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Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:49 am
by Rosey
bunsofaluminum wrote:
Heh...I just looked at the health feature on my iPhone and found a step counter! I've had this phone for over a year and now I find it. Wow! Our weekend out "camping" I walked 8,222 steps, for 2.9 mi total on Saturday! no wonder my ankle hurt but DANG! how cool is that. Thanks for the tip, Rosey. :D

I used to have an iphone that app is good too but I don't remember it having the food tracking part of it like Samsung health does. Also love that Samsung can GPS track my walks and bike rides. I'm having fun with it. though right now I'm so slow going up hills that it tells me workout paused at points I"m working the hardest. grrrrr.....

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:53 am
by bunsofaluminum
Hey Rosey

At least you're GOING UP HILLS! woot!

So, yeah. It's mid-June and already I'm feeling twitchy from a busy summer schedule, and not having any alone time. It feels like my feet hit the floor running about a week ago, and I haven't stopped since. Camping preparations, camping, post-vacay chores and errands, apartment cleaning (for upcoming inspection), out to dinner and a concert tonight. And coming soon, a day trip with my daughter and grand-baby, a family reunion (potluck which means preparing a big pan of something to share), a wedding, Wylie wants to go visit a friend in Oregon in August, Wylie's b-day, my youngest child's b-day. In between the big stuff, helping at my mom's, preparing for a move (ANOTHER freaking move) in September...but I'm going to start culling now, which means my at-home time will be busy, as well.

And it's starting to wear on me. I have lots of energy, and so grateful that doing things doesn't wear me out like it used to, and so EXTREMELY grateful that I have people in my life lest I dwindle into my introspective solitude and never have any company or anything to do. But yeah. I know this about myself: If I have too many busy days in a row, without a down day, stress will build and I'll get cranky and depressed. And by down day I mean: Staying home all day, by myself in my jammies with tea, books, Netflix, Zentangle, and comfort food (something like dal over rice or mac and not-cheese) nearby. Yeah, I'll have to figure out a way to make this happen.

On the "food is boring" front. Yes, that's still happening. I was really hungry last night after my several post-work errands, and ate a plateful of rice and beans with spinach. But yesterday's lunch was simple spaghetti noodles with fat-free Ragu, and an apple. And I was satiated, and didn't get hungry again until like 7:30 pm. For brekkie I nuked a large sweet potato, sprinkled some soy sauce on it, some sugar snap peas, some grapes...and halfway through the sweet potato, I was done. :shock: It tasted okay, but I didn't need any more. It was enough. Maybe if it'd had a thick creamy sauce over it, or soaked with butter?

Maybe f00die's "Simple, humble food" is coming home to roost for me. But it also occurs to me, I started taking an alfalfa concentrate from Shaklee, about a month ago. I have a friend who has been a Shaklee member for decades, and she's told me about it many times, but I've never given it any thought. But with the aching knees, she mentioned this alfalfa complex that she's had success with HER bum knee, and it's not expensive. What the heck, right? So I started taking it as soon as my order arrived, and haven't noticed as much with the joint pain, but an end to cravings and the ability to stop when satiated...hmmm. I think it may be related.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:35 am
by bunsofaluminum
Thinking I need more sleep. Maybe that's part of the reason I'm a bit whiney about my busyness today.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:51 am
by Rosey
That sounds very busy. Where in Oregon? I'm in Salem. As for the being done maybe it's just your body saying your full at moment finish it later when your not full. At least that's how I feel about it when I get that feeling.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:55 am
by bunsofaluminum
Rosey wrote:That sounds very busy. Where in Oregon? I'm in Salem. As for the being done maybe it's just your body saying your full at moment finish it later when your not full. At least that's how I feel about it when I get that feeling.

Wylie's friend lives in Eugene, and I have a longtime friend in Bend, so we'd probably stop there. But we might not be doing it, since gas alone in that RV would be $400 one way, for today's gas prices. We might make a road trip of it in a rental, or the Subaru might actually be an option, though it's got a LOT of miles on it. It's all up to Wylie. Whatever he wants to do :) Salem is close to the coast, isn't it?

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:34 am
by Rosey
Wylie's friend lives in Eugene, and I have a longtime friend in Bend, so we'd probably stop there. But we might not be doing it, since gas alone in that RV would be $400 one way, for today's gas prices. We might make a road trip of it in a rental, or the Subaru might actually be an option, though it's got a LOT of miles on it. It's all up to Wylie. Whatever he wants to do :) Salem is close to the coast, isn't it?

My parents live in Eugene that's where I grew up. Salem is about an hour away from the beach. Already been there once since moving here. Wish it was more but just buying a house means thinking about how much I'm spending on gas. I'll be able to go more once we sell my Mustang<pout>(Doctor and Chiropractor told me not to drive stick shift anymore) We are going to replace it with a Prius laugh. Such different cars.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:37 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Yummy! I had the PLT for lunch, as mentioned on Morris's journal

wow! So flavorful, and I was quite doubtful about the basil...couldn't find any fresh, but I had a tube of recipe-ready Thai basil in the fridge, and used the rest of that, plus what I had left of dried basil in my pantry. WOW. The basil just MAKES that recipe. Along with that little pinch of red pepper flakes. DANG it's good. I spread it over whole wheat bread, both slices, and put tomato and lettuce in between. I'm not kidding, it has a real pesto flavor, but not heavy with oil. Just fresh and springlike. It has a tsp of salt in the recipe IIRR, and I used about half of that (I usually don't put any salt in while I'm fixing recipes) and when I tasted it I thought it was too much salt, but it wasn't. And I'm glad I did, because I didn't really want to salt my sandwich :lol:

edit: Oh! and I didn't use any nut butter, and I didn't put dijon mustard on the other slice of bread. Just pea spread. YUM

Going to add this one to my recipe box. :nod:

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:45 pm
by Rosey
That looks and sounds good. Now I'm going to have to try it. laugh.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:09 am
by bunsofaluminum
Oh baby, Chicago is SO good! They played for a solid two hours, segueing from song to song, just bringing this energy and skill! wow. When they say music in the 70's was better than music today, Chicago is one of the reasons for that. Their artistry is mind-boggling. I loved it!

Heh, now I've been to a Chicago concert! The opening act was REO Speedwagon, and they rocked it, too...old farts :lol: Oh, that was a hoot, as well...all the old people at the concert ;) But I'm telling you, high school in the 70's? There was no better time, music-wise. They don't make em like they used to.

I was pleased to find some very good compliant options at Red Lobster (where we went to eat before the concert; my treat, Wylie's choice ;) )... I had a baked potato without butter or sour cream, steamed broccoli, and an ear of corn. AND the biscuits :roll: which weren't that great. Seriously, what is the big deal? Oh, and a Caesar salad which I forgot to ask for no dressing. However, a lovely big potato with crispy jacket, a nice portion of broccoli, and delicious corn on the cob which I haven't had any of in a long time. I got full, and didn't "indulge" in shrimp or anything like that. I like eating at steak houses and seafood joints...they always have awesome sides :nod:

And for a while now there's nothing on the docket. Going to take it easy tonight (rest muh knees) and back to simple, humble food.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:05 am
by moonlight
bunsofaluminum wrote:Yummy! I had the PLT for lunch, as mentioned on Morris's journal

wow! So flavorful, and I was quite doubtful about the basil...couldn't find any fresh, but I had a tube of recipe-ready Thai basil in the fridge, and used the rest of that, plus what I had left of dried basil in my pantry. WOW. The basil just MAKES that recipe. Along with that little pinch of red pepper flakes. DANG it's good. I spread it over whole wheat bread, both slices, and put tomato and lettuce in between. I'm not kidding, it has a real pesto flavor, but not heavy with oil. Just fresh and springlike. It has a tsp of salt in the recipe IIRR, and I used about half of that (I usually don't put any salt in while I'm fixing recipes) and when I tasted it I thought it was too much salt, but it wasn't. And I'm glad I did, because I didn't really want to salt my sandwich :lol:

edit: Oh! and I didn't use any nut butter, and I didn't put dijon mustard on the other slice of bread. Just pea spread. YUM

Going to add this one to my recipe box. :nod:

Thanks for the recipe, Buns. I'm going to try this. I miss pesto with basil, nuts, olive oil, and parm cheese :(

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:33 am
by bunsofaluminum
well, I stepped on the scale this morning, and am down four lbs from the last time I weighed (which was two months ago). Down is good, but this morning I'm having a hard time drumming up enthusiasm even for weight lost. That concert on Tuesday was amazing, and I'm glad we went. But I should have gone to bed earlier last night, because I'm really tired this morning.

anyway...Four pounds! woot!

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:13 pm
by Qwerty988
Wooo hoooo!!! Congrats on the 4 pounds!! :-D

(I'm still fearing the scale :shock: )

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:10 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Qwerty988 wrote:Wooo hoooo!!! Congrats on the 4 pounds!! :-D

(I'm still fearing the scale :shock: )

thanks qwerty. It is good news, and I'm hoping it continues downward. I want to start feeling my clothing fitting better, or loose! that would be da bomb. I don't like the scale either. Weight loss is much more complicated than a number, with adjustments taking place internally that could mean a slow down, or stopping of the number. "Plateau"...well, our bodies are complex. I enjoy the other benefits, so the number isn't as important. In fact, one of my favorite pictures is a "before and after" series, a slender young woman with a weight of 128 lbs. As she gets trimmer and smaller, her weight goes up, and the "after" pic is like 142 or something...because muscle is more dense than fat. Still, it's kinda neat when it's down and stays down.

Stomach/intestine issues yesterday, and achy, tired. Went home from work, and slept and feeling quite a bit better today, but really glad there is a weekend coming up. Eating is good. I'm over 85% in compliance in my meals. The weekdays go really well, and I've gotten my weekends under control with the calorie counting. I usually still have a treat of some kind, but it doesn't get into a feeding frenzy like it has, and sometimes I forego it altogether, due to high calories. I won't be counting calories for long. I'm the type to get pulled in and make it a hyper-focus thing and I DON'T want to go there, not with food.

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:49 am
by bunsofaluminum
It's Monday, and I have a very reasonable weekend behind me. Saturday was super, blood draw, and lunch out with my youngest (I fasted breakfast, and went to the movie, then to the lab..."Won't You Be My Neighbor"... sweet, lovely movie about Mr. Rogers. ... then to lunch which was Sizzler where I got the salad bar, and asked for a plain baked potato, no butter or sourcream. I opened it up on a plate, and then piled the salad on top! This is a VERY GOOD, filling, compliant meal OUT AT A RESTAURANT!

Then, in the afternoon, my oldest daughter invited me to come hang out. She and a handful of her friends were going out for ice cream and then to the park. I got an ice water, and enjoyed my little feller. He loved being in the ice cream shop, and I loved following him around everywhere LOL So Saturday was cram packed with activity and people. On Sunday I stayed home, in my jammies, until 2:00 pm :-D which was lovely. Then a get together with some friends over Zentangle which was fun, as always. Then home and more relaxation. And I went to bed at 9:00 :shock: which was lovely. I fell asleep pretty fast and didn't wake up until about 5:45.

My eating was moderate, though I did have a scrambled egg samwich Sunday morning. Otherwise, pretty good compliance. I'd say 85% or more on target. :nod: This is a huge improvement over the "feasting" that has been my habit recently.

Still really feeling like I need several "alone time" days. Like, several days in a row with no one else around. Not just during the day, but sleeping alone as well. But Wylie is in my life and I am super appreciative and grateful for that. I'd rather be in life with him than not.

Maybe a retreat for me. ???

Re: Buns Again

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:55 am
by bunsofaluminum
Oof, I had a couple of drinks last night and today I feel bloated and SO fat. I might sip on a cocktail, or have a beer once in a while, but no more getting drunk. :duh: Not hungover, just blech feeling.

but when I get home from work today, I'll get in the pool for a half hour zero-impact exercise :nod: that'll feel good.