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Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:21 pm
by Shmookitty
Did a good thing today - had some non-compliant foods still in my pantry, like three bags of Cascadian Farms strawberry granola, that have oil in the ingredients. Probably not that much, but I don't want to be non-compliant.

I went to the dentist yesterday and saw they were doing a holiday food drive in memory of a pediatric patient, so I went back today with a grocery bag full of stuff to donate. Now my pantry is 100% compliant, and a good cause is going to get some name brand food. I have been doing McDougall since early October, about a month, so it's a relief to not have to use up those things. It was probably about $30 in groceries, not that much in the grand scheme of things. I can afford it.

Today's nutrition -
B - 1/3 cup oats in vanilla Silk yogurt
L - Barley/Goya pink beans/greens/sundried tomatoes/1/2 tbsp pepitas
S - Larabar blueberry/spinach/cashews
D - Pico de gallo/barley/Goya pink beans/greens/sundried tomatoes/1/2 tbsp pepitas

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 7:55 am
by AnnetteW
That was a nice thing to do. It benefits both you and others.

I don't know how much non-compliant food is in my pantry, my husband isn't on plan, so there is some crap. I've been thinking I need to junk out the pantry and organize it. Perhaps I'll do it with him home tomorrow, and see if he's ready to pass on some of the stuff. Even things like spices need to be removed, and wiped down. We have old bottles of booze, from my drinking days, that can move on, either down the drain or out of the house. I'd actually have a whole new shelf.

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 2:09 pm
by Shmookitty
My husband and I eat totally different things, with the exception of veggies. There is still plenty of non-compliant food in the pantry, but not in my areas. We have separate areas where we store our stuff, I barely even notice his since he's 6'8" and has all the high shelves! :-D

I got an attack of the munchies - and ate six mini cucumbers! Now my belly is full, so I am okay again.

Today's nutrition:
B - Banana bread Larabar, 4 Whole Foods brand wheat "triscuits" (no oil)
L - Barley/chickpeas/greens/sundried tomatoes/ 1/2 tbsp pepitas/ 1/2 tbsp hemp seed
S - 6 mini cucumbers
D - Pico de gallo/barley/pink beans/greens/sundried tomatoes/onions/peppers

I buy a pre-made pico at Food Lion (no oil) and this last batch was REALLY onion-y! I was going to bring that meal to my volunteer job today for lunch, but didn't want to chase people away! So I had to cook up a new batch of barley last night to get some new meals ready. Barley is to me what potatoes are to most people here. I never get tired of it - love the stuff!

Does anyone know how to properly rinse the bitter coating off quinoa seeds? I bought a micro-perforated colander from Amazon, and it works for all my grains except for quinoa. I would like to try it but I don't know how to go about rinsing it without dumping some down the drain?

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 11:56 am
by WeeSpeck
Hi Shmookitty,

I bought these reusable mesh produce bags in my grocery store, thinking I would use these instead of the plastic bags for transporting my vegetables. What I found out is that these work VERY well for rinsing quinoa. It is a porous material, almost like cheese cloth, but it releases the grain easily.

So I put my quinoa in this bag. I pull the draw string tight and I run water over the surface until the grain is rinsed and the water runs clear. Then, I open the mesh bag and empty the contents into my cooking pot. I literally get ever last quinoa kernel without losing anything down the drain.

I was thrilled when I discovered this method as I was also at a loss and losing much of my quinoa down the drain before.

Best of health!

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:54 pm
by Shmookitty
Thanks so much Nancy! I found a set on Amazon to add to my next order. I was about to donate my unopened bag of quinoa to the food drive, but will try your suggestion first. I have never had quinoa so I am excited to try it! I have seen it at Chopt before with the salad ingredients and it looks so good!

My weight was down to 220.5 this morning. So I lost 2.5 pounds in my first week not using the Sparkpeople nutrition tracker! It was a success so I am going to continue just working off my master meal list. Only 1.5 pounds left until I hit 100 down...then I can start getting excited about going under 200. I haven't been under 200 since September 1993, but I know this WOE will get me there! :-D

Today's nutrition:
B - 1/3 cup oats in Silk vanilla soy yogurt
L - Barley/pico de gallo/chickpeas/baby kale mix/sundried tomatoes/a bit of corn/ 1/2 tbsp pepitas
S - a few 365 Woven Wheats crackers (no oil), I am out of veggies ahead of my grocery trip this evening
D - Subway veggie delite on wheat bread

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 3:10 pm
by Shmookitty
My husband had a small item he wanted off Amazon, so I went ahead and ordered the reusable produce bags. I can't wait to try quinoa for the first time! I also got a 16 oz bag of amaranth, another grain I haven't tried. Looking forward to that too! Today I am cooking up a batch of farro for the first time. Who says this WOE is restrictive? I have never had more healthy options than I do now!

My only problem with McDougalling so far is the two days I ate a full 24 oz. bag of steamed red potatoes for lunch and got a huge distended belly and the feeling of being majorly bloated that lasted almost two full days. I know many people here eat large amounts of potatoes, but it's not for me. I prefer to get my starches through whole grains that I batch cook for a few days at a time. Potatoes don't seem to agree with me like they do for most people here. I have a bag of sweet potatoes still to use, but I am likely going to split that between four meals instead of making just one. I don't want a repeat of the other two times.

A benefit I hadn't considered is the easy kitchen cleanup after going no-oil. I don't even need to put Dawn on most things, they rinse clean right away.

And there's the epic bowel movements on this plan. WOW! :shock:

Today's nutrition -
B - Oatmeal with cinnamon, frozen cherries
L - Spicy White Bean Pita from the Quick and Easy McDougall Cookbook (made with red kidney beans instead of cannellini beans this time, just as good!)
S - small container of White House apple/cranberry applesauce, a handful of snap peas
D - the other pita from the lunch batch. I halved the recipe since it is only me eating them.

That applesauce wasn't the least bit filling. I am going to try it stirred into my oatmeal to see if it tastes good that way. I likely won't buy it again. For 80 calories I can do better.

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:20 am
by AnnetteW
I like quinoa, be sure to read up on rinsing it first, but amaranth is nasty stuff, I threw it away.

And even though you said you think potatoes aren't for you, your body has to build up the little buggers that process the different starches. So don't be afraid to try the potatoes again, but just eat one. The more diversity we have the better. So eat a potato, eat your grains, different grains, have a sweet potato, and a beet, or cooked carrots, they are all starches.

I have yet to try farro, I haven't seen it in the stores. I too keep trying new things, so I'll have to keep my eye open for it

The Plant Proof Podcast guy has lots of interviews with gastroenterologists, my favorite being Dr Will Bulsiewicz (seriously google this and listen to any of those episode, there are 3 or 4). He talked about people cutting foods out of their diets, and that it is bad for the gut, because then the gut looses the ability to properly process those starches. The more variety and diversity the better. I truly found that so fascinating, because I know people keep thinking they are allergic or sensitive to something, and keep dropping it out of the diet, one food after the other, then all they are eating is chicken and iceberg lettuce and still aren't feeling better.

Just some good info from that doctor, and I know he's writing a book and it should be out soon and I will buy it.

It's amazing how wonderful this diet is for us. (sorry for rambling on your

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:51 am
by Shmookitty
Annette, you are not rambling! I appreciate your input and suggestions! :-D

I bookmarked the site for the podcasts.

I hope I like amaranth, what didn't you like about it? What does it taste like? I figured I had to give it a try since it's new to me. It was only $4.38 for the bag, so if I trash it I won't be heartbroken, but I'm hoping to find another starch staple for the rotation.

I only sampled the farro yesterday since I had made the spicy white bean pitas recipe for both lunch and dinner, and I had the last of the batch of barley I cooked for today. Starting Wednesday, the main grain for my meals will be farro. I have enough for at least four meals, maybe five. We'll see. Tomorrow we are going out for lunch and I am having a natural peanut butter sandwich for dinner. The farro will easily keep, I probably should have waited to cook it though. Didn't know I'd change my mind about my meals planned.

I ordered the reusable produce bags for rinsing the quinoa. I also saw online that there is a brand of pre-rinsed quinoa available. I will have to look for it at my next Whole Foods trip. I only go about once every 4-6 weeks and just stock up on that one trip.

I will still eat potatoes, but NOT 24 oz in one go. I am steaming a bag of sweet potatoes this week, but will break them up between a few meals instead of eating the whole bag at once. I really don't want a repeat of the bloating and heaviness...and I went three days without a bowel movement, which made me even more miserable. I have potatoes as part of my plan to stay compliant in restaurants anyway. I will not eat potatoes every week, but won't completely cut them out of my diet either. I know so many McDougallers love their potatoes. I love my barley like that. :cool:

One thing that is new in the past three days - I usually take one Aleve caplet with breakfast (to keep inflammation down in my arthritic spine) and one 50+ multivitamin. I have been getting dizziness about two hours after breakfast. I don't know what's causing it, but it's definitely not my food, that hasn't changed since starting McDougall in early October.

I am wondering whether I don't need the Aleve anymore, and it is raising my blood pressure too much (that is a side effect). Or maybe I should listen to Dr. McDougall and cut out my multivitamin. I have just been using up the jar, but maybe I should stop those. I am going to stop the Aleve as of tomorrow morning to see if that makes a difference (and just use it as needed for severe pain, but not every day), and I will reduce the multivitamin to once per week, like my 1000 mcg of B12. I have had a Vitamin D deficiency previously (only 14) so I am reluctant to give up my vitamin completely, since I don't go outside much for sunlight. I think once a week should be sufficient though.

The weight loss of almost 100 pounds has made a profound difference in my spine pain. I used a cane for 13 years but left it behind two months ago. I have been taking the Aleve out of habit. Maybe this is just one more aspect of McDougall success, that my spine pain is reduced once I cut the inflammatory dairy out!

I'm also cutting out my Citrucel, starting today. I am mostly getting 35-40g of fiber a day on this WOE, so I don't really think I need Citrucel caplets anymore. I have just been using up the bottle. I'll keep it on hand "just in case," but I probably don't need that either!

Today's nutrition:
B - 1/3 cup oats in Silk vanilla yogurt
L - Barley/chickpeas/kale/sundried tomatoes/corn/onion/peppers/ 1/2 tbsp pepitas
S - snap peas
D - Whole wheat rotini with Hunt's oil-free canned tomato sauce

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 6:46 pm
by AnnetteW
I think now it was Teff I bought and thought was disgusting. I don't know if I've tried Amaranth. Geez, I need to take notes.

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:16 pm
by Shmookitty
Well I agree teff looks yucky! I scrolled over an image on Amazon to get a better idea of what it looked like - it did NOT go on my wishlist!

Amaranth just looks like cereal. I'm hoping it's good.

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:47 am
by Shmookitty
Thank you Dr. McDougall - I've lost 9 pounds in the past 4-1/2 weeks since starting at 100% compliance! I had been slowing down my losses before I started McDougalling, but now I am consistently losing over 2 pounds a week. I am really happy with that. And I am not even doing MWL.

I think it's been cutting out oils that has made the difference. I was previously only eating meat once every week or two, and cheese once a week. I didn't realize how many of my staple foods had oil until I started clearing out of the pantry to start McDougalling. That has been my most significant change. I feel SO MUCH BETTER! :-D

I have now reached my first short-term goal in my weight loss journey - I am down 101 pounds. Wanted to get to that magic 100 lost, but sped right past 100 to 101! I have not been this weight since 1994! :-D

Now my short-term goal is to get to one-derland, where my first number will be a 1 instead of a 2. 19 pounds to get there.

I could not be happier with this way of eating. I am in it for life! I was vegan once before in my life but higher fat. This way of doing vegan has been much healthier for me and is sustainable long-term.

I originally set my final goal weight to be 175 when I first started trying to lose, then changed it to 160. Now I am making it 150. I have a large frame at 5'5", so I don't want to go much lower than that. We'll see where I naturally stop. At 150, I will start doing things like adding one or two daily servings of nuts and dried fruits to increase calories a bit to halt weight loss. Using several different online calculators I see that my maintenance range at 150 is an average of 1550-1650 calories a day. I am at 1300-1400 calories a day now in weight loss phase.

I have been excellent at dieting over the years, but never at maintaining. McDougall is a life-long commitment so it will be different this time. I have read where others on McDougall fell below their goal weight and kept losing - I don't really want that to happen to me, so I will probably need some guidance when the time comes.

Today's nutrition plan -
B - Oatmeal with cinnamon, frozen cherries
L - Tofu wrap with black beans/corn/romaine/tomato and mixed fruit salad
D - 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter on 2 slices of still-compliant Dave's bread from the freezer

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:37 pm
by Lyndzie
Congrats on the big accomplishment! How are you going to celebrate? Buy a new outfit, or take a trip? We look forward to having you over on the maintenance thread once you hit your goal. :)

(Also, your post about your beloved cat really hit home with me. My cat passed away last April, and she truly was the kind of animal that was a once-in-a-lifetime relationship. They hold a special place in our hearts, that’s for sure.)

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 6:55 pm
by Shmookitty
Thanks Lindsey! I already had to buy about $400 worth of clothing to make yet another transitional wardrobe! I started at a 3XL, then 2XL, 1XL, and now a regular XL from the regular women's department (not plus). I have had to replace clothing three times already, so that is my treat, the clothing I just bought! I have been giving away my clothing when it becomes too big since I won't need it again. I should probably try shopping at Goodwill and not just donating there! My size is changing frequently. I started in a 3XL just March of this year and have changed sizes three times already. I love Kohl's for good priced and good quality.

My husband and I budget for each of us to spend $60 a month on whatever we want. It usually involves Amazon. He usually gets Kindle books and I have been ordering grains and other McDougally treats. :-D

He is making noise about wanting a 7 in 1 Instant Pot. I've heard that most of the vegan recipes for the IP are soups, and I don't really eat soups, so I am doing some research into what else I can make in there. I buy canned or boxed low-sodium beans, I don't cook from dried, and I am totally fine batch cooking grains on the stovetop. I wouldn't make my own yogurt and I don't have a need for a slow cooker. He'll have to do more convincing to make me want to shell out the money for one. Besides, we have a tiny kitchen in a rented townhouse - where would we put it?!

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:52 am
by Mayapples
I've heard that most of the vegan recipes for the IP are soups, and I don't really eat soups, so I am doing some research into what else I can make in there.

I don't own an IP but I do watch a fair number of WFPB cooking channels on Youtube, and have seen people using one to prepare everything from plain potatoes to interesting looking one-pot vegetable and grain pilafs. I haven't seen anything yet to convince me that I need one but your comment reminded me that, of all the things I've seen people use them for, it's funny that I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone make soup!

Re: Shmookitty's Journal

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:48 am
by Shmookitty
Interesting! I've seen a recommendation for Jill Nussinow's IP books, so I have them on my Amazon wishlist. I told my husband to just put the IP on his wishlist and we'll reevaluate after the holidays. We have our car insurance, renters insurance, and personal property tax on cars all come due in December, so money is always a bit tighter then. Thanks for your reply! I am perfectly happy with steamed potatoes, so that doesn't convince me either. lol!

I am going to Goodwill today to look for smaller clothing. I've been spending about $400 every time I go down a size and that's not sustainable with as fast as I am getting smaller. I have been donating all my too-big clothes as I go, so maybe I should be taking advantage of thrift store pricing to buy instead of always going to Kohl''s. Plus my husband is on the last hole of his size XL belts and needs some smaller ones. He is not doing McDougall, but is losing weight too.

Today's nutrition -
B - 1/3 cup oats in Silk vanilla yogurt
S - steamed butternut squash (YUM!)
L - Barley/corn/chickpeas/greens/sundried tomatoes/onions/peppers
D - Farro/corn/tofu/greens/sundried tomatoes/onions/peppers