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Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:48 pm
by blondie
Dissolution wrote:It's weird, some days I try to eat light in hopes of getting the scale to move. More often than not it doesn't really work. Then some days I say the hell with it, stay on plan but eat "more than I should", and the next day the scale drops by 2 pounds.

That has been my experience too, when I eat lots and lots of on-plan food, I seem to lose better.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:35 pm
by lmggallagher
Here's a question, maybe there isn't a more than we should? Seems that when I eat to my level of hunger, it's way more than I am used to, but the weight does seem to come off - when I am sure that I have just pigged out. Interesting it seems to be that way for all three of us.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:30 pm
by Dissolution
Spent most of the day today with the wife at the Master Chef auditions in Washington DC. It was interesting. Gordon Ramsay seems like a very nice guy, and the wife says he is "way hotter" in person.

The day started early and I ate breakfast (oatmeal) around 5:30 this morning. I took an apple with me and ate that around 9:00 am. We didn't get anywhere to eat until almost 4:00 pm. All four of our adult sons had come along to support their Mom. We wound up eating at Golden Corral.

Wow, was I hungry! I stayed on plan (at least in spirit). I found myself asking if it was possible to get a multi-grain roll that had not been saturated with margarine (it was not, therefore I did not have one). Still though I ate a LOT of food. It will be interesting what the scale says int he morning....I'm scared.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:07 am
by fulenn
lmggallagher wrote:Here's a question, maybe there isn't a more than we should? Seems that when I eat to my level of hunger, it's way more than I am used to, but the weight does seem to come off - when I am sure that I have just pigged out. Interesting it seems to be that way for all three of us.

I've had the same experience. Maybe it lets our bodies know that we aren't starving and there are plenty of calories still coming in?


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:03 am
by Dissolution
Well...I was actually down a pound after yesterday.

Maybe it had something to do with standing around outside in chilly weather for 7 hours.

Maybe it's more about "what" than "how much".

I've never really spoken to other over eaters about what I call "the beast". I guess others have it, most probably don't name it. When "the beast" would take over, I did some pretty horrible things. Like eating full meals at two different fast food restaurants, within an hour or less each other. Hell, "the beast" would stop by one taco bell on the way to work (at lunchtime), and then stop by a second so that I didn't feel embarrassed by how much food I was ordering.

So on days like yesterday when I get a glimpse of "the beast" it scares me. But maybe "the beast" is vegan now, so it's not as bad.

Yesterday "the beast" ate: Spinach and romaine salad with carrots and tomatoes topped with uncooked salsa. 1 baked potato, 2 sweet potatoes. Spanish rice with re-fried beans (probably not vegan) and salsa. Broccoli, brussels sprouts and a bowl of fresh and canned fruit.

Most doctors will tell you that weight loss is simply a matter of calories burned vs. calories consumed. Have any of you ever done the weight watchers points system? I tried that earlier this year, my Mother and Sister have both had good success with it. I was given 54 points a day, and for the first week I kept pretty close to that limit. I put on 4 pounds. The next week I kept it under 40 points a day, and lost nothing. Yes I was weighing everything and wasn't cheating, but I WAS eating the wrong foods (meat and dairy).

I guess the reason I seem so surprised with the weight loss this WOE provides is because I didn't come to it to lose weight, although it surely needed to happen. I began this WOE to try and not die from heart disease before I turn 50.

So I will try to concern myself more with the "what" than the "how much".

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:56 am
by Melinda
Sounds like you are doing great! And you made the best of a bad situation (starving!) by sticking to healthy foods!

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:57 pm
by Chris_Alice
WOW what a journey! Thank you for sharing.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:00 pm
by Dissolution
So my cardiologist appointment is Friday, whet to get blood drawn for my lab work today. Should get my lipid profile back in a couple of days, I'm cautiously optimistic. I know my diet has been pretty good, but I've also read where sometimes the numbers aren't too good when you are losing weight.

Oh yeah, whoever decided that you couldn't drink anything for the 12 hours prior to getting you lab work done, and the lab work requires a urine sample is an ass.

It was a good day, I was another half a pound down this morning and was feeling good, until I got home....

My wife was in so much pain she was crying. She thinks she may have fibromyalgia, or the pain could be caused by the fact that her blood sugar has probably not been under 300 in a year. We were talking and she commented about how slim I was looking and I told her how good I felt. She told me how bad she felt, and that was when I stepped in it.

I suggested to her that she should consider trying this WOE for a week, to see if it would make her feel better. Well, she pretty much came unglued. She went from how disgusting my food was and how bad it smelled when I was cooking, that it made her want to puke all the time, and made my breath stink.

Then she went off about how wrong this diet was and how I was just running away from my food addiction and not learning portion control, and how unfair it was that I could eat all the time and lose weight and should couldn't. She eventually broke down crying that she knew I was going to leave her. I hugged her and told her how much I loved her, and that I would never leave.

She eventually started yelling again and I just walked off. I waited for her to finish preparing her dinner and eating before I cooked my "disgusting" butternut squash and romanesco broccoli.

Speaking of which if you've never had romanesco broccoli, I strongly reccomend it.


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:25 pm
by fulenn
I think the real issue is exactly what she said: you can eat all the time and lose weight. Of course, it may take some time before she finds out that she can, too. :) I hope you find some pleasure in letting her discover that without getting your head bitten off. She is obviously dealing with a bit of insecurity that you will lose weight and want to look elsewhere. Our poor spouses don't realize just how much we love them, sometimes. Hang in there, it will get better. IMO

I love how the romanesco broccoli looks. I haven't tried it as I am too cheap to buy it, but I may reconsider after seeing that picture.


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:47 am
by bunsofaluminum

that is the COOLEST vegetable I've EVER seen! Where did you get that?

oh, er, um...Hi Dissolution. Heidi here (bunsofaluminum) glad to meet you.

Keep on going! Lookin good. I love it that you lost a pound after pigging out on good food all day! :lol: (Lord? Could you do that for me? pleeeeeze?) (amen)

anyway. Keep on going, looking good. :nod: :thumbsup:


Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:17 am
by Rosey
That Broccoli looks delicious and beautiful.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:53 am
by janluvs2heel
I have never seen broccoli like that before. It almost looks like something you would find in the ocean!!

I liked your story, about your wife. It was very touching. Sometimes the less we say & the more they observe, is better. Maybe she will come around, maybe she won't. But it is really nice that you still love her & are not going to leave her for her food choices.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:56 am
by Dissolution
Well that was quick. Just got my lab results!

Glucose: 89
Total Cholesterol: 108
HDL: 34 (low need to figure out how to raise that one)
LDL: 54 (Hell yeah!)
Triglycerides: 108

Total/HDL Ratio: 3.2
Estimated CHD risk < 0.5 (Not really sure what this one means, but pretty sure it's good)

It's working, this WOE is really working! Hope my doc craps his pants when he sees these

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:59 am
by Rosey
Fabulous results and I've been reading somewhere on here that we don't need as high of HDL when our LDL's are so low. So I wouldn't worry to much about the low number.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:33 am
by kirstykay
Yes, Rosey, I've read that here too, and maybe in Esselstyn's book...


I'm very touched and impressed with the tenderness and love you were able to show your wife! She is lucky to have a husband like you, and I'm sure your constant love and encouragement is exactly what she needs to feel better about herself and find the healing that she needs. You remind me of my husband, and he is the main reason I've fought so hard for all these years to finally get healthy...he never gave up on me...and he never stopped believing that I could do it. Sometimes his strength carried me when my own failed me. I have struggled with lots of insecurity over the years as well, and his constant love and assurance has brought me to the other side of that as well. True love is a beautiful thing...and a powerful healer!