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PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:10 am
by BHealthy
Jim and Karen - I watched your Star McDougaller videos and was so impressed with the incredible changes you've made to your health. What an inspiration you both are! Thank you for adding your support to my log. It really makes me feel welcome and gives me so much hope.

Anna - I wasn't able to swim on Saturday and then Sunday evening we suddenly had a huge rainy thunderstorm - so that meant no swimming in the outdoor pool that night. I will work with the isometric DVDs in the daytime and swim at night whenever possible from now on - barring electrocution! Although, that might certainly melt a lot of pounds off.

I've been eating on plan and enjoying so many veggies and fruits. It's amazing how much more I can taste the flavors of fruit now. Tomorrow I am having a breakfast treat - sort of a strawberry shortcake. A big bowl of rolled oats with strawberries, stevia and unsweetened soymilk.

For lunch I'll have a big salad, brown rice and kale.

Dinner plans are for corn enchiladas with green salad and pineapple.

Thanks again for the support on this forum.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:55 am
by sksamboots
The eats sound good, hope you enjoy your day :)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:29 pm
by turquoise
Hi Bea -

Oats and strawberries sound like a winning combination. I also eat quite a bit of fruit to keep from having blood sugar dives, not fun! I'm glad to be part of following your progress - I feel confident that you'll have much success this time. We can do it!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:11 am
by BHealthy
Thanks for the visit, Turquoise.

I just got back from a swim. I worked out 50 minutes and then did 10 min of stretching. I also got in some strength training today. I just need to be careful because my messed up knee is hurting.

I'm overdue for scheduling PT appts, but was so darn tired I just couldn't imagine going. Now I think I can do that and get some exercise routines from them and be sure the ones I am doing are helping not causing more damage.

One of the reasons for going to PT was to be evaluated for a wheelchair or scooter. I really hope I won't need something like that because I know that will limit my exercising even more. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay for the summer - it's just when work starts back up and there is so much walking. My goal is to strengthen my body - especially the knees, abdomen and back - and build stamina while losing weight. I can already feel how it's helping my breathing after only one week.

Checking in My Journal

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:24 pm
by BHealthy
Didn't get a swim in yesterday but will tonight. Am now on my second week back on track. Tomorrow I will be weighed at the doctor's office. I don't really know what to expect because of all this water and the exercise, but I do know I'm doing the right things - eating on plan, exercising and posting in my journal, reading motivating messages and information. I know the weight will come off because it always has in the past. I just don't know about this fluid retention thing as it isn't going away - well, there is less on my upper body and that is good.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:18 pm
by BHealthy
Thanks for stopping by sksamboots and Turquoise. It really helps to have the encouragement here.

Last night I got in another dandy water workout and plan to do the same tonight. I'm able to use resistance gloves for the upper body now which gives me more of a workout.

I went the the doctor today and had an EKG and some other heart test, but I'm sure my heart is fine or I would have heard something by now.
The doctor wants me to quadruple the water pill dose for 4 days (1600 mg) with matching horse capsule potassium pills that seem to only want to enter the throat sideways. I take them all at once and it's a mouthful. :lol: On Monday I switch to 800mg. I hope to be finished with those SOON!

I weighed at the doctor's office and am down 10 pounds from last week. Today I accomplished the most walking and errands I've been able to do for months. This is a good sign that I'm getting stronger. I was exhaused and in a lot of knee pain by the end, but by golly I got them done. I went to 8 places, walking in and out, shopping, waiting in lines, getting all sorts of things done. This is a huge accomplishment for me and a sign of my improved stamina and breathing - in my opinion.

I sure hope sactobob returns to the forum as I think he is among the many positive examples here and has a lot of wisdom to share. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I don't know about putting a ticker here. I want to be careful about where I focus. The weight loss is very, very important but changing habits is the real goal. It's the habits - the lifestyle that will release and keep the weight off. Today I'm visualizing 10 boxes of soy margarine gone from my overweight backpack. That feels good. It may all be sloshy water, but I'm happy to see it go. I am looking forward to getting below 400 so I can weigh on my home scale.

7/7/09 429
7/16/09 419

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:07 pm
by sksamboots
Your doing absolutely wondeful :) Congrats on losing all that sloshy butter :lol:

pool workout

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:21 pm
by ncyg46
you are doing really good! I should do a pool workout besides just walking. Where did you get you pool workout, or what do you do? I can swim on my back but not great otherwise.....I usually spend my time walking....

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:42 pm
by Anna Green
Hey, you are doing it aren't you? Way to go.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:56 pm
by BHealthy
Sksamboots - Thanks so much for the kudos. Just one cube at a time - and before we know it, it's gone!

Anna - Thanks for your kind words. I am woman - hear me slosh!

Nancy - I used to take an aqua-aerobics class and also worked with a water fitness instructor for 10 sessions long ago. It's sort of like doing land aerobics - like jumping jacks, jogging in place - only you are also moving your arms - pulling, pushing the water. There are so many exercises you can do but believe it or not - one the best is running and treading as quickly as you can in deep water (not touching the ground). Track runners often do this as part of their training because of the incredible workout you get with the resistance of the water. They wear float belts (since they have little body fat) but I float just fine on my own! :-D


PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:00 pm
by BHealthy
Testing the link idea.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:39 pm
by f1jim
I've been watching your progress and I sure am proud at the way you are going out and attacking your issues head on. It's so tough at the beginning and all I can say is when you have a bit more time under your belt you are going to really see things move dramatically in your march toward your goals. At the beginning it all looks uphill and the progress seems incremental but if you stay the course your body will respond to what Jeff Novick says is the only thing that matters...Time and adherence. You are taking a page from Nettie, Letha, KarininTN, and many others that have traveled the path. The real winners know that when it starts to get tough, that's when you crank it up a notch, not back away. Your postings inspire me.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:04 am
by ncyg46
BHealthy wrote:Nancy - I used to take an aqua-aerobics class and also worked with a water fitness instructor for 10 sessions long ago. It's sort of like doing land aerobics - like jumping jacks, jogging in place - only you are also moving your arms - pulling, pushing the water. There are so many exercises you can do but believe it or not - one the best is running and treading as quickly as you can in deep water (not touching the ground). Track runners often do this as part of their training because of the incredible workout you get with the resistance of the water. They wear float belts (since they have little body fat) but I float just fine on my own! :-D

I used to have one of those floatation belts. Our pools are shallow so everyone can stand up. I just sorta jog in place or walk. My weights are empty laundry containers with ropes on them! the deepest water is shoulder high....

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:49 pm
by BHealthy
Jim - thanks for the encouragement. It's funny that you mentioned about when the going gets though being the time to crank it up a notch. I was reading a quote by Harriet Beecher Stowe - how when it seems impossibe or when it's really tough - that is usually a turning point - so take advantage of it, look at it as an opportunity for positive change. It's not a bad thing - just a challenge that you are ready for tackling. Please remind me of that when I get discouraged or frustrated - if I start letting old habits slip back in an effort to smooth the path a bit. That could easily happen down the road.

Nancy - what an ingenious way to create your own floats. I can imagine it was quite a sight, too.

Well, I changed my mind and decided to follow the doctor's suggestion - take the big does of lasix & potassium for 4 days and then 2 a day for the rest of the week. My gut tells me that drinking lots of water alone will release this water, but I figure I could give her recommendations a serious and consistent try and then follow my own. I'm going to read a couple books on water by F. Batmanghelidj MD to see what they say about edema and give that a try next then compare the two approaches to see which I will continue to follow. I've been very hit and miss with the medication - one day try it, two days don't kind of thing for the week I've been "using" it - so I'll try to be consistent - as prescribed first before throwing out the idea.

Made veggie wraps today with sprouted wheat oil free fajitas and chopped veggies, hummus and balsamic vinegar. They were delicious!

Plan to have beans, brown rice and steamed kale for dinner and pineapple or canteloupe later for a snack. I'll go for a swim tonight, too. It's been a hot day today so the pool should be nice and warm.

Salad Ideas

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:57 pm
by BHealthy
Letha's idea about having a salad photo challenge got me thinking about McDougall friendly salads. I wrote a long list of them to remind me to make them and then lost it. I'll try to remember them:

Chopped tomato, cucumber, red onion soaked in a dressing of rice or wine vinegar with a dash of salt and pepper and a splash or two of balsamic vinegar. Serve on bed of greens or beans.

Chopped chard and other greens tossed with sliced strawberries, sliced red onion strips, chopped tomato and celery. Dressing - raspberry vinaigrette (pureed raspberries, herbs, vinegar, a little stevia or sugar, water, pepper). Salt to taste.

Frozen corn, chopped tomatoes, celery, red onion, red bell pepper, black beans in an oil free Italian dressing. Add cumin for a southwest flavor.

Kidney beans, garbanzo beans, steamed and chunked green and wax beans in dressing of cider vinegar, sugar or stevia, salt, pepper. Basil is good in this one too.

Brown rice/spelt/kaumt or wheat berries and wild rice with chopped chard, sliced fennel, chopped red onion, chopped tomatoes, chopped red bell pepper in a vinaigrette.

Romaine or other spring greens with red onion, cucumber, tomatoes, celery, grapes in an Italian vinaigrette.

Creamy salad dressings: Hummus dressing: hummus with rice vinegar and balsamic vinegar thinned with water. Whole Foods has an inexpensive balsamic vinegar that is reduced a bit and very sweet. Thousand Island: hummus or pureed great northern beans with herbs, salt/pepper, splash of vinegar, sweet pickle relish and ketchup

Red onions carmelized in balsamic vinegar and a little sugar, salt, pepper tossed on greens with chopped cherry tomatoes, celery red bell pepper, cucumber and beans. Toss with more balsamic vinegar.

Small cubes of red or yukon gold potatoes, red bell pepper, frozen corn, red onion, celery with creamy "Green Goddess" type dressing. Add chopped parsley and dill. Other dressings that are good on potato salad: Thousand Island, hummus dressing, vinaigrette, or a Mary's tofu mayo based dressing.

Large tomato sliced open and stuffed with mock tuna salad and drizzled with vinaigrette. Mock tuna salad: mashed garbanzos, Mary's tofu mayo, pickle relish, splash of vinegar, salt/pepper, chopped celery and onion.

Coleslaw: Chopped cabbage with coleslaw dressing: Mary's tofu mayo, sugar/stevia, apple cider vinegar, salt/pepper. Poppy seeds, celery seeds or other herbs can be added to dressing.

Green Salad: chopped greens (romaine or spring greens or chard or combo) with corn, peas, red onion, chopped cauliflower, tomato, celery, shredded red cabbage, grated carrot, chopped red bell pepper, brown rice. Toss and top with favorite beans and dressing.

Brown rice or other whole grain, frozen or fresh peas or asparagus, finely chopped red onion/celery/carrot with a creamy dressing. Dill and mint with a touch of cayene are good in this, too.

Carrot Raisin Salad: shredded carrots, raisins, chopped pineapple in a Mary's Tofu based creamy savory dressing. Curry with a dash of cinnamon is great with this.

These are all that come to mind right now. . .