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Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:01 am
by SunshineDay
Ha-ha, indeed Chile...! ;-) And yes, I'm especially liking them at the moment as oven-baked wedges/fries. These are just tasting really yummy to me right now -- I could easily eat them everyday...! And it's good too that our weather has finally cooled off to allow me to fire up the oven as often as I have been all this past week -- doing so previously with the heat and all would have driven us right out of the house. Not worth it even for delectable oven fries. In any case, we were going to try to make our last shopping trip last for two weeks again, but it's clear I'll have to fetch more potatoes before that -- I've gone through the better part of a ten pound bag just this past week....!

My food update for yesterday:

B: Leftover oven fries of course, what else? ;-) Polished those off, and then later snacked on the last two small potatoes I'd nuked the night before, topped with salsa. Also 1/2 piece (which amounts to about 2" x 2.5" x .5") of homemade tofu jerky

L: For lunch, around 1:00 o'clock, I cooked up a big mess of greens -- consisting of a bag of frozen collard greens, and 1/2 a bag of frozen spinach, by sauteeing them with chopped onion and garlic (no oil). I had a few big servings of this -- then went on to make myself a bit of banana 'shake', whereby I blended one small ripe banana with a handful of frozen banana chunks, a pinch of stevia, cocoa powder, and water. After consuming that (which was delightful, btw) my appetite just seemed to totally shut off...! Kind of weird really, but I went with it, because aside from a bit of orange juice toward the evening I just wasn't hungry or motivated to eat for the rest of the day...

yesterday's exercise: Two mile walk with DH to and from our favorite little mom-n-pop video rental shop (and where I happened to snag that 'Forks over Knives' documentary I've been hearing so much about...)...

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:18 am
by SunshineDay
Well? I didn't really intend to be doing 'Mary's Mini' when i first started the Challenge... but in the last several days, by default it sure sort of looks that way ;-) ...

My food update for yesterday:

B: Skipped it, not intentionally, but woke up late and got involved in some online stuff before making my way downstairs (still wasn't that hungry anyway). Finally broke my long fast around 11:30 a.m. with a few bites of cold leftover cooked collard and a small banana on my way out the door to drop my daughter off somewhere.

L: Made up a sheet of oven-baked potato-wedges, snacking on them for the rest of the day.... A bit of orange juice.

D: The remainder of the potatoes and the cooked collard.

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:36 am
by Chile
That is funny that you're unintentionally doing a Mary's Mini. And I totally agree with going with whatever your hunger is doing. Some days, I've eaten fairly little. Other days, it feels like I'm eating like a bear getting ready to hibernate. The scale keeps inching down, though, so my body must be on to somethin'!

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:56 am
by SunshineDay
Thanks Chile -- indeed, not sure exactly what's been going on these last few days, but I've been oddly (and uncharacteristically) unhungry. Very unlike me -- but whatever, I'll just brace myself for when it flips and I'm back to wanting to eat like a lumberjack again ;-) ....

In any case, today is the 21st of the month, which means three weeks being on the program, wah-hoo...! It's really gone by quickly, and, I'm happy to report that it's all still going well. The last couple of days were busy for me, and I didn't have a chance to check in, but here's a re-cap:

Monday was my DD's birthday. It was a day that I knew would be coming up when I committed to the challenge, and all this time wondering how exactly I would go about it. I knew we would be ordering my daughter's favorite take-out pizza, buying soda (which I never buy for the home except for b-days), and chips -- plus I would be making a cake and purchasing ice cream in her choice of flavors. So I was wondering just how I was going to handle all this -- would I just throw caution to the wind and declare it a special occasion 'feast day', remain strictly on plan -- or, perhaps something in between?

As it turns out, I'd say the day went relatively well. There were some compromises -- I did sample the chips (which turned out way too salty to me and not even good) and I did go ahead and indulge in a bit of the pizza (asking for a quarter of the veggie pizza to have the cheese left off when ordering -- but have no idea of the oil content otherwise). I did have a taste of the soda (Sierra Mist), mixing a small bit in with my apple juice for a carbonated effect (which is madness really because I don't even care for pop and almost never drink it!). But none of the 'cheesy breadstick' appetizer, nor any cake or ice cream either. Plus none of the candy that she'd received in the mail as a gift from her brother and offered me to try. Having my few pieces of cheeseless pizza felt like I was part of the party --as for the rest I really didn't miss it (and I do think the recent decrease in my appetite, for whatever reason, helped in that regard). And happily I'm holding my own too with all these leftovers about -- pizza and cake and ice cream and all the trimmings....

Otherwise I've just been pretty much sticking to the SO-SO (same old, same old). Still eating potatoes -- yesterday was my day to pack my lunch, which was a corn/flour tortilla I topped with chili beans, chopped baked potato, warmed up frozen corn, and lettuce (all topped with hot sauce). Very tasty and hit the spot.

My food update for today:

B: Some leftover baked potato. And soon I'm going to have a banana.

In other good news, I was asked yesterday by a friend if I'd lost weight. Yay! Must indicate that it's noticeable on some level, and it was a really good feeling :-). I mean I know I have lost something by now according to all my little signs and signals, still it's very encouraging to have that kind of confirmation....

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:09 pm
by SunshineDay
Lunch today really hit the spot. I wouldn't say I'm tired of potatoes, but I did feel like a change. And so I had a lunch of hot brown rice mixed with frozen corn (warmed up), topped with garlic chili paste and a wee piece of homemade tofu jerky cut up and mixed in.

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:49 pm
by Chile
Good job on handling the birthday temptations! On the salty chip, I've noticed the same thing with many prepared foods ad even restaurant food. I use very little salt at home so almost anything somebody else has made tastes too salty to me now.

Texture was the one hangup I had when I did the Mary's Mini. Potatoes taste good but they are soft. I wanted something chewier halfway through. Pasta, brown rice, anything!

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:02 pm
by eri
Hey sunny how do you make your home dried apples? I have half a bag of galas I need to use up.

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:38 pm
by SunshineDay
Thanks, Chile! Indeed, I'm being more mindful of the salt nowadays -- though I'm still occasionally dousing my food in Vietnamese garlic chili sauce, or Sriracha, or giving it a spray of Braggs, and I know all of these things are pretty sal-tay.... Even still though I do think my tastebuds are adjusting, because those chips...ew...

And Eri -- for sure the dehydrating is pretty easy to do in the oven. I did get a dehydrator for my birthday last year, and used that for batches last fall, but before that I just did it in the oven, which was a simple matter of drying them out (after peeling and cutting them into thing slices) in the oven at the lowest possible setting. When the slices are thin it's pretty quick work, and you could have half a bag done in no time ;-). Also in your case, I might be inclined to also make applesauce, and then freeze it -- but at any rate, thanks Eri, and good luck with the apples!

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:55 pm
by SunshineDay
Well..? It's day 22 of the September Challenge, and...duh duh duh DAH...! I am officially in my formerly retired Khakis....! These were jeans that did not fit at all whatsoever this past spring (or even last month) -- I mean no amount of sucking in, coaxing or lying down would have had them zipping, none, nada, zilch. They were stuffed deep in a drawer, abandoned and unwearable. Yet today they are fitting just as comfy as you please -- even while sitting. Been wearing them all day -- and it's a great feeling! :-)....

My food update:


My lunch of brown rice and frozen corn tasted pretty darn good and really hit the spot, so much so that I insisted on a command performance for dinner last night (adding brussels sprouts and some butternut squash I baked the other day).


B: I made a smoothie of fresh banana blended with frozen banana, frozen mango and water. I thought that's what i had a taste for, but upon drinking it I could only finish about half.

L: More brown rice with frozen corn, brussels sprouts and baked squash.

S: The leftover smoothie was staring me in the face everytime I oped the fridge -- so I doctored it up, re-blending it with a little cocoa powder, a teeny bit of maple syrup and vanilla extract. It was...edible -- but any rate I was able to finish it (a good thing because I hate wasting food)....

D: Not sure yet -- maybe potatoes? But whatever i do, I want to make sure to eat hearty as it's my night to go over to my folks to watch my program -- much easier to resist any potential snacks my mom might offer if I am not hungry ;-)....

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:36 am
by SunshineDay
Survived my TV night last evening at my folks (after a dinner here of potatoes topped with chili beans and salsa). My mom did have goodies, plus my college age niece happened to be there borrowing my parents' oven to bake dozens of cookies for a dormitory event, cookies for me (beyond one microscopic nibble. I seem to be okay if I can just TASTE things -- I just want to know what they TASTE like, and if I can just do that, then it seems to be enough and I can leave them alone). Instead, I enjoyed a locally grown apple and glass of apple cider -- PLUS...some leftover seasoned brussels sprouts that I found in my mom's fridge. These may well have had some oil of some sort on them, but in light of the ice cream, cake and cookies scattered about that I WASN'T eating I can't say I felt too terribly sinful about it ;-)....

For breakfast this morning I warmed up a bowl of leftover brown rice, frozen corn and brussels sprouts (I happened to love them), topped with Garlic Chili Sauce, and a spray of Braggs.

Off to the gym in a few minutes....

To note: On the health front, I can say I'm noticing much more energy on my part lately than I did for most of the summer. Especially last month -- just waking up tired, not at all refreshed, and then going on to actually take naps during the day. I hate taking naps! But I was just compelled to do so thanks to feeling so hopelessly tired and drowsy by mid-day. Last month was especially bad in that regard -- and yet I'm realizing I haven't felt like that at ALL lately. Admittedly this could also have something to do with the break in our local weather and the current, more Autumn-like conditions -- hot weather (particularly hot humid weather) makes me wilt and totally saps my energy. So I don't know what's attributable exactly (diet, or climate? -- perhaps maybe a bit of both?) but whatever it is, I'm grateful for the change....!

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:43 am
by Chile
More energy is good! Fitting into smaller clothes is also good! Compliance has rewards, doesn't it? :)

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:14 am
by SunshineDay
Thanks Chile -- yes it does indeed have its rewards :-D . And may I just say thanks again for instigating this Challenge? It's just what I needed to get myself back on the straight and narrow, after pretty much trying to get on the bandwagon all summer. It's so nice to have my head in the right place again!

Anyway, food update for yesterday and so far today:

Yesterday's highlights include a raw turnip, which I sliced and ate dipped in honey-mustard. Dinner was baked oven fries, plus acorn squash which I baked differently this time around. I've always cut acorn squash in half and de-seeded before baking -- but yesterday I stabbed an acorn squash a few times with a knife, then baked it whole. Wow, was it really delicious! The texture was so creamy, and the flavor so good. It was just plain easier too, so it will likely be my go-to method for baking acorn squash, maybe even all squash, from now on.... (also consumed yesterday were a few illicit bites of my daughter's canned indian food -- I do kind of love that stuff)....

Today for breakfast I munched on leftover oven fries and squash.

Now, I'm not ordinarily much of a social butterfly, being as I am a bit of a homebody of sorts, by choice -- perfectly happy to putz around the house just doing my thing. I do have a number of close, long-term buddies however, and as luck would have it, several of them have requested my company this week. And at restaurants no less. I mean I actually rarely eat out, and yet here are three restaurant meals staring me in the face in the next 5 days! Not exactly sure how this all came about, but in any case, I know it's best to be thinking ahead....

Tonight, if things works out (it's tentative), I am to be meeting a friend at the restaurant 'Ruby Tuesday', a national chain ( She and I have eaten there several times in the past -- they have a decent salad bar, and that's always what I've gotten, and just figured I would tonight too. But, checking out their online menu just now, I see that they've made a number of changes to their menu that look to my eyes not merely more vegetarian friendly overall, but heck, actually MCDOUGALL friendly. They are now offering something called 'The Veggie Trio and Garden Bar' -- whereby you can order three separate 'Sides' in addition to their salad bar. The Sides include things like Grilled Zucchini, Roasted Spaghetti Squash (wha???), Baked Potato, Grilled Green Beans, Fresh Steam Broccoli. Wow! Assuming these items can for sure be ordered without oil/butter, etc (will check beforehand, and if not I will just stick with the Salad Bar option) it sounds like something right up my alley...! So that's the plan tonight (still tentative at this point, but we'll see)...

Next I am to be going out with another group of friends on Tuesday night, to a local Asian restaurant. I will be looking at the menu online too -- but am not too worried, as in my experience Asian is usually pretty easy to order from.... Then I am to be meeting yet another friend on Wednesday for lunch, and it is my intention to suggest a local Thai restaurant, were I can order more Green Papaya Salad....

So, we shall see how that all pans out...

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:39 pm
by Chile
You're planning ahead for your meals out and that is very smart. It's when people just decide to wing it that they often get in trouble, especially if they go to the restaurant hungry and/or with someone who is not supportive of them choosing to take care of their health. Be sure to post how it goes.

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:41 pm
by Chile
PS: raw turnip - ick! The only turnips I can stand, cooked or raw, are white hakurei turnips. They are small and sweet, nothing at all like the nasty purple top turnips sold in stores. But don't let my opinion put you off your turnips. ;-)

Re: SunshineDay's Diary: 'Nothin' but Blue Skies....".

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:02 am
by SunshineDay
Thanks, Chile -- and ha! Yes, I'm a little weird like that ;-). I'm just mad about veggies, all veggies, any veggie -- even the strongest tasting ones....! The ONLY 'veggie' I ever find myself having to really choke down, is that gelatinous, chewy Black Fungus sometimes found in chinese food. Oh dear me. And I actually adore mushrooms, so who knows what's up with that...!

Thanks also for the note about planning ahead in regards to special occasions, Chile -- I definitely now realize it's the only way to go! (and I'm NOT a natural-born planner, so that's saying something ;-)...).... As for last Saturday night, at the end of the day the stars did not align themselves, and my tentative plans ended up postponed. Which, while of course I would have enjoyed the social time with my friend, was actually fine with me because when it comes down to it..., I just don't really feel the need right now at this tender stage to put myself in situations that test my resolve, KWIM? Especially in light of having two other 'tests' this week alone. It's just that it took sooooo long (like, pretty much the whole summer) to talk myself back into this proper head space/mindset (and unfortunately, know only too well from personal experience just how easy it can be to lose that Grip!). Anyway, she's a good buddy -- we'll be trying it again soon enough....(and instead of going out to eat Saturday night, I ended up taking a 4 kilometer walk with DH and my dog, enjoying the lovely Fall evening weather)...

As for my food update for yesterday (Sunday):

B: Skipped by default. With all my morning putzing I just didn't get around into the kitchen before noon.

L: Potatoes O'Brien: using fat-free O'Brien frozen potatoes, plus onion and green pepper I steam-'fried' in water... 2 prunes. Some grape juice. A bit of leftover baked butternut squash.

S: At my folks: 1 apple, 1 small bite of my mom's biscuits, one small bite of a dessert that was likely vegan but I know had tons of peanut butter and sugar, a smidge of butternut squash (would have eaten more, but I'd had some at home). 2 small pieces of candied ginger. Half a glass of orange juice.

S: Back home after reading Chile's post yesterday afternoon about Burritos, I suddenly found myself wanting (needing?)....take a guess. Indeed, a burrito!!!! (funny how those triggers work, heh.) With no tortillas on hand (a good thing ;-)..) I just warmed up a bit of canned fat-free refried beans with leftover brown rice and topped with hot sauce. Hit the spot :-)....

D: Pizza Night!!! Homemade thin, white crust (no ww flour on hand) to which I tried boosting the nutritional content with additional oat bran and ground flax. Veggie toppings with that pesky cheap oil-containing sauce (oh well), and I asked for my portion without cheese. And I ate ALL 'my' slices -- which amounted to 4 or 5. I was hungry for one thing, but I also just wanted it all 'gone' (now there are leftovers in the fridge today, but I wont even look at them knowing there is nothing in those containers for me).... A bit of apple juice...