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Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:30 pm
by luvdachiess
Hi Beans~

Change takes time, you are moving in the right direction. Down today that is good. I know I need to weigh every day when I don't I usually go up at the weekly weigh in. So tomorrow is your weekly weigh in stick to it today and of course every day. But I find the day before weigh in the hardest. Not sure why, so stay in there and you will love the new you. =)

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:34 pm
by BeansNRice
Thanks Teresa, I am nervous about my official WI day tomorrow, but it is what it is. I have been a little off this week so we'll see.... :|

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:41 pm
by luvdachiess
Hi Beans~
I try not to keep stuff in the house that will bother me and I also try to keep full, because it is when I get hungry that I decide I need to have a little snack and the snack is never healthy. Debbie pointed out to me in the past that if you don't eat enough then you will go for the bad stuff. Just my thoughts. =)

Have a good weigh in tomorrow.

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:57 pm
by luvdachiess
Beans ~

Where did you go?

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:31 pm
by BeansNRice
Debbie. wrote:Not sure where the handful stuff is coming from, but if it is at home, it might be easier to get rid of it, if your alone that is. Its hard, I know :)

If you want, you can join us in the MWL forum for our weekly weigh in. We weigh in on Fridays and I post the results on Saturdays. The more the merrier. :cool:

Hi Debbie! The handfuls of chips etc come from DH's stash... I'll see if he will be willing to keep snacks out of the house. I currently doing an in between of MWL & reg McD, but once I'm able, I will join you!

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:42 pm
by BeansNRice
WI: 160.4
Down 2 for the week, which is good! I've decided to do the reg McD with mostly MWL. If that's possible. :) last time I went vegan 6 years ago, not low fat on purpose, and not mcD I went from 155 to 130 in 3 months not even trying to lose weight. Can I do that again or better following mcd!? One would think... :nod:

Today's food:
B- oats & berries, coffee w/silk
S- small bowl of all bran strawberry bites w/1/2 c unsweetened almond milk
L- 3 small corn tortillas w/ff refried beans, brown rice w/ salsa yum!
S- handful chips :duh: NO MORE!
D- chili beans & b rice w/ lettuce, tomato & salsa
S- wine & juice - done with this too after tonight!!

2 short walks w/dog(15 mins each)

Hi Teresa! Posting in your journal now! :)

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:09 pm
by BeansNRice
WI: 160.4. Not bad since i had chips & wine last night. Both are gone and no longer in the house or to be bought.

Thanks Debbie! DH agreed that we no longer need junk food as we both stopped drinking, as of today! Wish us luck.... Not that we drank a ton, but we both enjoyed a nightly drink or 2...chips just went with it...
Nuking potatoes hasn't worked for me, until today!! I put them on a plate with some water, then covered with a bowl, nuked 6 mins, came out perfect!!

B- potatoes w/low sodium ketchup
S- handful of nuts & dried fruit, 2 rice cakes w/ pb
L- ww bun w/ mustard & veggies, w/ avocado :shock: YUM but not good. I never have avocado & I splurged...
D- ww pita pizza w/mushrooms, tomatoes, tomato paste & oregano
S- cheerios, banana, juice

Okay way too much food (wheat especially) today...

Rest of day unsure. Will update later.

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:48 pm
by luvdachiess
Keeping the junk out of the house will certainly help. =) Looking forward to the good reports. =)

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:26 pm
by shell1226
BeansNRice wrote:Yesterdays journal edited. WI: 161.4 :|

Not surprising, weight fluctuates and I ate chips & had wine last night :\
So annoyed with myself! Things must change :nod:

Going to visit a friend today, she knows I am vegan, awaiting response to see if she wants me to bring lunch :)

B- oats w/berries
S- banana or apple
L- quinoa w/cold veggies, balsamic vin, honey & lemon juice
D- Edit: veg burrito

I know what you mean. I struggle not to have a little wine myself.

We can do this.

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:38 am
by BeansNRice
Thanks Teresa & Rachelle! We CAN do this! :mrgreen:

B- potatoes w/ketch, coffee w/silk
S- banana
L- vegan sushi
D- chili beans, rice, tomatoes, lettuce, salsa

Hoping to get out to the park today, have a bad headache :\

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:20 pm
by luvdachiess
Looking good girly!! This time next year we will be at goal and healthier!

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:03 pm
by luvdachiess
Where are you?? Don't go missing in action. I need you to stay focused to keep me focused!! =)

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:12 am
by BeansNRice
Thanks Teresa! I have a lot going on and haven't been able to log on... & to be honest haven't been 100%. But, I won't give up!!

B- potatoes w/ low sodium ketchup, coffee w/ silk

Unsure rest of day, I have appointments and running around to do today. I WILL stay on plan though!

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:14 am
by BeansNRice
Yesterday was a write off.... I need to get focused again!! I really need to stock my fridge. Going shopping today...

Back later w/ update.

Re: Doing it!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:09 pm
by luvdachiess
I have found my biggest mistake is to just write off what I have done and say I am starting again. I need to write the good, the bad and the ugly!! =) Other wise before I know it I am not even doing it. Just my thoughts. =)