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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:49 am
by moonwatcher
hi nicoles,

I laughed out loud for several minutes at your blood pressure story at the end of this post! Thanks! What a great way to start the morning!

And thanks for the updates about your in-laws. I think my son's girlfriend's Dad does that, too. He's very serious and sort of fake sincere when eating with us, but then I know he makes fun of it later, when he's with Kelly's sister and they are eating SAD. Last Christmas Kelly made them all black bean burgers, which they liked--with bacon added!! But this year, the sister and brother-in-law invited her and Mike over for a vegan dinner they made. So they tried.

That is great about your MIL! I'll hold a good thought she stays with it. And even if he doesn't, it will be hard for your FIL to forget what Dr. Esselstyn says if he really does read the book. That book is the bomb[b][/b], as the skateboarders used to say. :) Pretty hard to shrug off. Maybe that's why one of my friends decided not to finish it! :lol:

Glad you guys are holding up okay. And whatever happens, I wish all of you the best through this challenging time of life.



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:39 pm
by nicoles
Hey Moonwatcher! Glad you got a kick out of the BP story! I know I did. In fact, it's my go-to thought when I get overwhelmed over the last few days. :-D

Yes, I think the Esselstyn book is hard to ignore. We are hoping he'll finish it, and it seems like he is really reading it, too.

Thank you for the support and wishes. You are so very sweet!

The Saga Continues...But it Ain't So Bad!

So we left the in-laws in the hands of my MIL's very spry and healthy older sister (78 years young!) who was able-bodied enough to demonstrate how her husband collapses to the floor in pain when he has an angina attack (side benefit of this demo - scaring my FIL into healthy choices, we hope) and then hop right back up and continue vacuuming.

Apparently they have been eating vegan and on-plan ever since. On their own! and MIL's sister is too, just to be polite, we imagine. But still! MIL even called from WF's yesterday because she could not find the Health Starts Here no-oil options at the deli counter. (Yes, she could have asked someone who works there, but she has come cognitive difficulties) This is unprecedented commitment. Perhaps FIL was snowing my SIL about eating meat, instead of us about not eating meat and dairy. Or maybe Esselstyn's book is sinking in. Who knows?

All we know is the two of them seem to have switched from each other's biggest poor-eating-habits enablers to each other's health police, since they are both concerned about the other's poor health and diet so much.

To make things more overwhelming for DH and I personally, my parents are visiting this week - they came in Monday - DH got two job interviews, both for jobs that could really help us get out of the debt-pit, and I got two new commissions (I paint portraits.)

Plus the cats peed all over everything because they don't handle visitors well. :lol: :lol: :lol:

DH and I are holding up though! Healthy eating has more benefits than just reducing cholesterol. We are far less stressed, despite the stress, if you know what I mean.

Also - A Marker, A Milestone, A Moment in Time

About a year ago, I had a really big flare up of the arthritis. And in fact, I wrote (via Speech Recognition, on that day, no typing possible) in my regular journal - not this one -on Sept 18th 2011 -

"Today is the worst I have felt since I don't know when. All I can do is lie here, in agony, watching Netflix streaming all day. I can't walk. I can't make food. I have to wait for Mike to come home to feed me. I can't bathe. Life seems like it is not worth living right now."

Aside from the fact that I tend toward a bit of self-pity and melodrama (character trait I try to minimize in this journal since it is tiresome and a downer for others) reading that entry yesterday made yesterday such a better day!

Yesterday, in the midst of running around, I got stuck on the way to the post office to mail a portrait. Why? Well, because there was construction in the parking lot, therefore no spaces, and someone had decided to just park their car on the very narrow, one-way, single exit detour route to EAT AN ENTIRE ICE CREAM CONE!!! Someone who did not respond to polite honks or me just getting out of the car and asking her to please get out of the way.

In short, someone infuriating.

I went back to my car, and in typical melodrama-of-the-moment mode, began to get really upset about how LIFE was all about GETTING in MY WAY. Me-PERSONALLY!

And then I remembered a year ago yesterday and I just laughed out loud in the car, my tension gone. My whole perspective changed. I was struck by how thankful I was to be able to be driving, running around, and handling all the stuff that has been going on. I was ready for that lady to eat 5 ice cream cones while I sat there and enjoyed the day :-D

Yes I was overwhelmed and veeerrry tired yesterday, but that was all for good reason! Stress and no sleep! A year ago yesterday I could not walk. I was bedridden. I was utterly dejected, even though I was tenaciously hanging on to not giving up (I am very stubborn, thankfully in this case.)

My Parents

My parents have been eating this way for about a year and a half, after my Dad was diagnosed with A-Fib and pre-diabetes. A-fib is still an issue, but the pre-diabetes is gone and his a-fib is not very bad.

They have both lost weight, of course, and gotten much healthier. But I had no idea how healthy!

We went for a walk yesterday afternoon, and then sat in a shaded spot in a park with a lap pool. My Mom went over to watch a kids swimming class, and apparently the kids who were not swimming were doing push ups and lunges. How do I know? Well, she came over and showed us with some push-ups and lunges of her own!

I was blown away. She started exercising! I had no idea, and let me tell you, this is a woman who has looked down her nose at exercise her whole life!

I am so glad to see them really looking out for their own health. The contrast between them and DH's parents is stark, and they are just a couple of years younger.

Life is very interesting. So full of turns you never expect.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:13 pm
by nicoles
I am glad they are researching more about psoriasis and psoriatic disease, but it just seems like this will lead to more medications that will cause more harm on top of good.

But maybe the information they learned about the different chemical reactions of the skin to wounds will lead to some specific nutritional understanding as well!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:31 pm
by moonwatcher
Oh nicoles, thanks for this post, I really enjoyed it so much. I was smiling all over with you about your realization of where you were a year ago--wonderful! And so great to hear about both sets of parents. Hopefully all are on their way.

Thanks, great read, great perspective. I do think eating this way helps such perspective become more available. Hooray! Even in the midst of craziness like you're going through. Do take care, and keep laughing!


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:49 am
by nicoles
Thank you, Moonwatcher!! I am glad it was good to read. It was good to experience! :-D

In-Laws are still going strong on diet, all on their own. Looks more and more like they are taking it seriously and doing it for themselves, as opposed to "trying" it kicking and screaming like they have been for the last 2 years (but only when we were over for dinner, LOL.)

FIL has lost 6 pounds and has the OK from two of his doctors. MIL has lost 7 pounds and also has the M.D.-approved OK. So we shall see.

I am definitely curious to see what happens.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:31 am
by moonwatcher
That is really great to hear, nicoles. Keep us posted! Maybe this was the wake up call that they really "heard." I know that from my teaching days. You say the same things over and over in different forms and styles, and you never know when that dawn is going to break on a student's face when things come together for them and they "get it." :-)

By the way, very cool and interesting that you paint portraits. I have a lovely friend who is a watercolorist that I met walking on the Paradise Creek trail here with Romeo. She is coming over today to take our picture. i think she wants to paint us from a photograph. She really likes painting people. I am a bit nervous because I am not usually very photogenic, unless my son Mike is taking the picture. So I may be having a new adventure today. :)


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:52 pm
by fulenn
That woman who parked to eat ice cream makes me wish that we could have heat-seeking missiles on the front of our cars. Well, just me and a few

Well, maybe something a little less destructive, but you know what I'm saying.

So glad the in-laws have found their own motivation. I hope they stick with it enough to really get the benefits out of it.


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:01 pm
by moonwatcher
heat seeking missiles for the few? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:22 am
by nicoles
fulenn wrote:That woman who parked to eat ice cream makes me wish that we could have heat-seeking missiles on the front of our cars. Well, just me and a few

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Or ice-cream seeking missiles?

We live in a neighborhood inhabited by many VERY self-absorbed people, mostly in their early twenties and mostly from serious wealth, as far as I can tell. Is this perhaps GenY, the entitled generation? I don't know.

Friday night, we were awakened by the 20-somethings in the building next door coming home from the bars at 2 am, and then talking (yelling, really) about the Ectasy trip they all were on. We had to call the cops, like we usually do on the weekends, and many times on weeknights.

On Saturday night, we were coming home after getting up a 4:00 am to drive my folks to the airport, then we went home and did a bunch of chores, then we drove up to the in-laws 30 miles away to check up/help (they are doing GREAT! Fully on board, likely for life as they are talking about it. I feel like we have suddenly shifted to a new dimension.)

It was about 11 pm and we were BEAT!

Then some 20-something kids in a BIG pick-up truck in front of us decided to do the most WACK parking job - and ended up horizontally stuck across the road in front of us. Clearly they were drunk and coming home for more partying.

We were 1 block away from our place.

It took them about 20 minutes to finally get out of the way. Everyone on either side of them was honking, including us.

This young lady in a sparkly dress and giant heels gets out and starts screaming at everyone who is honking to "Relax and get a life, you losers!!!"

I gotta be honest. I lost my temper.

I got over it pretty fast, but seriously, we live in an area where it seems like everyone is hoping to be "discovered" for a reality TV show. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The In Laws

What can I say? Life is full of surprises.

We went back up on Sunday again to help, and FIL was talking about definitely not having any meat for Thanksgiving, and how he was giving himself the first goal of making it for 3 months, because saying "never" or "forever" was too much to handle. If this sounds half-hearted, allow me to reassure -this approach means he really wants to do it for the rest of his life, but he needs to be realistic about pacing himself emotionally.

MIL is already mentally sharper and easier to relate to - her ADHD is abating and she is much more "there" cognitively than I have ever seen her.

MIL also went to the store with us and was walking so fast in that supermarket it was hard to keep up! She uses a cane, but she has barely been able to walk for years because of lots of health reasons. DH and I were saying later she was walking the way she used to reserve only for getting to the dessert table at weddings, only now she was heading for bulk popcorn and strawberries!

It's just great. I am so happy for them and for DH!

Yay!!! :-D

Edited to Add

I totally forgot to mention - M/FIL have been talking this diet up and they already have a few friends and relatives as potential converts. MIL's sister who stayed with them for a few days came in saying "No way!" with a bag of her own meat and food, but left saying "I think I'll eat this way now - it is so good!" and they have a few friends from church with heart disease who are interested as well!!

And - this is funny - they went to FIL's and MIL's respective MDs last week to check up on meds and run the diet by them - all Dr.s are fully supportive, and FIL's DR - named Dr Turnipseed, appropriately enough - is a vegan and was so excited about their switch he lent them a few of his favorite cookbooks!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:51 pm
by moonwatcher
HI nicoles,

Wow, this is so wonderful to read about your in-laws and how the effects are spreading. Thanks so much.

Ice cream seeking missiles??? Here I go again :lol: :lol: :lol:

And, I have to confess, living in a college neighborhood which sports plenty of drunken young princes and princesses in the wee hours of the morning, I laughed out loud at the young woman in her sparkly dress and heels yelling at everyone else to get a life!! But then again, I was not waiting in any of the cars. I have had to call the cops, too. For a couple of years there were two boys who would fling garbage cans over the fence into my yard. Ironically, they eventually "graduated" and are probably now flinging them someplace else. Geez. :eek: I try to keep a sense of humor--like the time Romeo and I were walking down the street and spotted my old rattan love seat on the roof of a car near the corner--but it can be a challenge. ;)

Really enjoyed the updates. Always great to hear good news about this way of eating!



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:53 pm
by lmggallagher
Hi Nicole:

I've been away from your posts for awhile as I have been super, crazy busy and then sick all over again. Anyway, I cancelled all my stuff today to just have a pity party with my antibiotics and herbal tea - and to catch up on what's been happening in your world.

When I left off your FIL was in the completely mocking this WOE mode and I am stunned to return to find that he and MIL are converts. I am hoping that they can keep with it - but from all the improvements that have happened - like the cognitive changes and the walking speed of your MIL - I doubt they can think of reversing the good progress.

Plus - how fantastic that they have supportive Doc's!!!! My Doc recommends cookbooks too and I think that is one of the biggest blessings ever. I have recommended the diet to family members as well - but when the cardiac specialist says the diet WOULD NOT be good - that's the deal breaker (based on what I wonder - especially because they're all in Ornish territory!!!).

It all depends if its a med facility that support preventative care. Most of my elderly family also has very expensive care of specialists that are mostly older Doc's themselves. These are not the supportive or recently educated types, so I am done for even mentioning it to them.

To me it just seems like a miracle that this has happened - along with the comparison you just made with where you were last September. Right now I am hoping that I can look back on this September the same way - but today I feel like just shoot me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Glad things are getting brighter for you - it seems like on all fronts. Hoping your DH gets one of those jobs too :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:00 pm
by nicoles
Ha! Moonwatcher : "princes and princesses" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I wonder when life makes them wake up to the fact that they are not actually royalty? Perhaps never, if Mommy and Daddy are rich.

I ususally don't lose my temper about it, just that one night it got to me on top of being tired and on top of everything else. I guess it was the contrast of us being so responsible and sparkly-girl being so...not that :lol:

Moonwatcher and Michelle, I know isn't it crazy? We feel pretty blindsided by the miraculous-ness and rapidity of it as well.

What is up with Cardiac MD's not supporting the dietary change, right? We were nervous about what their MDs would say, but thank goodness they were as supportive as they are.

Michelle, I feel more and more sure that this episode you are having is a healing thing. Of course, what do I know, but after reading your journal, and the symptoms, it just feels like it.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:50 pm
by moonwatcher
HI nicoles,

Well, I don't know, but I just like calling them that. I used to teach them, so I have kind of a soft spot, but man, they can be a real pain in the butt, too. Especially drunk. So understandable that you lost your temper.

I second your thoughts about Michelle and a healing crisis. It's good you have so many specific things to offer. My periods like that are a blur in some ways, and then I find something in my journal that seems to speak to it, so I remember in that way. I always have good food for thought when I read what you write. And I learn and feel supported from everyone in our "conversations." Thanks!


Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:21 am
by nicoles
Moonwatcher - I'd love to have a soft spot for some of them! Maybe I'll do a lovingkindness meditation towards them all. After all, are they not the definition of Hungry Ghosts in many ways? :)

Yes, healing crises are pretty real, as far as I can tell. A good sign in many ways, if not a fun experience at all. And so demoralizing in the midst of it.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:00 pm
by nicoles
Yay! My DH got the job, and the salary is about a 10% increase on his current, which helps, if not solves, our financial issues.

Also, the location of the job opens up some new neighborhood possibilities, in terms of loudness and price. We might be able to get a cheaper place in a quieter area now, without him having to commute 1.5 hours each way.

All good.

Personally, I am tired today. The stress and tumult of the last couple of weeks has caught up with me, and I need a nap! :lol: