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Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:36 pm
by Chile
Oh, I feel for ya'll cleaning out your FIL's house. That cannot be easy, especially as his passing was so recent. And yes, the grief comes and goes, never on a schedule. The weirdest things would trigger mine for my mom, even years after she was gone.

Give yourselves extra pampering, which does not necessarily have to mean beer. ;-)


Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:55 pm
by nomikins
Thanks, Chile, no beer here! :lol:

Had a nice salad and a reasonable portion of pressure cooked pasta for dinner. Working on more work stuff - it's never ending.

Hubby is in his workshop, building some type of rack for his music studio, blah, blah, blah, greek to me. :lol:

Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:59 am
by nomikins
I've been enjoying my taters and veggie soup for days. Working all day and then working on FIL's house, I am not getting up to walk/run. OK, will get right back to that!

Weight is dropping slowly. Feeling groovy. My mom is coming down today, and I'm looking forward to lots of McDoually meals with her.

Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:40 pm
by nomikins
Hey Kids - not a lot of time to post. Still doing the house cleanout for FIL - we are 90% done. Not putting myself first and putting ALL my energy and effort into FIL's care took it's toll over the past year. My cholesterol went up to 194. Last year, it was 156. DH has TERRIBLE numbers - everything was high. It was the wakeup call for him I think he will finally heed.

I severely injured myself - cut a little slice off my right ring finger with a mandoline - while prepping spuds for McD friendly microwave potato chips! It bled for two hours when I finally broke down and had DH take me to the ER. It could not be stiched, but they put a hemostatic dressing on it, which finally got the bleeding to stop. Then I got a nice little prescription for percocet, which I was on for a solid 30 hours - yes, the pain was that bad.

Fortunately, I am healing nicely, and the wound looks better by the day. I am using oil of oregano to support the healing and have avoided any infection.

Be careful with sharp objects and always use the safety features!

Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:42 pm
by Loveskale
Ouch- I can't count how many times I've hurt myself in the kitchen because I wasn't being careful. I've even had to go to the ER a couple of times.

Feel better soon Nomikins.

Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:20 pm
by Chile
I winced just reading that, Nomikins! Glad to hear it's healing up and can sure believe it hurt like a dickens. Good luck on finishing on your FIL's house. Hopefully that will relieve some of the stress for both of you.

Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:25 am
by nomikins
Well, there is a sliver of light at the end of the tunnel. As of last evening, about 99% of the remaining items at FIL's house were moved to the garage. Finishing up tonight and then vaccuuming and cleaning of the baseboards in preparation for painting. My BIL still lives there, but he is mostly packed to move and will start his lease at a nearby apartment on December 1. Then, we can have the rugs cleaned, sell the place and close the book on this painful chapter.

Last night, DH and I went out to catch some live music - on a worknight! I'm happy to say that our first stop was a coffee shop, and I got an apple. Then, at the bar, I had NOTHING. Just enjoyed the music. I really was not even tempted to have a drink, so yay me (and DH, he didn't get a drink either). Had a "midnight" snack of a cup of oatmeal.

DH and I sit down and eat breakfast together again. I bought a fifty pound bag of steel cut oats (which I repacked in vaccuum sealed bags, stored in the freezer a few days to kill any weevils, now stored in the pantry).

Gonna eat leftover veggies and rice for lunch, and making smashed potatoes and curry veggies for dinner.

Re: Nomikins puts herself FIRST

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:28 am
by nomikins
Debbie. wrote:I remember asking on FB, was the meal at least worth the finger tip?! :lol: someone else feom the boards did the something once. She said it hurt like heck too.

LOL! I have to say, yes. In fact, we ate before we left for the ER. :lol:

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:42 am
by sksamboots
Sounds like a good plan today. Keep at it :nod:

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:24 am
by nomikins
My mangled finger has now healed enough that I can stand to type, so I'll be able to post more again.

Happy Monday! :D

Steel cut oats, anyone?

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:23 am
by Starchyme
That's great news about your finger, Nomikins.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:41 am
by nomikins
I'm joining Mike T's Holiday Excursion. Time to get the success train rolling again. Alll aboard!

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:20 am
by blondie
HI nomikins,
Glad to read that your finger is better! See ya on the holiday express! :-)

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:08 am
by nomikins
Thanks for the good wishes for my healing. Overall, there is no pain, but if I bump into something, it feels "off". Still repairing! It has been two weeks since the injury. I decided to heal quickly and well. I took homeopathic medication, oil of oregano, and used really amped up nutrition (lots of McD food) to heal faster. of course, I was fastidious about changing the dressing and keeping the wound clean. It's remarkable how good it looks now. No need for bandages any longer. I'm just glad I was using the thinnest setting on the mandoline, and not the thick cut! :duh: :eek: :shock:

OK, I think savory steel cut oats are my new favorite power breakkie. Oats, veggies, salsa, and a tbsp. nutritional yeast = yum. I'm not a huge sugar person, and sometimes I get a stomach ache if I eat sugar first thing in the morning. Don't fear the savory oat! It's just another grain.

Re: Nomikins On the Path

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:39 am
by Anna Green
Hey Nomikins!!! Good to see you and glad you are healing. I'm hopping aboard the success train with you! Ok, barf, but really!

What veggies in your oats?