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Something you didn't know you needed until now . . .

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:10 am
by BHealthy
If you're looking for the perfect gift for the gardner, proctologist, or piano player in your life - then this is it!

Re: Something you didn't know you needed until now . . .

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:59 am
by Letha.
BHealthy wrote:If you're looking for the perfect gift for the gardner, proctologist, or piano player in your life - then this is it!

You haven’t lost your sense of humor. :-D That bodes well for long term success on the McDougall program. I’m really impressed at how you are pushing the exercise. Keep journaling.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:48 am
by Loveskale
I'm new to this forum and have read a couple of your posts.

First of all, Good for you for returning!! I am glad that there are so many people out there who are switching from SAD to a more positive way of life!

I have been a vegan for many years but also let my health slowly deteriorate by eating junk food. I figured what's a little white rice and vegan ice cream every so often? Wrong. My health slowly deteriorated, and I payed the price. I hear a lot of people saying "Relax, and let the diet work it's magic", I think I am already experiencing, as I'm sure you are too, a very sudden improvement in your health with a change in diet.

Keep up with the good work, and keep us posted! I know you will succeed!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:36 pm
by BHealthy
Hi loveskale,

Thanks for visiting my journal. I'm glad I am not eating junk now. It sure does feel better.

One thing I know for sure and am proof of - gaining weight isn't so much about eating meat or dairy or eggs as it is about eating fat, refined carbs and sugars and not exercising . Every time I strayed from McDougall - I continued to eat only vegetable based foods, no animal products - but ingested high fat "vegan" junk like veganaise, cookies, soy ice cream, deli salads,chips, etc. I quickly regained all the way beyond my earlier highest weight up to 429. It IS very possible to be morbidly obese as a "vegan".

However, I am most likely alive because I did not go completely SAD, did not eat animal products and got a little exercise in there once in awhile. My blood vessels may have had a better chance as a result of following the McDougall program at least in part. But now it is catching up with me (joint damage, difficulty breathing, fluid retention). There's only so much a body can take. More debilitating damage probably would have caught up with me much more quickly (heart attack/stroke) had I gone all the way back to SAD during those 11 years. I am very lucky.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:40 pm
by Letha.
BHealthy wrote: Every time I strayed from McDougall - I continued to eat only vegetable based foods, no animal products - but ingested high fat "vegan" junk like veganaise, cookies, soy ice cream, deli salads,chips, etc.

However, I am most likely alive because I did not go completely SAD, did not eat animal products

You did better than me. I’ve been on and off McDougall numerous times over the past 10+ years. I never went back to drinking milk from a glass after my first attempt at McDougall, but I’d have to admit to consuming just about every other SAD food during various off plan periods of times. No use dwelling on it. Can’t take it back. You know the old saying that youth is wasted on the young. If only we knew then what we know now. :cool:

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:58 pm
by BHealthy
Hi Letha,

I think I've lived like there is always a tomorrow - procrastinating taking care of myself most of my adult life. I'd put what I knew and learned out of mind and as I regained weight and the problems that go along with that. I'd still ignore reality until it bit me on the blubbery behind.

My endocrinologist says that most people don't lose weight and keep it off and those that do often don't until something drastic happens to their health. It usually kills people - diabetes, cancer, strokes, asthma even depression. I'm so fortunate not to have diabetes - but my eating so much soy may have been a contributor to my thyroid ice cream by the pints (it didn't come in gallons :-D ).

Waiting until it gets really bad - it's been like that for me. What a waste of life and the freedoms most fit people can take for granted - walking, running, sitting in any chair, flying, fitting in bathroom stalls, sitting at a movie, going to shows, shopping for clothes at regular stores, getting out and doing, having energy and strength, fitting in the world and being more invisible . . . sitting on the floor, getting up and down without wincing in pain, accomplishing multiple tasks in a day because you can move your body from place to place without exhaustion, getting in and out of a car, not having to tell a friend or new acquaintance you promise not to sue if you're injured in an accident while riding in their car because the seatbelt won't reach around and lock.

Last night I had this urge to eat anything - just the urge to eat mindlessly and was able to stop and think - am I hungry? What will mindless eating do for me? So I ate 3 pieces of pineapple instead and it was enough. In the past I would have consumed massive quantities of chips and other junk foods until almost unconsciously stuffed. Where did that get me? Here, in the 400s, semi-crippled, exhausted and in pain when moving. 3 pieces of pineapple was a much better choice. Stop and think first - that's what helped. Be conscious. Make choices in the right direction. They all add up. The math works: Whole food, no added oil, plant based eating plus exercise = better health and weight loss. Adding fats, refined foods and lack of exercise adds pounds and ill health.

Enough prattle - need to get some cleaning accomplished before a swim.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:18 am
by BHealthy
It's been a few days since I've written in my log. I'm now into my 4th week back with the program and doing well.

I'm incredibly wiped out by the extremely hot weather day and night, but I'm getting those water workouts in at night. It feels great.

I'm still retaining lots of fluids - darn it all - but it should be easier to get rid of when the weather cools off - in a few days I hope.

Today I got on my scale that says E if I weigh over 399. I was hoping for some magic, but alas - it still says E. This time last year I weighed 325. My mind visits that weight and reminds me I'd be in the mid to low 200s now if I'd been McDougalling this past year. But I wasn't McDougalling and now I am working out of that 100 pound weight gain from last year.

Time is going along no matter what - at least I am eating wisely and exercising during that time now and plan to for the rest of my time. Right now - I am doing it and that is enough to hold onto. Be in this moment - the moments will soon add up to reaching a goal and the lifestyle will become habitual in that time. That really is the goal.

Overeating - emotional overeating is something I may continue to do. I don't really know. But at least I can overreat some foods that are good for me instead of junk if I consciously decide to do that. I know that urge will come up again and again - use food to go numb or to feel comfort - and I may still do that with mashed potatoes or corn chowder or some other McDougall friendly foods.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to address emotional issues in other ways - exercise, meditation, self-talk/problem solving with friends instead of using food, but that training is going to take a lot of time to become habit. Lots of practice and learning. Right now the goal is to eat and exercise in the lifestyle I choose and lose weight as a wondeful result.

Once again I post a link to an important website for anyone who needs to protect their hands: If you need a good laugh, check out the youtube clip or buy a pair in time for gardening or winter weather.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:39 am
by sksamboots
Hi Bea,

I think it's wonderful that you are so reflective. I think being reflective will help prevent things in the long run, maybe a binge? It's good to process things even though it is hard and sometimes tiresome. Thanks for sharing :)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:19 pm
by Anna Green
Yes Bea, I appreciate your generosity in sharing. It helps me too and I am hopeful that it helps you as well. Good for you on the eating and exercise. I love reading about your success.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:57 pm
by BHealthy
sksamboots - I find it helpful to read what other people are learning through their reflections. I just have to be careful to keep taking action in the forefront and reflect after. Thanks for the visit!

Anna - thanks for your supportive words. I learn alot reading other journals and learing about their successes. It's just inspiring.

It was horribly hot here today - over 103 which is very hot for an area where most of us do not have air conditioning. Oh, my gosh. Thank goodness I can use the pool tonight when it's in the 80s. Last night there was a gentle, very very tiny breeze - but oh, how we appreciated it!

Okay, I'm ready for autumn.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:29 pm
by sksamboots
hope it cools off for you :) Enjoy the pool

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:26 am
by BHealthy
Due to a major headache last night I couldn't swim but did go this morning at 5:00. I felt like Forest Gump - a crow flew over and one of its feathers slowly zig-zagged its way down to the pool, landing right in front of me. Swim, Forest, Swwwiiiiim! I was able to get out of the pool without help this morning so I'm thinking I should be able to do the same if I swim tonight.

Today I hope to get weighed at the sleep doc's office - but due to a mix-up with records not getting sent I may not. I will head to Whole Foods, though and get lots more veggies, fruits and especially greens. I plan to listen to some McDougall DVDs while cleaning the kitchen. I wish they would sell CDs of lectures because I'd like listening to them while sewing, cooking and falling asleep. Good brain retraining while sleeping, too.

Unfortunately, sksamboots, they've changed the weather forecast and are predicting more hot weather instead of cooling in the next few days. Spare me! Businesses are closing early, hotels -motels-movie theaters and malls are full - we just don't have this kind of heat around here so most places do not have air-conditioning. My home being one of those places :shock: Guess we should get ready. It looks like global warming is here to stay.

You're doing sooooo well, BHealthy.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:52 am
by Ege Bamyasi
I know you're in a hurry to get at least to where you can easily track your weight. Not having a scale is tough. My old insurance bought me one and as far as I'm concerned it's about one of the only things they did right.

Those workouts you're doing in the pool sound awesome. I'd be right there doing something similar in our own pools but because of my leg there's just no way. Now that you can get out of the pool by yourself that really shows that you are gaining strength and releasing weight. I will continue to cheer for your scale to quit showing the E. I bet that day is coming sooner than you think.

Your diet sounds great too, and no doubt the recorded lectures are really helping reinforce the proper values. I'm looking forward to buying one of the big packages of them in the next month or two. You just can't learn enough or have enough positive reinforcement from true experts on this stuff.

Keep up the great work, and try and stay cool. I know it ain't easy for many of us lately.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:07 am
by sksamboots
Yikes, you got up for the pool so early--what an accomplishment! :)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:58 pm
by Letha.
Hi Bea,
Sounds like swimming is going to be a frequently used tool in your weight loss toolbox. Good for you. I know McDougall used to sell CD lectures because I remember listening to a set of them in the car commuting to work 5+ years ago. But I don’t see them in the on-line store. Hummmmmm