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Re: Back on Track and Staying there

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:57 pm
by luvdachiess
Yikes!! No I did not know I skipped a day. I have to leave in a few, but I will figure it out tonight and fix it. Thanks for keeping tabs on me. =)

Re: Back on Track and Staying there

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:41 pm
by luvdachiess
Ok so I got to say I don't know anything about the numbers. So give me some ranges that they should be in and what happens when they are to high or to low. I remember you telling your numbers before surgery, but I honestly did not know what they meant. =)

I hope you do start feeling better. I have made it past my feeling tired all the time. I think mine was caused from Menopause, but done with that so I have been able to stop being so tired. I get about 6 hours sleep a night and I am pretty good to go. Of course I would love to get more, but my work just keeps getting in the way. =)

I remember when I just had one baby at home, we had so much fun just the two of us. I kind of feel sorry for the middle child. My oldest and I had alot of fun when she was the only one, then the middle one came along and of course the 3 of us had fun, but it was always shared. Then the two older ones were off to school and I only had my baby. That all said they are now 30, 28 and 25 and the 30 year old has a baby of her own now. He is such a sweetheart too. But at 2.5 years old we are waiting on the terrible 2's to hit!! :unibrow:

So this week has been a busy one as last week was as well. Next week looks to be a bit slower and then the last 2 weeks of August are killers again. =) But the good thing is we now have health insurance!! :shock: My hubby was laid off in January and has been doing contract work, but that does not come with insurance. So I have now become full time at my job so I can provide the health insurance for both of us. That is a relief!!

Well, another long day tomorrow so I will go log in what I have had today and go to bed. =)

Hope you wake up and feel rested tomorrow. =)

Re: Back on Track and Staying there

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:13 pm
by luvdachiess
I understand! I have been there and done that as far as getting kiddo's in school. It was always bitter sweet, glad to actually have some time to get done what I needed to get done, but wow summer is over where did it go. And the last thing is darn I have to get up early again. =) But like I said I am way past that now.

My days have been pretty good, but not great!! When I say not great, I have been having some processed food as well. I have a friend that is vegan and she is always eating Boca Burgers and when I talk with her I always think, yeah I want a Boca Burger too. Today I was thinking I really should make some of the Burgers you have been making, but I have to have time to get it done. Maybe tomorrow. Sounds like a plan to me. =)

But really I have been eating pretty well so I am pretty happy with it. I have not weighed since last Friday, so I hope the scale is my friend tomorrow. We will see. One thing I do notice is when I have a Boca they have a lot of salt and I retain for a day or two. But it was Tuesday that I had it so hopefully it will be good. I need to be down .4 before my weight starts counting as a loss.

Got to go!! Talk with ya later. =)

Re: Back on Track and Staying there

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:43 pm
by luvdachiess

What happened to you? I have not seen you post here for a few days. I know I got behind as well, but you are farther behind then me. You still doing ok? Miss you!