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Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:10 am
by Artista
Report for Saturday...
B: green tea, part of an orange, blueberries, oats, buckwheat groats, 1/2 banana
S: apple
L: 1/2 sweet potato, kale, collards, rice, broccoli
S: 2 kiwis, carrots
D: sweet potato, split pea soup, broccoli, apple
Meditation: 20 min.
Exercise: none

And Sunday—
B: green tea, 1/2 grapefruit, oats, buckwheat groats, blueberries, 1/2 banana, 1 T. ground flaxseed
S: Apple
L: split pea soup, kale & collards, leftovers (rice, broccoli, beans, mixed vegetables)
S: carrots, tea, apple, a few slices of sweet potato
D: homemade marinara sauce with mushrooms and chickpeas, potato, broccoli
Meditation: 20 min.
Exercise: 60 min. brisk walking

I've been doing better with guideline #9, not starving and not stuffing. Also, I've been thinking about the Get a Life post, wondering if I spend too much time reading and thinking about diet and nutrition. I don't spend as much time worrying about diet and nutrition as I used to. I feel confident that I've found the solution and now I just need to live in it for years and years. I have a lot of painting to do to prepare for a show coming up so I have other things to do besides spending time on the Internet. I enjoy reading the Discussion Forum posts and the accountability has helped me stay on track. I'm sure there will always be something new to learn and I enjoy hearing from others who are following this diet and lifestyle. When I was first transitioning to a plant-based diet, I spent a lot of time reading and listening to plant-based doctors, dietitians, and people experiencing success. It was very valuable in helping me to remember why this was a good choice and to stay on track when it was difficult. But maybe it's time for more balance.

So good to see everyone's success. :)

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:51 am
by Zoey
Well, I've never been accused of being late to a party, but there's a first time for everything. May I join in? I've been keeping a personal journal, but this looks much more fun.
My main goal is to lose the ten pounds I've gained due to overindulgence in my weaknesses, crackers and dark chocolate. I really wish I had a more extravagant weakness than crackers, but facts are facts. I'm also a volume eater, which is why I need to get back on track with the real food meals and stay away from snacks in a box.
I'm off to a very enjoyable start this year, and this morning's weight was 146.
I had some grapes and pomegranate seeds when I got up this morning. I just now ate a piece of whole grain toast, and I'm getting ready to head out for my four mile walk/jog.
It looks like everyone is doing great!

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:03 pm
by AnnetteW
My evening check-in. We'll see if I can stick to an evening posting here and a morning posting in my own journal.

Today was a fine day and on track.

Breakfast - 7 grain cereal, banana, soymilk
Lunch - large salad, 2 potatoes airfried into fries and ketchup (it's really too sweet now)
Snack - none
Dinner - fresh homemade sourdough bread (yes, about 3 good sized chunks) and a small bowl of bean salad (with tomatoes and Kale)
Exercise - yoga class, upper body weight

Heading out to Hula Hoop class in just a bit.

I kept myself busy this afternoon cutting wood boards for my stairs that are being reworked. And I did a little sewing.

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:38 pm
by Aprincess
Hello All,

Here is my day -

B: Banana and a couple of baby red potatoes
L: My huge chopped salad with lots of veggies, rice, navy beans, apple and peach flavored vinegar
S: small bowl of leftover instant pot potato soup
D: roasted veggies, and instant pot Mediterranean Rice
S: Banana

No exercise yet. My leg feels good so tomorrow we are going to LA Fitness. I think it will be ok.

~ Amy

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:44 pm
by moonlight
Zoey wrote:Well, I've never been accused of being late to a party, but there's a first time for everything. May I join in? I've been keeping a personal journal, but this looks much more fun.
My main goal is to lose the ten pounds I've gained due to overindulgence in my weaknesses, crackers and dark chocolate. I really wish I had a more extravagant weakness than crackers, but facts are facts. I'm also a volume eater, which is why I need to get back on track with the real food meals and stay away from snacks in a box.
I'm off to a very enjoyable start this year, and this morning's weight was 146.
I had some grapes and pomegranate seeds when I got up this morning. I just now ate a piece of whole grain toast, and I'm getting ready to head out for my four mile walk/jog.
It looks like everyone is doing great!

Welcome! Good for you to decide to reel-in the eating. Crackers are a huge weakness of mine, too! If I know they are in the house, I can’t sleep until they are all eaten. :shock:

Amy, I hope your leg feels better real soon. Take it easy so it can heal. :) Your food sounds good. I’m roasting veggies for dinner, too. YUM!

I managed to get in 45 minutes of exercise today. I used to be so energetic... Hopefully, I’ll find my way back there soon.

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:44 pm
by Aprincess
AnnetteW wrote:Exercise - yoga class, upper body weight

Heading out to Hula Hoop class in just a bit.

I kept myself busy this afternoon cutting wood boards for my stairs that are being reworked. And I did a little sewing.

Wow, you’re so active! Good job! I’m dealing with some hip/knee/muscle issues but I think it’s pretty healed now. I’m going to the gym tomorrow.

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:19 pm
by Lyndzie
Well, yesterday was a mess food-wise. At one point my husband came into the kitchen perplexed and said, “What are you doing?!” because of how odd my food choices were. Later in the day he teased me that he was going to report me “for being a fraud,” haha. Seriously, I never claimed to be perfect!

Fortunately today is back on. Ate a lot early on, two big bowls of pasta, but that has held me the rest of the day. Tomorrow night is taco night, which is always delicious.

Welcome, Zoey!

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 11:40 pm
by Ejeff
Glad no blood sugar crash Serene. Good day for me, did a 2.5 hour hike and the day seemed to go by very fast.

S: 3 healthy cookies
L: brown rice, bok choy, soya sauce
S: compliant crackers
D: veggie soup over baked potato
S: Oats with walnuts and frozen blueberries

I’ve been having a later evening snack last couple of days. I’ve been sleeping better so maybe I need it not sure yet. As long as it’s compliant I think it’s okay.

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:51 am
by Artista
B: cereal of mixed whole grains, 1/2 banana, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 T. flaxseeds
S: apple
L: Kale, collards, potato with mushroom chickpea marinara sauce
D: corn, sweet potato, mixed raw and cooked vegetables
Meditation: 17 min.
Exercise: yoga 1 hr., elliptical 17 min.

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:50 am
by bunsofaluminum
Doing fantastic with food!

Looking at the vending machine at work, not one thing even remotely tempted me. Not that it usually does, but sometimes the fact that something sweet is available for a buck right there calls to me. Not currently :) Chocolate cravings are even down!

D: not chicken soup; a few mouthfuls of lentil stew
B: grits with berries; coffee w.non dairy creamer
L: lentil stew over potatoes

Exercise: 15 minutes Easy Breezy Yoga
Meditation: 25 minutes with meditation sounds and music last night

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:21 am
by Zoey
Thanks moonlight and Lyndzie!

So yesterday I had fruit for breakfast and a piece toast for lunch. Last night I fixed a huge bowl of cauliflower, broccoli, and mushrooms, with a side of air-fried fries (like AnnetteW). It was so good I'm planning on doing the same tonight. Of course the off-plan goodies were a glass of red wine and two pieces of Russell Stover chocolates from Christmas.
I got my four miles in. And today is a soggy mess outside, and it would be easier to not go to the park. But now I have to report to y'all tomorrow, so I better get myself out there!
Oh yeah, speaking of reports, 145.6 this morning.
Happy Tuesday!

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:11 pm
by AnnetteW
I'm still just off track. Did fine with oats/fruit for breakfast, but came home hungry at lunch time and while my lunch was cooking I found some chocolate and nuts. Then after lunch I was still feeling munchy and I ate cookies. Seriously? I haven't had cookies in 10 months. Well, now they are gone.

Dinner was a chunk of bread with hummus and leftover Indian Potato salad from the latest FOK magazine. It's yummy.

Heading out to dance class in a bit so don't want too much food in the belly.

Thankfully tomorrow is always another day.

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:08 pm
by Aprincess
Good day today!

B: I was in a hurry so I popped in the last of the potato soup I made the other day. Then out the door.
L: Huge salad with oat groats, garbanzo beans, oranges, etc..
D: Leftovers from last night - Mediterranean rice, roasted roots, and sautéed mushrooms and onions
S: will be a banana if I get hungry between now and bedtime.

AND, tada! I went to the gym and my leg held up just fine. Of course, I did take it easy as I haven’t exercised much in the last 2 months.

5 min elliptical
10 min treadmill at 2.6 mph
15 min recumbent bike

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:54 am
by bunsofaluminum
serene wrote:Sure is easy to keep from snacking when you're incredibly busy at work! My favorite food today was the mixed greens cooked in veg broth with garlic and mustard seed.

Don't you love it? Post holiday work explosion!

D: lentil stew
B: broccoli oats; oranges
L: Lentil stew

Exercise: 25 minutes yoga
Meditation: practiced my Victory Breath on my way to work

seems like noticing my breath is going to be the foundation to my yoga, and being very gentle to my body. That feels a lot better.

Re: Mutual Accountability

PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:48 am
by Ejeff
Good day yesterday although went quite overboard on late night snacking. Exercise was 2 hours pickleball. Learning to play bridge too which is fun.

L: pasta with veggie marinara sauce and black olives
D: salad with iceberg, kale, red onion, corn, rice, chickpeas lemon dressing. Apple
S: taco chips with salsa made from 2 tomatoes, olives and spicy green tomatillo. Banana with too much peanut butter

Today no late evening snack is the plan. Don’t want it to become a new unnecessary habit.