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Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:17 pm
by Christine in Cali
160.0 this AM, 6 oz down

Coffee blk
oats with stevia

3 bean chili, raw spinach veg salad with honey Dijon dressing ff
mandarin oranges


Green beans, Asian sweet potato with maple syrup , really liked this one

Wasn't overwhelmingly hungry today. Did not get a hike in. Decided I didn't like the room for rent at $475, something told me no. I have 6 days to be out of my share rental and still no place to go. May be sleeping in the back of my truck, but hey I am grateful to have a truck to sleep in.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:50 pm
by Christine in Cali
Finally in the 50's............. 159.6 Lbs this AM.
1 hour hike

Coffee black

Green beans, oats with brn sug and mixed nuts, americano with soy teenie beanie with cilantro, water
mandarin oranges

pasta with arribata sauce

PM OK not my best day. Tomorrow will be better, as in no extras!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:02 pm
by blondie
Yay for the weight loss!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:33 pm
by Christine in Cali
Thanks Blondie for the YAY shout out.

I also want to send you good vibes and to not get discouraged about the slow weight loss thing. It will come off eventually. Losing weight isn't always linear, as I'm told. Some weeks will have different results then others, but when you keep your overall goal in mind and stay true to your commitment, you/I/we will be successful.

Food stuff:

Coffee, sweet potato with maple syrup, water melon, green beans-whole bag, rice cakes, runts (oh no you didn't...fallin' in the pleasure trap again) Raw spinach salad with all kinds of fresh goodies on it, bowl of 3 bean chili.....water

1 hour hike in AM

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:15 pm
by blondie
Thanks, Christine! I'm thankful that I haven't had a gain, but just getting impatient, I guess. I hope getting on MWL will help move it along a little faster.

One day at a time...

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:12 am
by Christine in Cali
Is this a fluke? Sheesh whats going to happen when I really get down to brass tactics?

All is good, and I will beat this sugar trap!! I am still holding onto the maple syrup, but I know deep down that's going to have to go as well or at least till I get past the compulsiveness of using sugar if I can.....see still holding on to old ideas. Could this be the definition of insanity?

I really do want to get out of the rut of using food as an emotional "fix". It has been this way for me since I was a young kid. :idea: :!: two light bulb moments here...this WOE isn't about me losing weight, it's about my unhealthy relationship with food, all food.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:20 am
by SactoBob
That is good news. It sounds like your are making some sound adjustments to what you eat and don't eat, and over time that will always pay off. You've picked a great challenge for yourself and it's wonderful to see your success.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:52 pm
by Christine in Cali
Thanks Bob for stopping by, giving me encouragement and great advice. You are a big help to many.

Coffee, tofu spring roll from TJ, big huge sweet potato with a little maple syrup, slow way I think, 3 bean chili, Big salad from WF (I found a 10 spot in an old purse, so though I'd splurge), watermelon, 1 mini/silver dollar size pita bread with a smidge of roasted pepper hummus, I'm sure it had some fat in it but I didn't eat much. ....Ate only when I was hungry today, no eating just to eat. :)

2.5 hour hike again on Mt Burdell this Morning...gosh I love that Mountain.

It took me all day to clean off an old desk that has just been used for a catch all. I bought it for 50 doll-hairs and even though I could use the money I am just letting things go. I'm tired of having to try and sell it or schlepping it around. I would like to keep my great bed but again don't know where I could keep it.

Good day mood wise. It always helps to see a lower # on the scale.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:46 pm
by blondie
I love finding money I didn't know I had!

I enjoyed that frozen banana stuff several times this summer. Then I started wondering if it was a good idea -- since Dr. M says grinding whole grain into flour makes it not a good choice for MWL I wondered if grinding up the frozen banana in the food processor had the same effect? So I'm still not sure about the frozen bananas for me. They helped me avoid ice cream this summer when my dd was home from college and wanted ice cream in the house all the time, so they were beneficial to me for that reason. :)

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:52 pm
by LoriJenny
Christine...You are doing so great!! Did you find a good living situation yet? I hope you did! I am so inspired by your progress!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:15 am
by Christine in Cali

I just rearranged my work day and don't have to go in till 2 and then off at to get done with this move. But during that time at the deli, which is where I ALWAYS eat bad, I will be bring food to fill me up. More fruit then normal just to stay on track...wish me luck!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:05 pm
by SactoBob
Great Christine,
That is the type of planning that just has to succeed. It is simple cause and effect. The more you can plan and execute a strategy to get the junk and high calorie density treats out of your diet, and more whole plant food into your diet, the more you will succeed. You are going to see that it is not that hard if you put your mind to it. Soon it gets to be a habit and becomes effortless.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:26 pm
by LoriJenny
Sactobob...I just read your story on the star mcdougallers, it was so amazing and so motivating! Some have talked about reading your blog...where would I find that? Thanks!

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:39 pm
by SactoBob
Here is the link to my blog.
I hope you will find something there of use to you. I'm glad that you found something useful to you in my Star McDougaller story too. My wife and I discussed whether or not we should come out in public with our story or remain anonymous.

There have been some drawbacks and unpleasant experiences with being public about what we do and what it takes. But we really felt it would be wrong not to share all the fantastic benefits that we experienced by getting our health back in order. It just feels great to get up every day now. I hope that you will experience that feeling too - you can't avoid it really IMO. If there is anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask. And I'm not offended if you don't want my help - LOL, there are plenty here in that camp who will be happy to tell you why you shouldn't.

BTW, did you see the before and after shots of my wife here.

This is the sort or result that everybody should expect if they are doing the plan correctly.

Re: Legends of the Fall

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:38 pm
by LoriJenny
SactoBob, I would appreciate any help or advice you have to give :) My journal is "Whatsoever Things Are Good" I tried to send you a PM, but that did not work...I have been reading through your blogs, very interesting...about the different types of hunger, and about not tackling the correct problem, I think that is what my problem was (is?). Anyway, Christine....thanks for the tip on the blog, and sorry I did not mean to hijack your journal space!!!