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Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:40 pm
by rmjournal
It's been a while since I've posted. This month has been a slippery slope and this last week was the worst. Up 5 pounds since the last posting puts me at 29.5 total lost. I'm still to heavy, way to heavy. It's time to buckle back down and get going in the right direction again.

Last night we had severe thunderstorms and rain like crazy. We need the rain, just not all at once. Some areas reported as much as 18 inches over night. Hundreds were evacutated and most of the area schools were shut down today. I did my normal walk down to the river today and there were many groups doing clean up for the rowing docks, parks, etc... If I weren't just on a lunch hour I would have pitched in, but the boss man probably wouldn't have understood. :duh:

Yesterday was "Soup" day at work. Lot's of folk brought lots of soups/chili's. None that I could find were on plan. I didn't think that I would ever be "over" meats but I don't think that anymore. After chemo, I really did lose the taste for beef and pork. Unless it was extremely well done, it would turn my stomach. Yesterday going through the soup line, just the smell of most of the cooked meats was really disturbing, especially the Turkey soup. There was cornbread, crackers, chex mix, etc that still weren't on plan put I can't say I've lost the taste for them. I do miss the crunch of junk food.

Well that's done, and now starts a new begining, time to buckle down and get back on plan.

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:58 am
by rmjournal
I've tried to stay on plan this week, and for the most part have done so. There were some few nut's and peanut butter that got in the way along with generally over eating the on-plan foods. I'm very much in the starch camp, and not so much in the veg camp and I think that tends to very much slow progress.

Anyway, for the week I'm down 2.5 to 234. It doesn't seem like a victory because I'm just retracing back to where I was a month ago at 226. I added the ticker scale this week. I've been doing on in excel but it's on my laptop and I don't turn it on daily, so here I'm more likely to see it and keep motivated.

On a brighter note, we eliminated the house note this week and are now debt free... :D
I would have a party to celebrate, but that would just lead to food tempations. :x

So now, it's time to concentrate on the retirement nest egg with the extra dollars. I've got about 7 years before I can retire with a 50% pension from the state. Beans and potatoes should help keep expenses as well as weight down. The stock market seems to have been on a bull run for a while now with averages at all time highs. I guess I'll just keep the extra funds mostly in cash until it retraces a bit. It should be criminal that banks offer .02% on savings yet wan't 18%+ on credit cards. I havn't caried cc balances for years, but it still irks me at the unbalance. Oh well, this is not the forum to go off on this tangent, so I guess I'll wrap this week up here.

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:49 am
by rmjournal
So Tuesday, I had to face up to the fact that my chest pain was increasing. I first noticed it over 5 years ago before the cancer episode and it has been mild almost to the point of not noticing it. Recently however it seems to have become more bothersome and worrisome. So I met with the PCP on Tuesday and was set up with a cardiologist and stress test on Wed. The stress test confirmed what I didn't want to hear, and indicated that there is something wrong. I'm waiting for confirmaton of an appointment time, but I have a Angiogram scheduled for next week.

I should be out walking right now, but they have advised no physical activity until I get the results next week. It sure makes the day long without the walk break, but the weather has turned cold anyway. It was cold Tuesday when I did walk and aggravated my symptoms prompting me to make the initial appointment with the PCP. It really should be PCNP since in five years I've never actually met my doctor. Sometimes I think he/she is ficticious since they have no picture on the wall like the other Drs.

I've been controlling my portions well the last couple of days. It's easier to do when reminded of the consequencis in dramatic fashion.

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:25 pm
by rmjournal
So, it's been a busy couple of weeks. The angiogram showed a 95% blockage in one vein and a 60% in the other. When I went in for the procedure, they said they would fix what they needed to while they where in there. It didn't happen. I'm not sure why, they gave some lame excuse, but I think it was just a scheduling problem and the DR that was suppose to do anything but the angiogram wasns't available.

So this was on a Tuesday and they scheduled another procedure to place a stint in the 95% blockage on the following Thursday (week ago). They sent me home with nitro pills, just in case :duh:
Turned out, I needed them... Wed night on going to bed the pain was sufficient to call an ambulance and go to the hospital about 12 hours early. They monitored me all night, but I actually felt okay after taking the nitro. The procedure went well and the Dr. that did the procedure seemed to be more professional than the Dr. doing the angiogram. They are in the same cardiac group, but the skills sets are not even close to the same.

I'm just looking at the bills as they come in online through the insurance website. The actual dr. charges for placing the stent is less than the dr charges for the angiogram and the stress test the less qualified dr did. Wonderful system we have here isn't it. I've already noticed several issues on the billing I see that I'm going to have to fight with the insurance on. Great :duh:

So for the positive.... It's been 8 days since the procedure and I did a 5k on the treadmill today. 65 minutes. No pain. They want to do another stress test at the end of January. I would have thought two months would have been a stretch, but again, that's our system of medicine. I've been cleared to return to work on Monday. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, but it is what it is.

I'm a little shocked that this all came on so fast. I guess it's been coming on for a long time, just got to a point where the blockage could be felt. I was doing weekly 4 hour kayak trips all summer. From what I understand, after about 20 minutes of exercise the veins get dilated and that saved me.

Well Turkey day has come and gone and the nightly newscast was saying that the average feast dinner came in at around 4500 calories. There was no hint of turkey here, not even a trace...

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:56 pm
by carollynne
Just had to stop by and say, you are doing great! And I really hear you on the addiction part too. We all have them, and it is not easy to overcome them either. But you are doing so wonderful, and so nice that your wife is on this WOE with you too. Nice that you had a stent put in, before you had a heart attack, and now on this WOE you will never need another one !
congrats on your weight loss so far!

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:34 pm
by rmjournal
carollynne: Thanks for the kind words. I have a second blockage, but not nearly as bad. All the more motivation to keep on track.


Well yesterday was the 3 month regular followup. Blood work continued to show improvements or stay steady.

TC 110
hdl 25
ldl 24

Trig 305 down from 360.

I've been in a tight weight range for a couple of months. The problem is volume, which I guess is more psycological than anything else. In the evenings, I know I'm full but keep eating anyway...
During the day, it's boredom at the job, the day seems to take forever. I guess if there were going to be new years resolutions, these are the two to work on.

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:39 am
by rmjournal
Ok, so not much has changed. Cholesteral is great TC = 110, Trigs high 300. BS high in the morning (150), normal during the day(100). Starting to get frustrated, but looking at the other plans, they don't make sense to me. Actually nothing seems to at this point. BP high again - still on 4 meds and still high.

Eating out - almost never.
Oil - maybe once a week to coat the ss. Then wipe out before cooking. Water saute the veg.
Nuts/Avacodoes - yes more than recommended.
Fruits within limits.
Potatoes - Daily - heard the stories, but can't help but wonder if this is holding me back.
breads. 2-4 slices a week, sometimes just gotta have it.

Weather has been really nasty, so not much exercise.

Just whining, yes, hopefully I can look back in a couple weeks and see improvements.

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:10 pm
by rmjournal
Was feeling pretty bad yesterday when I got home. My bp has been acting up again which I find frustrating since I've been sticking closer to the guidelines the last couple of weeks. Anyway, I check it and it's 175/112 which is considerably higher than it's been. So, off to the treadmill. I do the treadmill for 30 min and push a little harder than usual. I usually go for an hour, but at a much easier pace, probably too easy. So, that dropped the bp to 135/90. Not great, but well within my normal range. I was still feeling bad, so went to bed early and slept through. This morning I was happy to it still at about the same 135/90 numbers. Sugars were at 145 overnight fasting. Can't seem to get them much lower.

Was reading some of the other journals and the ones that have daily menu's make me realize that their whole day had about the same volume as each meal for me. I know I've always been a volume eater and making the right choice about food I'm sure have kept me from being 300+.

As much as I hate to count calories, I guess I have to partially to guage where I'm at. I never feel full....well almost, there is somewhere between being starving and bloated, it just never seem to find it.

I'm trying to add more water, my last blood test showed dehydration, so maybe that will help.

No walking at lunch today, still wet and cold. Hate the treadmill but will do it tonight. The BP feels much better today after yesterday, will check when I get home.

Starting again

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:38 am
by rmjournal
So, it's been about a year since the last posting. I've been reading on and off some of the time. Renamed the topic "starting again" -- even though I've followed the wfpb mostly there were lots of time I went astray.

Blood pressure had been steadily creeping up so the doc ordered a stress test (chemical) last Wed. Didn't pass. In the hospital 4 days with two new stints and other assorted problems including kidneys and high a1c's. So back to a more strict regiments. Actually gained weight in the hospital.

So today I reset in the journal even though I actually reset a couple days ago.

a1c 9.2
creat 3.3

Labs in the morning.

Fasting bs this morning 135, so that's good, back on track.

Going to have to start experimenting with some of the recipes, need some more variety to stay on track without
slipping back to sad.

Three week weigh in

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:40 am
by rmjournal
It's been three weeks since the last update. New weight is 242.5. Been about 95% compliant over the three weeks with not including a few to many nuts and avocadoes. Having to ease into it.

I have 36 sessions of cardiac rehab at 2 sessions a week. So far used four sessions. It's about an hour of exercise 30 min cardio and 30 min strength training wearing a heart monitor. They check blood sugar before and after the session. I'm surprised to see how much bs is effected in just an hour.

On leaving the hospital they sent me home with two scripts for insulin. I've been completely off the insulin for a week now with normal bs reading.

I've halved my bp meds. They docs don't like it, but I can't function at full strength of the prescription. BP has been much better controlled lately. 140/85 resting and 110/70 after exercise. I'll keep an eye on the resting numbers and make sure they don't go up.

The Wall

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:35 am
by rmjournal
A week since the last report and up 1.5 to 244. It's easy to see why people get discouraged and leave. My exercise is up, compliance is up and still a gain. I did see a low of 241, but that was before last week's official number and haven't come close again. I suppose patience is my problem. I plan to keep sticking with it and see how things pan out. On a positive side bp has been better than ever, bs #'s staying in check. I do feel a little beat up from the added exercise. I'm hoping this is just an adjusting period.

Re: The Wall

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:54 am
by Yomom
rmjournal wrote:A week since the last report and up 1.5 to 244. It's easy to see why people get discouraged and leave. My exercise is up, compliance is up and still a gain. I did see a low of 241, but that was before last week's official number and haven't come close again. I suppose patience is my problem. I plan to keep sticking with it and see how things pan out. On a positive side bp has been better than ever, bs #'s staying in check. I do feel a little beat up from the added exercise. I'm hoping this is just an adjusting period.

Please remember that is a lifestyle - only time and adherence bring results. This is not a quickie diet to abandon after one week of weight gain, especially given the overall improvement in your health, that you report.

If you have not yet had time to review Jeff Novick's writings and videos, especially about Calorie Density, you may find them helpful to tweak your food intake: ... ition.html

About how much to eat:

Best of luck.

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:11 am
by rmjournal
If you have not yet had time to review Jeff Novick's writings and videos

Thanks for the links, I have seen them. I'm actually a youtube junkie and have seen most of the videos posted by/about the hclf lifestyle.

So, it's been two weeks since the last update. Currently 243.5 down .5 but during the course of the two weeks was as high as 246. I do believe that my volume is still on the high side and mostly starches and not balanced enough with veg's. Exercise at cardio rehab has been going fine, time and weights have increased. I'm not sure what will happen this week as I seem to have a gout flair up and not sure I can do the treadmill tomorrow or not.

Another two weeks...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:07 pm
by rmjournal
And not much change, still stuck at 244. Last week at the cardio session all the weights were increased, so I felt more sore than usual through the weekend. The prior week I didn't go because of a gout flair up, couldn't even walk without pain. I've decided that lentals and I don't get along so at least for now they are off the menu as well. It's getting to be kayak weather again, looking forward to getting back out on the water soon....

Re: Starting a new Journal

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:28 pm
by Jazz Clarinet
Hello! I'm starting again (again) too! Just reading through others' journals.

I hear you on losing interest, especially when it comes to lack of variety sending you back to SAD. I know it's up to us, blah blah blah, and we need to do better at finding that variety for our menus. But it's just hard when you're down on energy and focus, especially after a hard day at work every day.

Like everything else, it's not easy for all of us, and some of us are helped greatly by being able to journal about it in relative safety. I'm glad you are still doing it!

Keep going, you're doing great.