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Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:17 pm
by nomikins
Go get some sodium citrate. That will blast it right outta ya! :eek:

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:59 pm
by CJJ
and are you speaking from experience??? :?

Do I want to even try it??? And what IS it???

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:05 pm
by amyla51
Hope you are feeling better. At the 10 day program, Dr. McDougall had flax seed (whole) on the breakfast table to put on oatmeal for those who were having digestive issues like yours. (I use ground flax every morning to help lower my cholesterol.)
I read your first post about wanting to go to the 10 day program. When I went in January, there were 24 of us, including 2 couples. Those of us who were not with spouses did not feel lonely--way too busy! But I found myself wishing my DH was there, to get all the information! And to meet all the great people. Mary McDougall thought it was funny when I met her the first night, and told her that she and the doctor were like rock stars to us! 8)
If you can swing it, it is DEFINITELY worth every penny. Even though I strayed over the summer, I still feel like I have the tools to come back.
You are doing great! Keep it up.

Amy in NH :)

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:10 am
by nomikins
CJJ wrote:and are you speaking from experience??? :?

Do I want to even try it??? And what IS it???

My hubby used it once, many years ago. He had an acute case of constipation and was very uncomfortable. We picked up a bottle of solution from a drug store, and drank half of it (about four to six ounces, I guess). It worked VERY quickly.
Sodium citrate and sorbitol are known as 'osmotic laxatives'. They work by causing water to be drawn into the lower bowel. This increases the water content and volume of the stools, making them softer and easier to pass, therefore relieving constipation.

Check with the pharmacist to make sure it's right for you. There are always suppositories as well.

Good luck.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:55 am
by CJJ
I am not THAT desperate yet. :? I have had a few advances in that area since yesterday afternoon. Thanks for the info though and I will keep it in mind.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:57 am
by CJJ
Monday, Monday 10/25

L-brown rice, black beans, salsa
D-hash browns with red pepper,onion,cilantro. Mixed greens salad with oil free dressing.

Went to an event at church that had a dessert buffet. I was not tempted by anything. For one I was satisfied from dinner, secondly I had flossed and brushed my teeth before going and third - nothing looked that appetizing to me. :eek:

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:01 pm
by CJJ

ugh, awoke again at 5:15. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??? I had taken a Tylenol PM about midnight after I had tossed and turned for abouty 45 minutes and had a slight headache. I did go back to sleep for awhile but then hubby seemed especially noisy in the kitchen this morning (our bedroom is RIGHT NEXT TO THE KITCHEN - stupid house designer :mad: ). So I am up, and dressed but have a headache and feel I need more sleep. We'll see how the day goes as far as getting on the treadmill.


Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:13 am
by CJJ
I was gone ALL day yesterday! BUT I was able to manage to stay on MWL for the day. SWEET!!

I told my friend that I was NOT going to have lunch while we were out (NO Costco Hot dogs!!!) and she was fine with that as she is on a portion control-food delivered to your house diet. :?

D-romaine,brown rice,black beans,salsa. Green smoothie.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:14 am
by ETeSelle
Just a comment . . . doesn't look to me as if you're eating enough veggies, esp. dark leafies. Increasing your veggie intake will be good for you, increase weight loss, and help w/ the constipation. :)

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:44 am
by CJJ
I would have to agree with you!!

Although I did have quite a bit of romaine yesterday, the large amount of pico de gallo/salsa and there was a good amount of spinach in the smoothie.

I'm not too creative with the veggies unless they are included IN something. The split pea soup that I made had onion, carrot,celery,potato. :?

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:56 am
by ETeSelle
Do you have Jeff's new Fast Food DVD? It will get the veggies into you in 10 min. It's a really great DVD and I highly recommend it.

Romaine really doesn't have much nutrition. By dark leafies we mean collard greens, mustard greens, spinach, turnip greens, etc. :)

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:15 pm
by CJJ
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh (or do I mean ewwwwwwwwwww??? :lol: )

Those would all be new to me. Kale has been consumed here in limited quantities and I thought that was news worthy. :D

I do not have that video.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:05 pm
by ETeSelle
I HIGHLY recommend it. I've been cooking more or less this way for ages, but the way Jeff explains it makes it BEYOND easy for anyone to do. And he has you toss some leafy greens into pretty much everything he makes--no way you'll not eat enough! I hadn't eaten them much until the last few months but (1) turns out I like them and (2) in small amounts you can't really taste them anyway b/c of all the other stuff.

Here's info on the DVD: ... cts_id=419

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:08 pm
by CJJ
Thanks for the link. I'll look into it.

Re: CJJ's Journal - beginning 9/30/2010

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:30 pm
by janluvs2heel
ETeSelle wrote:Romaine really doesn't have much nutrition. By dark leafies we mean collard greens, mustard greens, spinach, turnip greens, etc. :)

I agree about the lettuce but I get plenty of green nutrition & refuse to eat collard, mustard, turnip greens. I do eat a lot of spinach & broccoli & zucchini. I tried those others but no way jose!! Not going there, doing that again. :shock: :shock:
