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Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:03 pm
by fulenn
I really liked reading about Deb Tasic, too. I reread her story every several months.

I'm so glad to hear about your energy improving--I know you say you aren't a goer and you like to stay at home, but it is a huge difference when you CHOOSE to stay home instead of staying because you HAVE to. I really believe that if you keep eating this way, your energy will continue to increase and your other symptoms will reduce. I am still improving and moonwatcher just posted a new journal talking about some of her improvements over the recent few years. It's a really inspiring post!


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:24 pm
by absgirl
im gonna go check it now!

Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:25 pm
by fulenn
Had a good day. Ate fruit salad, couscous salad, and potato adobo in corn tortillas. Thanks for the idea, moonwatcher. My youngest daughter came up with that idea, too, so we tried it today. I put corn tortillas under the broiler for about 1 minute on each side and then folded in half and put warmed up potato adobo inside, topped with salsa and cilantro. Mmmmm! Also had rice pudding. My goal with eating is to stay at or under 15 grams of fat per day. I heard Dr. McDougall talk recently and he mentioned the MS study participants complying with the test diet and that they had to keep their fat in that range, so I am doing it now, too. I was over that, was aiming for 20-30 grams per day, but have cut avocadoes, olives, and nut butter out of my diet. I didn't think I was eating much of those, but myfitnesspal has every bite I eat in it, and I have been having "just one olive", etc. more than I care to admit. :oops: So today I am at 9 grams of fat. I exercised on my bike and did 6.36 miles. On hot days and evenings, I am SO glad to have the bike in my air conditioned living room. :D
(now that I said that about the 15 grams of fat, I am thinking maybe it was 15% fat that Dr. McDougall said. I will go listen to that talk again and then come back.)It is 15%.
Still doing well with symptoms. Good energy level, no balance problems, no vertigo, no sounding like a drunk when I speak. I did get a little slurring to my speech earlier this week; it was very late and I was hot and tired at the time. It wasn't terribly pronounced, but I could feel it and DH could hear it. My arm from my shoulder to my elbow has most of the feeling back in it, my forearm still has some loss, and my hand is about half-way back. I still have the buzzing-tingling-might-be-l'herrmites thing going on several times per week, though. It was worse than it had been for most of last week, lasting longer and tingling worse, but the past couple of days it has been more intermittent and lasting a shorter time than last week. One thing that seems good about the whole arm thing is that it seems to be getting the feeling back in the same order that I lost it. I first had sensation issues at the back of my neck and it moved towards my shoulder and then down my arm. I am getting sensation back in that same order.


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:30 pm
by moonwatcher
hi fulenn,

good updates! Glad you liked the potatoes adobo in the corn tortillas--that sounds yummy with the cilantro and salsa. I got lucky gathering some mushrooms today while out on our walk and may make a mushroom/sweet potato/ pineapple/salsa/greens "taco" this week. :)

That is really great about your symptoms being "less." I tend to see those things a lot. As with your example about your speech slurring, things like that might happen when I'm tired, but they are more subtle, and last less long. I think of it as a warning to rest, or to stop.

I'm pretty sure Dr. McDougall would say 15 percent rather than 15 grams. Dr. Swank was the "gram" counter where fat is concerned. I remember reading somewhere in later times he recommended keeping total fat to 20 and saturated fat less than 5 grams for best results. The McDougall Program bypasses that simply by eliminating oils, meat, dairy and high fat foods. When I'm tempted to indulge a little in higher fat things like olives :) I remember Dr. Swanks's measurements: 3 black olives equals 5 grams of fat. That's AT LEAST a quarter of your "fat" allowance for the day. 1/8 of an avocado is also 5 grams. That helps me not overdo on those things.

Interesting about the L'hermites type symptoms receding in the order they advanced. Our bodies are pretty amazing mysteries sometimes aren't they?


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:42 pm
by fulenn
Hi moonwatcher,

I just listened to the talk again and you are correct, it is less than 15%. Fortunately, without the higher fat foods, it is easy to stay within that. I hadn't heard the Swank measurements before. That really puts fat into perspective! When I did the Swank diet, I did what I could learn online; I have never read the book.

I am really interested in your mushroom gathering. I have always wanted to do that, but I don't know anyone who is knowledgeable about that and I am not willing to try it myself armed with just a book. lol Your taco idea sounds really good. I've found that I want to try more foods with fresh greens and veggies. Let me know how you like it.

Just to clarify my earlier information: the numbness that I had in my arm is what is receding in the order it occurred, but the l'hermittes thing is not doing that. But it is interesting, I think.


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:59 pm
by moonwatcher
Oh, I'm sorry I got that wrong, fulenn, mixing up the L'Hermites with the numbness in your arm. I am tired tonight, so mixing things up. :)

Yes, the mushroom gathering is magical. I really enjoy it. I have a neighbor who has done it for decades, and he helped me learn how to distinguish. Then I got a really good and fun book at the library called All That the Rain Promises and More by David Aurora. It's just a fun read--I highly recommend it if you are intrigued by mushroom gathering. I then got his big tome, Mushrooms Demystified. There's still a ton I don't know, but I've got the ones that grow around here (on lawns, under conifers) within walking distance down pretty good. But it IS important to know what to look for, and what to avoid. Fun to learn, too. Hope you get to try it out someday

I've made this taco before and it is awesome. I'm drying some of the mushrooms I gather because I find they help me with vitamin D and also cholesterol. When I eat them regularly they seem to have the same kind of effect as taking vitamin D supplements, only easier for me to assimilate. We'll see how it goes in the winter, though. Winter before last my levels got really really low--4.5--and I felt it. Last winter with supplementation at a relative low level I brought it up to 29. I just had it tested after about 3 months of no supplements--just mushrooms, dandelion root tincture (another good source) and sun--something I had avoided the previous summer because the burning pins and needles were more pronounced. This year I'm doing much better with getting sun. I think I'll be in much better shape for winter this year. And I'll know to eat mushrooms too. :) The supplements will be there "just in case."

I hope your L'hermites type symptoms lessen, too.


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:12 pm
by fulenn
I hope I wasn't rude about the numbness thing. I wasn't offended or anything, just wanted to be sure I was getting the information across correctly. My friends tell me that I come across as clinical and detached when I text and email others, so I make an effort to include the occasional smiley face and such. :)

That's really interesting about the vitamin D with you. I look forward to seeing how you do this winter.


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:25 am
by lmggallagher
Fuelenn: Just a small point from an observer - I don't think you've ever written anything here that could possibly be considered "clinical" or "detached", especially not those food lists :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds like all is going well too - Michelle :nod:

Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:40 am
by never give up
Hi Fulenn,
I heard Dr. McDougall talk recently and he mentioned the MS study participants complying with the test diet and that they had to keep their fat in that range, so I am doing it now, too.
Is that something new? If it is would you mind telling us where to find it when you get a chance? The only one I know of is the Advanced Study Weekend one done on Sept 11, 2012.

Hope you all are having a good day!

Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:16 am
by moonwatcher
hi fulenn,

You were fine--no worries about being rude. You did not come across that way at all. As a former writing instructor and writer I would say texting and e-mailing and posting on discussion forums and even blogging can have their "tone" challenges for sure. Sometimes the subtlties are lost, or distorted. I would say you handle those tone challenges quite well. You come across as kind, observant, careful in what you say. Inteligent. Thoughtful. Not clinical or detached. I'm not very adept wtih emoticons myself. But I try. :)

I really enjoy our exchanges. Thanks so much for spurring us all on!


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:53 am
by absgirl
am i doin something wrong?

im not gettin near the scale for a while cus i dont wanna know all i can say is that i feel kids say i look slmmer.

but i dont measure/track or watch any of my fat grams or anything. im just eating taters and the better for u foods....not eating or should i say devouring any hams or beef burgers, not using mayo milk or eggs. i have used a little strawberry jelly about a teaspoon and ive used a pinch of brown sugar.......should i be paying more attention?

im feeling really good, have more energy,spastisity is at the lowest i remember in a long time, im thinkin a lil better, and i even noticed my nails n hair r doin better,

should i be workin harder cus this seams aweful easy?

Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:12 pm
by fulenn
lmggallagher wrote:Fuelenn: Just a small point from an observer - I don't think you've ever written anything here that could possibly be considered "clinical" or "detached", especially not those food lists :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds like all is going well too - Michelle :nod:

Thank you! I guess watching how I write for a few years has paid off! :) I'll work on not worrying about it anymore....


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:15 pm
by fulenn
never give up wrote:Hi Fulenn,
I heard Dr. McDougall talk recently and he mentioned the MS study participants complying with the test diet and that they had to keep their fat in that range, so I am doing it now, too.
Is that something new? If it is would you mind telling us where to find it when you get a chance? The only one I know of is the Advanced Study Weekend one done on Sept 11, 2012.

Hope you all are having a good day!

I heard Dr. McDougall speak on a talk with Lani Muelrath. Here is a link to that broadcast: ... 1CLoTvDNXA


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:20 pm
by fulenn

It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong! I can be a bit obsessive about this eating to get rid of MS and that is why I was watching my grams of fat. I've only done it recently and will stop once I am confident that my current diet keeps the fat low enough.

I think that this way of eating SHOULD be easy and it is good that it is for you. I have had a bit of a struggle because for awhile my children wanted to eat what their friends eat and what I used to cook. It's been hard not hearing how wonderful dinner was, etc. But I am learning new stuff and they have learned that this is how we eat at home. I think I am a bit of a food addict, which explains part of my struggle. Anyway, you are seeing the results, which tells me that you are doing stuff that you should be.

Yea for you!!!


Re: Fulenn's MS page

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:26 pm
by fulenn
Today was mostly good, except I ate a piece of salami at a school activity. No one's fault except my own. Otherwise, I ate watermelon, rice pudding, couscous salad, blueberries, kale, collards, tofu eggless salad, more rice.

I did not walk or bike today. No nap either. MS symptoms are about the same as yesterday.

This is short, but it really was good, except for (you know). My classrooms (I have 2 in 2 different buildings in district) are slowly coming together. I have gone in and done about 1 hour of work each day for the past week and a half or so.

I am really enjoying the new MS journals by moonwatcher and absgirl, so if someone is reading my journal and hasn't seen them, go look.
