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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:45 pm
by nicoles
Hi Beth! Glad you found it intriguing! :D

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:47 pm
by nicoles
I used to be overweight. More than half of my friends and family are overweight. Health issues being what they are in relation to obesity, I am all in favor of people reducing their weight. But I am not in favor of judging people positively or negatively based on weight, even though I am sure I and everyone else does it now and again.

So in that light I love this:


And this article about this artist/photographer who documented her substantial weight loss, and the uncomfortable emotions that came up as a result.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:24 pm
by nicoles
Fast-5 Update

(Boring subject alert) Some more good things possibly/likely from doing the intermittent fasting this way during PMS:

1) I did NOT get an ocular migraine NOR a regular migraine pre-period! I always get both, although at separate times, the ocular one a few days before the head-splitting one.

2) Got my period today. When I said before my periods were comfortable after switching to this WOE, I meant it. They were so much better than before, and I have such a high pain tolerance, that they felt like a relative breeze, plus the boon of the PMS symptoms dropping immediately.

Today I am happy to report that I knew not of what I spoke. THIS is a breeze. I am not exhausted. I do not have dark circles under my eyes. I have no INKLING, not even a hint, of cramps. I woke up early and have been quite productive.

I like this way better. :lol:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:23 pm
by ~Beth~
Hi Nicole
How many days have you been doing the intermittent fasting for so far?
It seems like you have had really quick results
I did read some of Dr Fuhrman's stuff a year or so ago and I know he is big on fasting
and even making sure you really space your meals far apart to experience "real" hunger
I went and bought the book you mentioned for my kindle for 99 cents "the fast 5 diet" and will take a look
through it this weekend

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:23 am
by nicoles
HI Beth,

Let's see, I have been doing the IF for ... 10 days, today being day 10.

Yes, I was thinking about how it related to what Dr Fuhrman says - he is very big on true hunger but from what I understand it is so subtle it is very hard to notice without a lot of concentration. It certainly makes me think that giving the digestive system a regular break and getting insulin and leptin down full between meals to get into a catabolic state of cellular repair, instead of the anabolic state of cellular replication, is a good idea for health overall. I mean, I had read and theoretically believed that before, but this is more convincing to me, as I have actually experienced it. :lol:

Although I should say I have AN Update to Yesterday's Update:

I developed cramps and fatigue overnight. Still less than before, so very nice, but not the miracle I reported yesterday.

I am still impressed by the lack of migraines. Still impressed and happy about that. I was thinking about it and one night last week I had the feeling of starting to get a headache, and was like, "HERE we go :roll: " but then it never happened and I forgot about it until this morning.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:38 am
by jamietwo
Nicole, that is so great that you're having success with your fasting! Even if it isn't "perfect" success, improvement is always a good thing! :) BTW, thanks for posting how to get a bikini body! :lol:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:47 pm
by nicoles
Thanks, Jamietwo! I agree, some improvement is still wonderful!! :D

And now for a little Friday Cuteness Overload

And this is an interesting possible tidbiton the link between fasting and decreased inflammation.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:27 pm
by nicoles
Getting really into researching the link between autoimmune disease activity and hormonal levels in women, since it certainly is a large factor of what goes on for me.

It is fascinating! Different diseases seem to have different responses to hormones, no surprise there. I am just going by memory here, so please don't take this as fact - I may have it wrong or backwards, but it seems like some studies suggest that a certain percentage of people with MS, psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis and UC are estrogen-sensitive, as in, they flare up with higher levels of estrogen, whereas a certain percentage of people with RA and possibly Lupus are improved with higher estrogen levels. I'm going to keep reading, get my facts straight and report back eventually, but for now I just had to say: That is Interesting! :)

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:10 pm
by moonwatcher
Yes, it IS interesting. There was a study done around here about women with MS and cortisol levels and how the menstrual cycle effected their symptoms. I was like, duh. (You know me and scientific studies!!) But it IS interesting, Nicole, and I bet you are learning tons.

Glad your fast five is helping out, too. I have a theory that simply not overloading the digestive system helps just about anything. That is effectively and quickly done by fasting, but it can also be achieved over time by not overeating, need to eat less at a time, etc. Just my theory. . .you know how I like slow motion. . . :)



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:56 pm
by nicoles
I totally agree about not overloading the digestive system! Hey, whatever works, right? :-D

You know MW, I think fast-5 just kind of forces me not to overeat, which I am prone to do, and since I am also prone to getting problems if I DO overeat, it works out better.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:28 pm
by moonwatcher
Yes, Nicole, I thought of that, too, and how this might work for you because of being prone to overeat. That makes a lot of sense. So cool it's helping! And thanks for your comments over in my journal too. Hope to get back over there soon, but now other things are calling.



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:36 pm
by jamietwo
nicoles wrote:...a certain percentage of people with RA and possibly Lupus are improved with higher estrogen levels. I'm going to keep reading, get my facts straight and report back eventually, but for now I just had to say: That is Interesting! :)

That IS interesting (and I understand that you're not reporting facts at this point :)). I didn't start having trouble with my joints (that I noticed) until after my complete and total hysterectomy which I did as elective surgery in response to my estrogen positive breast cancer. It seemed like a good idea at the time! It will be 5 years next month from my surgery. Hindsight being what it is and all, I really wish I had just scrapped the added oils before doing ANY surgery. Thanks for sharing what you're learning, Nicole. I need to get with it and do some research too! :nod:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:24 pm
by nicoles
Wow, Jamietwo, that is pretty interesting! I'd love to hear anything you discover when you do look into it. And I will certainly post more here when I do.

I am just putting in a bunch of links for myself to come back to here, since I am sick of a million browsers open on my desktop, and I don't want to lose them in the vast jumble of my bookmarks :lol:

Bit over my head but also read-able research paper on epigenetics and another one

This crazy guy who runs marathons, eats only once a day while training and once every other day when not! Food for thought for fast-5.

Science Daily article on how caloric restriction increases longevity

The Shamanic Implications of Our Bodies Microorganisms - because, come on! how can I NOT read this?!?!?!?

Intriguing instructions on the so-called Longevity maneuver I found when looking for info on the vagus nerve

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:38 pm
by nicoles
nicoles wrote:Wow, Jamietwo, that is pretty interesting! I'd love to hear anything you discover when you do look into it. And I will certainly post more here when I do.

I am just putting in a bunch of links for myself to come back to here, since I am sick of a million browsers open on my desktop, and I don't want to lose them in the vast jumble of my bookmarks :lol:

Bit over my head but also read-able research paper on epigenetics and another one

This crazy guy who runs marathons, eats only once a day while training and once every other day when not! Food for thought for fast-5.

Science Daily article on how caloric restriction increases longevity

The Shamanic Implications of Our Bodies Microorganisms - because, come on! how can I NOT read this?!?!?!?

Intriguing instructions on the so-called Longevity maneuver I found when looking for info on the vagus nerve

And this video about the fukushima reactor, with Professor Mitsuhei Murata, who I am also interested in researching more.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:08 pm
by nicoles