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Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:42 pm
by Birdy
Hey Anna! I was glad to see you posting again. So you dug around all the way back to page 4 to find me - thanks. I haven't been posting for a long time because I felt like my posts might be discouraging for other McDougallers since I haven't ever truly gotten on board with this. I was going to wait until the day when I could report progress before posting again. In your recent posts you mention rereading your journals which sounds like a good idea to me. Also, you're right that your "tell all" attitude which is helpful for you as well as for the rest of us. I've missed your presence on the board!

I really think that part of my inertia around McDougalling is that I don't look overweight and people, including my family, think my weight is just fine. So I am a community of one who knows that I'm 30 pounds over my normal healthy weight. There's only the mirror to tell me that "yes, you're not crazy, you really do have a big belly," the tape measure around my 36" waist, and the lab tests on paper to abstractly tell me there's trouble internally. As much as I don't like the phrase, I guess you could say I'm in the "normal weight obese" category.

I'm happy to report that my blood pressure is down to normal (just got it checked a couple of days ago) although that is with the smallest dose of medication. My weight is stuck and my knee is stiff. Someone gave me a whole set of DVDs and rhythm sticks for the Zumba which I'm trying to learn cautiously with the bum knee. I still love walking best.

Eating vegan is my preference now and I'm glad for it. Cooking oil free is challenging, but last night I sauteed kale,sweet potatoes and leeks in water with several cloves of garlic and some low sodium soy sauce. It was delicious over brown rice. Anna your mashed cauliflower and potatoes is one of my favorites.

Have a great weekend.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:51 pm
by Anna Green
Hey! Glad to hear about you. Do you know we've been talking for over 2 years now?

I want to do this with you- be healthy. One day I'm going to come your way and perhaps we can go walk in my favorite parks in your area!

Let's try harder Birdy! At this point our journals are about us. If someone is discouraged by them they need to stop reading. Let's just tell it because I think it will head us in the right direction. Whatcha say?

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:34 am
by Birdy
Hey Anna. I didn't realize it's been two years of "talking" on this forum. And, yes, if you come out this way let's get together. I'd like that! Also, I appreciate your kindness and nonjudgmental encouragement more than you know.

I've decided to pick myself up and dust myself off and get going again with eating better and exercising more. I had lunch with a 92 year old friend of mine yesterday who is so amazing. She's was a vegetarian for many years and has been doing yoga since before anyone in America even heard of it. She still does a daily yoga practice, but isn't veg anymore because her doctor told her she needed meat (I know, but who am I to contradict what she does?). The fact that she was veg for so long is encouraging to me. It's a pleasure to hang out with someone of that generation who sees, hears and converses clearly.

I'm so fond of all the foods available this time of year: cauliflower, beautiful squashes, brussel sprouts, etc. I'm making a big vegetable plate for dinner tonight with tofu for me and salmon for DH and DD. A few days ago I made a big pot of 10 bean soup with no added fat. It made so much, I gave a quart to a friend at work whose wife is away for a month and he just loved it (he's a long time pescatarian. Have you ever noticed how many people call themselves vegetarian who actually eat fish?)

Gotta go to work. Have a great, successful McDougall day everyone.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:19 pm
by Anna Green
Birdy, I'm writing as I'm listening to this show on people over 90 who are active and athletic and very much having a good time. That's gonna be us. I can tell you are thinking right because you are focusing on the good healthy food you love and cooking it up. I've been doing that too. It's simple but effective. When I start thinking about SAD I check myself and get some mental pictures of my healthy food that I enjoy and I think about it till I start looking forward to it. Today it is working.

My son has been eating dairy when he is away from the house but he doesn't grumble that I don't have it in the house. I do get him some things that I don't get for myself and sometimes it causes a problem for me especially when I'm trying to eat mostly MWL and there is bread and pasta and avocado in the house. For the most part though it's not bad. So sorry it is harder for you.

Keep at it. You sound like you have some good resolve.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:44 am
by Birdy
Well, after a really crazy few months for me, things are finally settling down, despite the fact we're entering the holiday season. I quit drinking coffee (finally) and feel so much better and calmer. I think it was acting as an appetite stimulant because I've been less hungry and am finding it easier to make good food choices.

Work has been very busy and I've had some big family commitments that are about to resolve in early December.

I'm enjoying "sauteing" in water lately and don't miss the oil. One of my favorites is sweet potato sauteed with either broccoli or kale. The natural sweetness of the vegetables really is better without oil. I haven't gotten the knack yet of carmelizing onions that I cook in water. Anyone have luck with this?

I really want to get more exercise. For now, I've been doing more errands on foot and using housework for exercise, but it's not enough. A friend gave me some Zumba DVDs but my knees are stiff and I'm not sure Zumba is a good match for me. No problems walking, thankfully, just bending down. I used to be mystified as to why older people couldn't bend down or had trouble getting down and up from the floor or ground. Now I know. I'd hoped a vegan diet would magically cure arthritis, but so far that's not my experience. I still hope that as the weight comes off, the arthritis will improve or even disappear.

I have a houseful coming for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and, even though I'm cooking the turkey, I don't plan to eat it. I have some apple-sage vegan "sausages" for the veg heads (there will be three of us).

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:36 pm
by KareninTN
Hi Birdy,
I cook onions in a non-stick pan without water at all, just cook over medium high heat and stir very frequently. They brown up all by themselves, and pretty quickly, too.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:59 pm
by Birdy
Hey Karen! Thanks for the tip. I'll try that. I've been experimenting with "sauteing" various vegies in water. One combo that I don't recommend is halved brussel sprouts with chopped mushrooms - just not a good taste or texture combination. I finally see the rightness of oil free cooking.

I successfully cooked a big Thanksgiving dinner for eight and didn't eat any turkey, stuffing or gravy, but I did have some stuff made with cheese, milk and/or butter. That's the last time I'm ever cooking a turkey. It grossed me out. I was having fantasies of what it would be like to cook all vegan next year. That would be more fun than cooking the traditional meal. My hat is off to those of you who cooked McDougall foods this year.

I should have named my journal Tortoise Barely Moves (instead of Birdy Takes Flight). Expect to see that little bird on the weight loss ticker flying pretty soon now!

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:26 am
by Anna Green

I'm seeing your progress and will so enjoy watching you take flight!

Hey, I've read some of the info here on arthritis because of my mother and there is good info if you haven't checked it out yet.

I want a healthy vegan Thanksgiving too! I had one for myself but it would be wonderful to share.

Thanks for sharing about the coffee. I realized recently that I was drinking too much and have been weaning off. I'm not a big alcohol drinker but have had more of that too and didn't like how it made me feel. So, cleaning it up and today I feel the results. Nice. I'll have to see, if like yourself, the appetite lessens with less caffeine.

I hope you are having a good week.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:18 pm
by dlb
Birdy wrote:I haven't been posting for a long time because I felt like my posts might be discouraging for other McDougallers since I haven't ever truly gotten on board with this. I was going to wait until the day when I could report progress before posting again.

Birdy -

It's not only about the destination. It's also about the journey. Celebrate that you have found the right road!!!! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will find your pace.


Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:16 pm
by Birdy
Donna I feel like using what you wrote as part of my signature on this board! Thanks for your encouragement. I am at least at a point where I'm fully committed to this way of eating, even if I'm not perfect at it. As you said, it's a process.

Anna, have you and/or your mother tried Vitamin D supplements? I know Dr. McDougall doesn't favor supplements except for B-12. But I've taken D on and off and have found it really helps arthritis. I have a lot less pain and stiffness in my knee and hands since I started taking it again several weeks ago.

Tonight my DH and I are going to hear Chick Corea and his band. We're having dinner in a jazz club where he's playing so I hope I can find something healthy to eat. I do find that eating out on this plan is challenging.

Tomorrow I'm making Anna Green's split pea and quinoa soup with vegies which is really good and will last a few days. I never liked split pea soup until I tried this soup!

There's a heavy fog this morning and it's quite cold, but I plan to go for a walk soon. Then we're heading out for some Christmas shopping. A fun day.

Work has been stressful and family responsibilities are complicated recently, but eating plant based helps me get through even though I'm not perfect. I'm working on it.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:30 am
by Anna Green

Be fearless and shameless when going to those restaurants. I embarrassed my friend the other day when I ordered. But, I was nice, I got what I wanted and I tipped well. Didn't see any spit.

Your weekend sounds fun. Where is the Jazz club? Let's see if I remember anything from my time there.....ah...Pioneer Square perhaps?

Thanks for the Vit D tip!

Hope you had a blast last night!

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:05 pm
by Birdy
Hi! I did have a blast last night. I did, I did. We were seated 15 feet from the raised platform of the stage. I said Corea was playing with his band, but meant to say with his ensemble of one bass player and a drummer. Corea is a virtuoso jazz pianist and both the bass player and drummer were also amazing. I loved it. Don't ask me about dinner or drinks - let's just say it was not McDougall. The club is on 6th avenue downtown.

I laughed to read, "Didn't see any spit." Yeah, ordering vegan takes willpower, creative thinking and spelling everything out. Also, sending things back on occasion when, even though you say no cheese, no eggs, etc. you still get one or the other. Like the restaurant we were in last night did not have a single thing on the menu that was vegan and I was too wimpish to ask for what I wanted.

Unusual beautiful weather here today. I got some bulbs planted and dug up a mallow lavetera (sp?) to plant somewhere else because it was overgrowing the planter. I'm starting to wonder if we'll get much of a winter here or any snow. It's been mild so far.

Got a lot of walking in yesterday, but gardening is about it for exercise today.

Blueberry waffles without butter or syrup for breakfast.
Potatoes and vegan field roast for lunch.
Small handful of walnuts for snack.
Rice and vegetables for dinner.
I haven't gotten the ingredients for your split pea soup yet, so will probably make that tomorrow.
Here's your recipe if you don't find it in your journal Anna (it's just a general one):
Split peas
Bay leaf, Thyme, Basil
Liquid smoke (optional)
Cook in water. Do not use vegie broth as the split peas won't cook well.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:02 pm
by Birdy
I have been so busy with work and Christmas coming up that I haven't weighed for a couple of weeks and haven't visited the board much either.

I did read the new book Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to be Healthy & Fit on a Plant-Based Diet by longtime vegans and nutritionists Jack Norris and Virginia Messina. Although I found the book very well written and a good resource book, it doesn't support a very low fat approach such as Dr. McDougall's for long term health. I found this a bit puzzling since so many Star McDougallers seem to do well without oils, nuts, seeds, etc. On the other hand, trying to eliminate these higher fat foods is my stumbling block in following this way of eating and losing weight. It takes discipline for me to eat vegan, but I can do it while using oil, nuts, etc. I think it's all in my head because, if I believed 100% in doing without the fatty vegan foods then I could do it. As I said, it's my stumbling block.

My 16 year DD recently announced she wants to go vegan. She's allergic to soy so can't eat the tofu dogs, meat substitutes, or soy milk. It will be nice to be "in it together" with her.

Gotta go. We're going to the movies tonight.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:17 pm
by Anna Green
Birdy, it is good your daughter wants to do this. I think supporting my son in eating healthy (when he does it these days) makes all the difference for me sometimes. I want to be a good example too. Sometimes I fail miserably at that but overall I'm doing ok.

Birdy, you did good this year with being vegan. I think the no oil thing is easier if you cook things you enjoy.

You have a good one.

Re: Birdy Takes Flight

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:25 pm
by Birdy
Well, my daughter lasted about two days, if that, eating vegan. She's only 15 so has a vague idea what it really means to be vegan. I'm trying to get her to eat more vegetables so her inclination toward vegan diets gives me some leverage. I can say, "Oh vegetarians need to eat those collard greens for calcium." Or "oatmeal is a great breakfast for vegans." She tends to think that skipping breakfast is a good idea.

I'm not feeling well today. My older daughter was sick on Tuesday when I met her in Seattle, and I may have caught whatever she has. Boo.

Weird weather here. This month has been the driest December in recorded weather history for the Puget Sound area. Not by a small amount but by a lot. I've noticed buds on plants that should not bud out until late winter. And the still green grass could be mowed which is totally strange for December here.

I finally got on the scale today and have gained two pounds. Too many holiday goodies around Thanksgiving and since. I made a really good lentil dahl last night for dinner and served it over rice and fresh spinach. Today would be great for a nice walk, but am not feeling up to it. At least I've gotten all my packages mailed, decorating done, and shopping pretty much done. Just have wrapping to do. I want to make some of Mary McDougall's holiday recipes too. But not today.

I watched Dr. McD's brief info videos (McDougall Moments I think it's called, on the home page of this website). Those are so interesting.
It's striking how healthy and energetic he is.

Anna thanks for your comment about "you did good this year with being vegan." Yeah. It feels good too. I haven't been perfect and want to do better with diet as well as exercise. It's becoming a main priority with me to take care of myself after so many years of putting others always first. The lesson I'm living into at this point in my life is that it's okay to take good care of yourself as well!