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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:06 pm
by nicoles
Quick update- Vegan Thanksgiving actually went over excellently!

There were no turkeys in the oven, and all was vegan except for some sliced Turkey breats my SIL brought for her family. She was all on board, even baked some bread and muffins from Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease recipes for the in-laws to have around for quick, easy, compliant food.

She also made scrumptious vegan mashed potatoes and gravy, and there were all-vegan desserts (chocolate/tofu pie, banana-pecan pie, and pumkin pie, plus the DELICIOUS apple crisp DH made from the new FOrks Over Knives cookbook)

We had:
Homemade Real Food Daily Vegan Mock Turkey
Maple mashed sweet potatoes
Baked yellow sweet potatoes
Mashed rutabaga
Soy/parsley/chive mashed potatoes
Mushroom gravy
3 kinds of vegan and sugar free cranberry sauce
Roasted brussels sprouts
String beans almondine, without oil
Vegan corn bread
A Vegan rice-and-mock-meat(mushrooms) with mint and cumin
A vegan red, paprika sauce to go with the rice and mock-meat
Kale salad with roasted beets and avocado
and pie, pie, pie and crisp

I haven't been that stuffed in years! :lol:

My FIL said it was the best Thanksgiving dinner he had ever had. Yay!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:19 pm
by nicoles
Complaining update: I am doing it here because there is not really any other good place to vent. Skip this post if you are not up for negativity - I am oozing it today. Hopefully I can get it out of my system right now.

So we have reached critical mass with my folks in town. My parents are a bit difficult, especially when they are tired.

My mom is usually making a running commentary of judgement, all day long, about anything and everything that crosses her path. Sometimes things are deemed good, sometimes bad, but always there is a value applied. And the value is random and unpredictable. On Friday, she "hated" the dry clay dirt of Los Angeles, because it was "too dry" and really, she "preferred the dark, wet dirt of the Northeast." This is on a day when it was just me and my parents hanging out. Yesterday, on a walk in a canyon, with my husband along, she commented on the dirt, "there is that diirt again" and I said "the dry kind you dislike?" and she got very angry at me, saying, "I NEVER said I disliked it, I only noticed it way dry, Nicole." And rolled her eyes, to which my father, who lives in constant fear of her disapproval, jumped in and said, "you are really obnoxious, Nicole."

I know she was embarrassed to be "called out" in front of my husband, who is from this "dry dirt" place, and I was tired and did not think fast enough to keep my mouth shut. I made it worse for myself, and there it is. I can be a real idiot when they are around.

My father, who embodies an immature passive-aggressive teenager on most days, has been in rare form as well. We are at the point where he is calling me a "stupid, noisy woman who he cannot stand to hear talk" because insults are the only way he knows how to get space for himself. He won't ask for anything directly, that would be taking too much responsibility. :roll:

It goes like this: I think he does not want to be around people anymore, he just wants to be in a shell. Both my parents are very antisocial, or perhaps aggressively introverted, and travelling gives them no space for that need to be alone if they don't schedule it in. But they don't acknowledge it in themselves or each other, and place the responsibility for it on me, either by being so mean to me that I naturally back away and schedule time without them (in which case, they invariably give me a guilt trip about it later, so they can further deflect ownership of their behavior) or by asking me to decide what they do, and then criticizing each and every option I put forward, and creating a situation that turns into a Nicole pecking-party.

Unfortunately, I am not very adept at making the best choices in the midst of this behavior, because I am so caught up in reacting to the hurt of the barbed comments and hard-to-read behavior that I just react. And that is where my husband starts to get mad at me, which I understand, but it still feels bad on top of already feeling bad.

So here I am. My parents are sulking at there home-way rental. My husband is out, and I am decidedly NOT invited, because I am in a mood and he really needs a break before he has to go back to the job he loathes tomorrow. And I am trying to figure out how to take care of myself without bringing down the wrath of all three of them, which may be impossible.

I don't want to be selfish, but I am feeling like a punching bag and I don't want that either. Arrgh. :angry:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:48 am
by moonwatcher
Hi Nicole,

Hope you escaped the wrath. Sounds like it may be time for everyone to take off! Hang in there. BUT. . .the Thanksgiving meal is a miracle! I'm so glad it turned out that way!!



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:27 pm
by zippy
Benjamin Franklin said it best, "Fish and guests stink after three days."

Send them packing while you wave goodbye with a clenched smile on your face. Then go out to a movie or something fun with your husband, you both deserve it!

Thank goodness we get to chose our friends and can move far away from our relatives.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:56 pm
by nicoles
Aw, thanks Moonwatcher and Zippy! Things are good now. :-D

It was really great for me to get it all off my chest here, actually - it freed me up for some creative thinking and smoothing over until all is harmonious in Guestville! JUst had a lovely day with them and one more day tomorrow, and then, back to regular life!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:00 pm
by moonwatcher
that's awesome nicole!



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:40 pm
by Lesliec1
First of all, I'm so envious of the thanksgiving meal you had. Wow, lucky.

I felt your pain about the parents (and at the same time I kind of see the humor.) Your mom sounds a bit like mine. Poor old gal doesn't mean to be so judgemental (but for goodness sakes stop talking already :roll: .)

You have to be kidding that your father would say that about you! Where in the world did you come from? You are the epitome of tact and non-judgement.

But hopefully you'll read your post well after they've gone and think it's funny. "There is that dirt again." That's pretty cute after all you have to admit. Mostly because it was someone ELSE's mom saying it and not mine! Anyway, your writing gave me a funny and colorful picture of your parents.

You just forgot to check the expiration date that's stamped on the bottom of their feet. You went a couple days beyond it. Oops.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:43 am
by nicoles
Moonwatcher - :-D

Leslie - I wish you could have come to our Thanksgiving! Let me tell you, I was surprised all around at how well it all went, and continue to be shocked at the transformations in the diets of so many folks I love; changes I never thought any of them would make!

My DH was even saying than my BIL - his sister's DH and carnivore deluxe - was mentioning how healthy I looked (they have not seen me in a while, except right after FIL's heart attack, and everyone was distracted then) and was asking lots of questions about this WOE, as though he was considering it for himself. Everyone was also really noticing how much better FIL and MIL looked and acted, too. Planting the seeds of change, I dare hope...

Leslie, how funny that your mother can be the same! I can definitely see the humor in it all too, and you are right - "there's that dirt again" is pretty cute! Both of my parents can be very adorable and really funny - on purpose, and not on purpose, too.

Beyond loving them as my parents, which of course I do, I also really like them, as people. Eccentric, sometimes cranky, people. :lol:

After I vented here the other day, I was able to remember a bit of a Dharma Talk I listened to, where the speaker was talking about a pain he had for a few months that would wake him up. At some point he said that he realized the pain was not the problem, it was his conflict with the pain, and with not sleeping because of it, that was the problem. And once he let that go, it was all OK, and the pain eventually resolved in the normal way it would. (I think it was an injury of some sort, not a chronic thing.)

That made me realize - I was in conflict about how my parents are. And I know what they are like - I have known since forever! And the conflict I was having over how I wished they were as opposed to how they are was creating a lot of the tension. Once I realized that, and accepted the natural ups and downs of their moods, I could see solutions around the bumpy spots that were all win-win. And I could definitely see the humor in a lot of it. So acceptance was the key, yet for some reason I had never before been able to attain the level of acceptance I reached in the last few days.

Pretty cool, actually! I am excited. One more stress-relief tool to employ. :D

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:08 pm
by nicoles
Interesting updates:

Tooth sensitivity.

I have had a weird, sensitive rear molar for years. Used to hurt when I chewed food with it, sometimes it ached. Very sensitive to heat and cold. No sign of a cavity, but there was a deep filling in it already, so might be hard to see.

Anyway, about two weeks ago we ran out of the toothpaste we had (we buy bulk cases of things so it can take years to run out) which had sodium lauryl sulfate and fluoride in it. I wanted to do a test away from both, just to see, so I bought one tube of SLS-free and Fluoride-free toothpaste, just to see. The test was to see if perhaps I reacted a it autoimmune-wise to those two things.

Well, anyway, I noticed not too long after the switch that my tooth no longer hurt. I can chew on it, eat hot and cold food without pain and it never aches.

Don't know what this means, if anything, but I'll take it! :lol:

Resistance to Illnesses

Both my DH and I notice that we do not get sick anymore, or if we do, "getting sick" means feeling like we are just beginning to get sick for a few hours or a day, then sleeping or resting, after which it then goes away completely.

This was really noticeable this Thanksgiving because we were both tired, stressed and sleep-deprived, and my BIL had a flu he got the day of Thanksgiving. Everyone else caught it, too. DH and I did not. Very interesting.... :D

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:01 pm
by nicoles
Ha! My DH was just IMing me about how strange it was to have people in his family begin to come around to this WOE, and how he thinks it has everything to do with watching my health - well, BOTH our heath's, really - improve so dramatically at a time when the common expectation is that they will only worsen.

and he said this hilarious thing:

DH wrote:it's like at first everyone thought you were planning to lick crystals or something, and placing all your hopes on that and they thought you were nuts but did not want to be rude or take the small bit of hope you had away. now they all want their own licking crystals too

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He cracks me up!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:17 pm
by moonwatcher
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here's to lickin' them crystals!!

And the toothpaste thing makes a lot of sense to me, by the way. Unfortunately, I have been sick off and on with some kind of "time release" virus this last week. But my experience is similar to yours and your DH in the sense that it happens less often, WAY less often (as in hardly ever), and is WAY milder than it used to be.



Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:15 am
by Lesliec1
That is the best quote ever! To be fair to my own family who thinks I'm nuts- I WAS licking crystals a lot before I found this WOE. You might not believe how many paths I went down at the hands of "natural docs" before I said "enough of this baloney". It was nothing harmful and some things might have beneficial but nothing ever helped me one single bit. Can you tell I'm bitter? :nod: I lost all credibility with friends and family. Probably won't get it back either.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:11 pm
by nicoles
:D Yes, DH is a funny, funny guy. First thing I noticed about him actually. We worked together, and he said this really funny, quirky, original thing that just cracked me up one day. I barely knew him at the time, and I thought to myself, "Hmmm, I LIKE this guy!" :-D

Hi Moonwatcher! Sorry to hear you have the time-release virus! :-( Glad it is milder than it used to be, though. I hear that! I hope you feel better very soon.

I wonder: might DH and I might be a bit more susceptible if we lived in a colder climate than LA? So there is that, too.

Interesting to hear that the toothpaste thing makes sense to you. I'd be curious to know why that is , but only when you are feeling better and have some free time. :nod:

Leslie, I can totally relate - I would have licked all kinds of crystals, I just happened to find this first! I did not have the money to go to a lot of natural docs, but if I did have it, I totally would have, and probably been bitter, too!

You'll get you credibility back, it just might take awhile. But when you are feeling much better, that will be hard for others to ignore. Something to look forward to, maybe? :-) A less malicious form of Schadenfreude or Told-You-So/So There!-itis? :lol:

I know I am indulging in that a bit of late. Not maliciously, but it is fun... :unibrow:

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:30 pm
by nicoles
Something I have been trying lately: Kale Water

I am not sure if I talked about this much before, but I eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables because of the many positive benefits of the isothiocyanates formed by the combination of the myrosinase and glucosinolate reaction when these vegetables are chopped or chewed. Cooking somewhat damages these reaction so I try to consume as much as I can raw or only lightly cooked, like crunchy stir-fry broccoli (in water or broth, of course :) )

Anyway, I am a viewing-only member at Dr Fuhrman's site too, and there was a thread on it about drinking kale water, that a vitamix rep had shown another member. It basically involves blending a couple of kale leaves with water in a high-powered blender and drinking that.

Another member on that thread mentioned that she started trying it out, and that it helped reduce her cravings/worked as an appetite suppressant. Interesting too.

Anyway, I have been trying the kale water as a health thing (when it is diluted or cut with a bit of cucumber and ginger, it tastes fine to me), but I have also had the same experience - it is very satisfying and greatly reduces my inclination towards over-consumption of food. This is something I have been struggling with for awhile, so I am happy with that extra benefit.

And I just thought I'd mention it here since it is also interesting.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:52 pm
by Lesliec1
That's interesting. So just two full size kale leaves and what, a couple cups of water? Worth a try for sure. My vitamix is idle at the moment because, to my horror, I think I have to try giving up fruit for a while.