2018 I weighed 249 lbs and was pissed at myself and wanting to get with it, you know? And even though my mind wasn't "in the game" over those few years I lost more than 10 lbs, just because I was semi-aware of the importance of whole foods and zero added fat and usually quite a bit less than 80% on plan.

So even if you're not clicking along, all pistons firing, you're aware of what you're doing. That's SUPER important. I'm rooting for you!

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:14 am
by ~Skye~
Hi Buns! I was doing the McDougall journal in 2011 and we were buds then! It's great to see you are in good spirits and keeping up the good fight! I wish you the best. And there's nothing as satisfying as a good bookshelf imho. :-D

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 3:59 pm
by fulenn
Nice to catch up on everything. Glad you are enjoying your grandmothers hutch. Keep going! Fulenn

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:59 am
by bunsofaluminum
~Skye~ wrote:Hi Buns! I was doing the McDougall journal in 2011 and we were buds then! It's great to see you are in good spirits and keeping up the good fight! I wish you the best. And there's nothing as satisfying as a good bookshelf imho. :-D

Hi Skye! Yes, I remember seeing you here. Thanks for dropping by :)

So, once we got the boxes cleared out in front of the china hutch, Wylie pulled all these boxes, with his trainset stuff, out from under his train table and stacked them up in front of the dang china hutch! :lol: But I'm excited for him, because he's getting ready to create his model train village. He hasn't been able to do anything with all this stuff, his favorite hobby from years ago. And now he is, and I can hardly wait! But yeah, I'm ready to get the train boxes on the back shelf, too. Things were looking so good for a day or two.

Yesterday I went through my closet and got rid of a few things, but found MANY jackets and shirts that used to fit, then didn't fit, and now they fit me again! I added two pair of jeans simply because I've gone down a size, right? It's nice. Also yesterday I had a visit with my cardiologist. I had the heart monitor for two weeks, and in that time my heart beat 1.5 million times. 20,000 times my heart missed a beat. This is 2% of my total heart beats. Also, the echo-cardiogram indicated no muscle damage to my heart, which means it's benign and does not need medication. Over 20% and they'd start me on some sort of drug regimen...if they thought they could catch me ;) Also, my BP at the dr. office was 106/64...this is mid-morning, and me with white coat syndrome. The dr. thought I'd probably be able to quit my BP meds, especially as I continue to lose weight and keep myself a little more active.

I'm finally under 220!!! This is a landmark that I've been aiming for and I love being here! Lowest I've been since probably 2016. When I was gaining after meeting Wylie, I remember hitting 220 and size 20 jeans and so ticked at myself. Somewhere in there he made me go to the ER with heart palpitations and I weighed 230 and I know I was at 250ish in 2018 because I had to weigh after the Maverik dude assaulted me, when I was having a blood test in case of HIV exposure. (not sexual assault. He cut himself running around in traffic and his blood got on me, near my mouth as he had me in a headlock)

Okay, so I'm now lower than I have been in six years! And I didn't need Noom, and I didn't need the No S plan (no snacks, no seconds, no sweets, except on days that start with S: Saturday, Sunday, and Special Days) which is actually a really good "food sanity" diet because you don't eat except at mealtimes and that settles down your appetite BIG TIME. But talk about slow loss, because everything is "allowed" and that's when I started allowing myself treats on the weekends and having plenty of "special days" :roll: Strangely, I never lost anything with the No S plan.

This week I haven't walked much. For one thing, it's been pretty cold out and also, the added steps of the past month have tweaked my feet and knees a bit. And also, going to California next week where we're going to be walking A LOT and I wanted to rest my legs/feet for that. But I'm excited about our vacation. We're going whale watching and going to sit on the beach, we'll visit Balboa Park and Coronado Island, plus just see the sights. We have a concierge lined up at the resort who will have some ideas for us. Now, mind you, we'll be staying at Wyndham who are famous for hard sell stuff. I'm sure we'll be offered free shiz, just for sitting through a sales pitch, but we know to say no to all that stuff. And I've heard stories about the "parking nazis" where they pressure you pretty much at the gate. Anyway, we'll stick to "no thanks" and enjoy ourselves. Wyndham has very nice accommodations. This is our first stay since signing up with them and we're going to find out what it's like.

I'm looking forward to being near the ocean, and think it probably won't be warm enough to really play in the water, but I do want to get in FOR SURE. But I'm going to shop for some capris, in case it really is too cold to get in, I at least want to wade along the beach and let the waves lap at my feet and ankles. Ooooh in fact, I think I'll go get me some capris today after work. *doing the new smaller jeans shopping dance* In fact, even though I really REALLY don't want to go back to the office once Covid is conquered (snork) part of me REALLY really wants to go in just so everyone can see how skinny I'm getting :D when we went home to work, I was size 22 jeans. I put on a pair of 18's yesterday, and am in comfortable 20's every day. :nod: LOVE IT!

It's so encouraging to know that MWL, when followed closely, DOES WORK, even for menopausal women.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:48 am
by bunsofaluminum
This morning I had cooked grapenuts for brekkie, instead of a bowl of soup. Gosh it tasted good. I used apple juice for the liquid. YUM!

Going to get out my bag to start packing for vacaaaaay! woot! I went and bought a couple pairs of capris, down two jeans sizes, no lie, and they fit. (vanity sizing, much? I weigh 40 lbs more than I did when I hit size 18 at age 18...and I'm wearing size 18? Riiiiight) So like the scale, I'm not that "into" jeans sizes. It was still fun. Shopping for clothes is fun when you're losing weight. Also got some summery colored t-shirts and tops. I love Savers. I bought two pairs of capris and a pair of workout pants, plus five shirts for $28.00.

The plan is for lots and lots of walking, and we've already decided we'll probably have one meal out each day...breakfast and dinner in our room. I want to bring in some fruit for snacking, but my brother and Wylie are both being careful with their eating right now, so I'm not worried about super unhealthy stuff being around. Bet there's some hummus and other commercial dips. Anyway, I'm just not going to worry over much about it. I know what I need to do, and I'm not going to be freaky about it, but I will be careful. I've lost 16 lbs since the beginning of March, and don't want to lose my progress.

I'm sure all the walking will burn any extra calories I might take in. Right? That's the plan. Vegas on our first night, and tootling all over in San Diego and Oceanside every day. Balboa Park, Coronado Island, Oceanside Fishing pier, tide pools, shopping, maybe a museum. And Vegas again on our way home for the last night, which means more walking. I'm excited. It's going to be so nice and I can't wait to see the OCEAN!!!!

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:23 am
by ~Skye~

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:57 am
by Ruff
Buns! I am so excited about your weight loss. I know your struggles over the years and its wonderful to see you heading the right way constantly.

I am also back in the game properly, with a new journal. I saw an appalling photo of myself in a mountain race and the rolls of fat under my running clothes horrified me. I'm still vegan, just eating way too much flour/sugar/salt. I never buy processed food, oh no, not me! But I am quite happy to whip up at batch of vegan muffins for afternoon tea! And eat most of them.....

So I have just recommitted. I am back on the wagon, if you can just extend a hand and pull me up there with you. Honestly, its your success and recommitment since March that has got me back here. Thank you.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 4:09 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Back from vacation, where I didn't follow the plan very well at all. In fact, we had a baked potato meal set up for Wednesday night, went grocery shopping, got the things we'd need for that, including a can of garbanzo beans for me, since I wasn't going to put Nally's chili on my potato, and when the time came we could find neither the potatoes nor the beans! :lol: but by that time we were kinda "fooded out". That is, we were satiated from rich eating that day and the day before, so we sorta just munched that night. I really missed those garbanzos though, I must say.

What I ended up doing was choosing vegetables and a starch whenever we ate at a restaurant, without worrying about cooking method... kept some sugar snap peas in the room for snacking (but I also ate pistachios, cookies, etc...non-plan stuff) and didn't fret over things being on plan or not. Over the week my weight went up 4 lbs and I expect those to drop off this week. Everything food-wise is back to normal.

We enjoyed ourselves SO MUCH. Our room looked out onto the ocean. No lie. If we went out the front door of our resort, walked across the street and down some stairs, we were pretty much on the beach. NICE. And a lot of walking. Walking until my feet rebelled, in fact. But I kept going. It was worth it, and no harm done. They recovered. We strolled around Balboa Park in San Diego, went to a Farmer's Market one block from our resort, went down to the beach and splashed around (no getting in, as it was a bit too cold yet). Went out on a boat to see if we could view any whales, and we didn't see a thing except some pelicans and terns dive bombing for fish. Which was actually cool, but not as cool as whales.

Also, stopped in Vegas on our way there and on our way home. The latter, everyone else went and gambled while I stayed and sat by the pool, then tried to nap before they got back. THEN a helicopter ride! that was fun...again. But I could have done just fine with zero time in the casinos. My travelling companions like it; I can't think of anything more boring AND talk about second hand smoke. I'm still hacking up phlegm.

Anyway. Plenty of driving, lots of walking, some drinking, some 420, some sunshine and beach, some MexiCal food, a gourmet burger joint (I ordered a pressed arugula salad that was THE most delicious thing I put in my mouth for the entire trip) It was a vacation, and I didn't want to leave. I felt envious of people who live in Oceanside...gosh, the beach RIGHT THERE. If only. But it was lovely and I hope to do it again, maybe when it's warmer and we can have a full beach day with beach blankets and an umbrella, a cooler full of picnic and beer, and some sunscreen...and waves!

Now back to regular programming: Soup to start, and entree of starch, w a nice side of non-starchies. Yay!